More Sellers than Buyers for Downtown Los Angeles Lofts and Condos – How Soon?

Market and Housing Forecast for #DTLA #RealEstate

In a recent real estate poll, fewer buyers said that now was a good time to buy, while more sellers felt that now was the best time to sell.  This marks a notable shift in the market. Is now best time to buy, sell or rent a loft, condo or apartment in Downtown Los Angeles?


The L.A. Loft Blog, the authority in Downtown real estate, was the first to report in 2011 that the buying wave was coming.  Those who purchased in 2011/2012 gained an incredible amount of wealth in the form of home equity. The average Downtown homeowner who purchased at that time gained several hundred thousand dollars of equity within just a few years.  This is an incredible transfer of wealth.  Today is a very different story.

U.S. to Follow Japan’s Economic Model

Today, the L.A. Loft Blog is the first to announce that this is the beginning of a NORMAL market. Normal can be difficult to understand, so here is what that means: There will be no dramatic transfer of wealth any time soon. Prices will likely remain largely stable over the next several years. While would-be buyers may feel that the market is making them feel nervous, the reality is that many buyers normally feel scared in a normal real estate market because it is such a major purchase, and because the buying process is a major life event for most. For 2016/2017, buyers can expect a good return on their investment, which, for Downtown, means to expect an above-average gain. Sellers can expect normal results of their sale.  Seller who wait for several years will be rewarded.

arts-district-beacon-lofts-pocket-jAs for those would-be buyers who are waiting for a big price drop before they buy — they will likely be disappointed.  And as for sellers who believe they can cash in now before the next big price drop, they will do OK, but selling now is not going to lead them to a winning euphoria. In fact, we will likely see several unexpected small run-ups in prices before we ever see a huge drop in prices again.  Our economy has been following Japan’s model recently. Since the U.S. is following Japan’s lead in economics lately, Japan’s recent market could be our best glimpse in to the future of our real estate market. This model shows a coming large run-up in metropolitan home prices.

In Downtown Los Angeles, the most exciting place on Earth, the housing market will remain tight. To be successful, buyers must beat out all of the many other other buyers to the best deals. Prospective buyers can get free access to bargains, unlisted homes and powerful technology at

Renters are still flooding into Downtown as DTLA has surpassed a half million jobs, and could be headed to one million jobs if the economy remains on the right track for a while.

2016 is the year to buy according to CNN:

The biggest discrepancy in CNN’s article is interest rates.  The U.S. seems to be following Japan’s ultra-long-term experiment on government-instituted super-low interest rates. That has resulted in a stagnant economy, but surprisingly buoyant real estate prices. When investors can’t get results from other investments, they will turn to real estate.

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Here is the real #1 reason to buy for those who find that they like living in Downtown Los Angeles:

findoutwhat-1041 copyFollowing the L.A. Loft Blog’s NORMAL market call, there is an abnormally high rental demand in DTLA.  Despite dozens of new rental developments popping up, everything is pretty much full — the coming Garey Building recently reported 94% filled to capacity while under construction — before it even showed any model apartments for rent.

Look for rents to go UP, UP and UP!  As for rent prices in Downtown L.A., the sky is the limit.

Of course, all this talk about economics, the dismal science, puts even fewer people in the mood to buy, and even more in the mood to sell. Find out how much your Downtown home is worth at



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How to Take Advantage of a Down Real Estate Market

As the Chinese economy plummets, the U.S. starts off 2016 on the wrong foot as American stocks kick off 2016 with 400-point plunge. Now is the time to think about the economics of Downtown real estate and what that means for buying and selling Downtown properties.

Industrial Lofts in Downtown Los Angeles
Lofts For Sale In DTLA


We’ve experienced unusually quick growth of price values in Downtown Los Angeles over the past 4 years.  The L.A. Loft Blog, the authority of Downtown real estate, was the first to help this process by discussing the huge gains that buyers would be receiving in return for their foresight.  Homeowners, home buyers and the L.A. Loft Blog have prospered. Now that we are in nearly the reverse situation, many are concerned that home prices may drop in the near future.  Will Downtown condo and loft values drop soon? We will continue to benefit by taking time to see future possibilities.

