Downtown Los Angeles Loft Professionals: Cleaners, Home Improvement Contractors, Inspection, Lenders, Real Estate Agents

Downtown L.A. Directory:  Housekeepers, Home Inspection, Lenders, Agents and Attorneys  #dtla #loft #directory

Downtown L.A. lofts present special challenges and opportunities for owners, residents and home sellers due to their unique industrial, historic and commercial attributes. Large open spaces with high ceilings exposed plumbing are common. The physical and legal requirements can quite often differ from a suburban house. Below is a list of Downtown LA loft specialist janitors, home remodeling companies, home inspectors, mortgage loan and Realtors who can help loft home buyers, sellers, renters landlords.

Downtown Los Angeles Historic Lofts Professional Services
Downtown Los Angeles Historic Lofts Professional Services

Loft Cleaners:
Lety the Loft Cleaner 323-239-6147

Home Improvement Contractors:
DC Keeton 213-232-4783

Home Inspection Companies:
LaRocca Home Inspection 818-951-1795
Prime Home Inspection 310-869-5781

Loft Lenders: 
Karen Chiu 626 437-4481

Real Estate Attorneys:
DWIGHT M. MONTGOMERY 700 East Redlands Boulevard Suite U/350, Redlands, California 92373  909-809-5859

Richard “Tag” Hoefflin, Attorney at Law, HOEFFLIN BURROWS, A Law Corporation, 2659 Townsgate Rd # 232 805-497-8605

Realtors, Agents, Brokers:
Corey Chambers 213-880-9910

Get a free list of Mills Act historic lofts for sale with property tax benefits. Fill out the online form:


Lofts For Sale Map Homes For Sale Los Angeles

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Loft cleaners, janitorial, maids, housekeeper and other loft specialist pros
Loft cleaners, janitorial, maids, housekeeper and other loft specialist pros

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.

Real Estate Agents Downtown LA  #agents #dtla

Downtown Los Angeles Loft and Condo Specialist Realtors, Brokers and Professionals


Downtown Real Estate Agent Directory  –

The L.A. Loft Blog team gets up to 100 calls a day from excited prospective new urbanites who are moving or would like to move to the most exciting place on Earth, Downtown Los Angeles. See the Entar 5-Star Downtown LA Real Estate Professional Directory at Here is the LA Loft Blog list of Downtown specialist real estate agents:

corey-chambers-downtown-los-angeles-cCorey Chambers  213-880-9910  EMAIL
L.A. Loft Blog 323-352-3838  EMAIL
Paula Samuel  310-795-1261  EMAIL
Yuri Huxley  310-869-2655  EMAIL
Brittany Brimmer  310-748-7905  EMAIL
Brian Heffernan  619-316-4412  EMAIL
Daniel Weber 310-890-7101  EMAIL
Kerry Marsico 213-700-6515  EMAIL
Liz Gottainer 213-393-2209  EMAIL
Wayne Willbur 213-500-0254  EMAIL
Evan Fujii  213-422-3368  EMAIL
Russell Chan 213-629-2530  EMAIL
Jeremy Triggs 323-836.3914  EMAIL
Bill Cooper 213.598.7555  EMAIL
Caroline Choi  323-572-3112  EMAIL
Christiano Sampaio  213-254-5638  EMAIL
Jessica Robertson  213-249-5760  EMAIL
Agnes Ferreyra 213-394-5278  EMAIL
brittany-open-house-3-ee copyChase Pennington  512-207-0244 EMAIL
Jonathan Yuen  650-346-5519  EMAIL
Ray Lee  213-448-0957  EMAIL
Roxanna Godinez  213-706-9016  EMAIL
Drew Panico  323-841-0381   EMAIL
Laura Silver 818-815-1515  EMAIL
Wilfredo Navarro  213-399-3678   EMAIL
Anh Tran  310-430-1312  EMAIL
Michael Ferguson 213-718-3019   EMAIL
Allyson Connolly  215-205-1620   EMAIL
Thomas Alexander 310-836-8690  EMAIL
Randell Green 213-254-7626  EMAIL

Downtown specialist real estate agents may request to be included in the directory at no cost.  Call (213) 880-9910


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SEARCH LOFTS FOR SALE UNDER $400,000  |  $800,000,  |   $30,000,000
Browse by Building  |  Neighborhood  |  Size  |  Bedrooms  |  Pets  |  Parking


Agents are associated with various brokers. Contact individual agents for broker information.  This information provided courtesy Corey Chambers BRE#01889449 Realty Source Inc