First of all, there is no reason to expect a quick decline of Downtown real estate prices any time soon.  Prices usually drop the most sharply immediately after the public displays unsubstantiated confidence.  China is the most excellent example of unsubstantiated confidence.  Many Chinese falsely believed (and even some American financial journalists believed) that China’s economy could only improve and could not drop sharply because the “communist government controls would take action to prevent a steep decline”.  This type of thinking is not only wrong, but also causes a huge bubble that will burst from any substantial catalyst. China is today getting its big recession that was destined to come. The L.A. Loft Blog reminds everyone that up and down cycles will always happen, and the long term trend for real estate is always upward.

The long term trend for Downtown real estate is up, way up!  The L.A. Loft Blog is in the enviable position of seeing and hearing what home buyers and sellers are thinking and doing every day.  A large percentage of would-be homebuyers have remained cautious due to the home value drops of 2007-2010. Prospective home buyers have largely remained cautious through the upswing from 2011 to today. In the past year, Downtown home values increased another 8%. This caution, combined with rapid growth and rennaisance of Downtown, has created a very positive stability in Downtown home prices.

Downtown Los Angeles has many advantages over other American neighborhoods.  DTLA has received billions of dollars of improvements over the the past few years in the form of new Metro transportation, new residences, new shops, restaurants, hotels, entertainment and updated office buildings. Downtown was among the last neighborhoods to go down in value in 2009, and was then among the first American neighborhoods to quickly start rapidly gaining value just a couple years later.  In fact, Downtown is so different from the rest of the country, that listening to the mainstream news has proven to be counterproductive to taking advantage of Downtown real estate.  The national news and even the local news did not report promptly on the superior real estate performance of Downtown L.A. We can always count on the government and mainstream media to let us down when it comes to understanding the Downtown Los Angeles real estate market. Even the Downtown News failed to fully communicate the economic turnaround that was already happening for DTLA at the beginning of 2012.


View from Bartlet Loft Window


Downtown is today receiving a tremendous amount of positive physical pressure for upward home prices due to its remarkable urban turn-around, billions of dollars of new investments and infrastructure, massive influx of professionals and wealthy residents, and then add the trillions of dollars of federal quantitative easing to the mix.  Because we still have a healthy amount of pessimism and caution, the pressure on Downtown home prices remains balanced and upward.

After several years of rapid growth, and while things are so rosy for Downtown, now is precisely the time to start thinking about and to begin to prepare for the next big downturn in home values. We are unlikely to have a huge drop in Downtown prices for decades, but we can have softening at any time. Potential home buyers should be moderate and conservative in purchasing what they can afford, and potential home sellers should consider selling in the next few years while prices are up. An 8% price increase pressure seems to be sticking. Because Downtown has above average prospects for growth, DTLA homeowners should only be selling today if they need the money, if they need to move or if they have other excellent prospects for investing their money. All Downtown homeowners should keep on top of the real value of their home with a free online home evaluation.

Local Real Estate Agent Guarantees to Sell Your Downtown Condo or Buy it for Cash Downtown

Los Angeles – Every month, thousands of homeowners are faced with the stressful dilemma of whether to buy first or sell first. You see, if you buy before selling, you could run the risk of owning two homes. Or, just as bad, if you sell first, you could end up homeless. It’s what insiders in the industry call the Real Estate Catch 22, and it’s an extremely anxious position to find yourself in. This financial and emotional tightrope is one you usually have to walk alone because most agents have no way of helping you with this predicament. But one local realtor is using a unique Guaranteed Sale Program which solves this dilemma. This program guarantees the sale of your present home before you take possession of your new one. If your home doesn’t sell in 120 days, they will buy it from you themselves for the previously agreed price ensuring that you never get caught in the Real Estate Catch 22. Before you hire any professional, you should research the market to find out who can do the best job for you. When interviewing agents, find out what kind of guarantee they are willing to give you with respect to the selling of your home. Unfortunately, you’ll find that most agents simply cannot make such a guarantee. To help you learn more about this program and how it can make your move less stressful, a FREE special report has been prepared entitled “How to Avoid Getting Stuck with Two Homes”. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1- 800-791-4541 and enter 1022. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how to guarantee the cash sale of your home.

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Historic Lofts in Downtown Los Angeles
Historic Lofts in Downtown Los Angeles

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.