The Truth about Real Estate in Los Angeles

Why is it so hard to find honest real estate news for a big, sprawling metropolitan area such as L.A.? #realestate #losangeles #market

We only know of about three resources that have provide timely, truthful information about such forbidden topics as falling real estate prices, crime, homeless tent encampments, pit bulls, 5G radiation and other prohibited LA topics. Those who bring up these subjects find themselves subjected to attacks including censorship, ridicule and deplatforming. Fortunately, there are a few media that we can count on who are not afraid to broach these subjects. In addition to leader L.A. Loft Blog (which was just threatened with legal action today for daring to write about a murder that occurred at Flower Street Lofts two years ago), The Real Deal (accurately reported on falling Downtown real estate market a year ago); and Bloomberg (confirmed previous news reported by the L.A. Loft Blog) are the only media that have recently reported the truth about tough topics like the declining Downtown real estate market, defaulting real estate developers and falling property prices. The Loft Blog will not hesitate to report about real estate related crime and event the skeletons in our own closet like financial issues that have plagued most Downtown real estate professionals recently in a marketplace that has shrunk by 75%. | VIDEO


Homeless Real Estate Agents

Being the entertainment capital of the world, it’s understandable that the community of Los Angeles will always be a local culture that’s extra sensitive to the audience, skillfully presenting media crafted in a way carefully designed to evoke a planned emotional response. The L.A. Loft Blog will always consider the audience, but will never put fake emotions or quick bucks above our responsibility and reputation for the truth. In an upcoming post, we will discuss today’s serious problems with real estate agents. Real estate salespersons are the last to ever admit their personal challenges. More than just business challenges, for some agents, it has led to recent cases of homelessness and even suicide.

Economic beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Falling real estate prices might be considered bad news in general, but it’s good news for today’s home buyers and tomorrow’s investors. The well-prepared, financially astute can always benefit from most any economic situation. Many investors rely on the big bargains uncovered during recessions in order to achieve their biggest expansions. As billionaire investors Warren Buffett succinctly puts it, “We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.” It may be difficult to tell which is which, so the L.A. Loft Blog clarifies to our readers that today, the financial news and stock market coverage tells us the truth: Others are GREEDY. The very smart readers of the LA Loft Blog know what to do: Get FEARFUL.

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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE 01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.

Billion Dollar Loft – How to Make Tons of Dough in Downtown Los Angele Real Estate

2018 Make a Billion Dollars in Downtown Los Angeles Real Estate

Make a Billion Dollars in Downtown Los Angeles Real Estate
Make a Billion Dollars in Downtown Los Angeles Real Estate

The Renaissance of Downtown Los Angeles Continues with Huge Benefits

Today, after more than $12 billion of new investment and renovation, the glimmering luster of DTLA is once again shining through.  The revitalization of Downtown is a powerful reminder that we can truly accomplish anything, as we are only limited by our own motivation.  We are empowered by our ability to believe. Place that motivation into action with lessons on how to make a billion dollars in real estate. #dtla #investment #millsact

Downtown is the place to do it:  The Los Angeles Metro rail system, along with the new home-building power of the Los Angeles Adaptive Re-Use Ordinance, gave a huge boost of momentum to Downtown’s rebirth.  Downtown has also benefited from taking advantage of the nationwide trend toward urbanization.

Along with ambitious plans, hard work and determination, thousands of fortunate, brave and savvy Downtown homeowners have gained hundreds of thousands of dollars of equity due to their foresight and willingness to take risks. Downtown has more than doubled in size since 2000. The dramatic profit opportunities have just begun.

Now that the Downtown real estate has stabilized with a massive infrastructural boost behind it, recent annual home price gains have also been stable for several years. Fortune continues to favor the bold while the nay-sayers lose out and the scaredy-cats are got left in the dust. The L.A. Loft Blog has helped countless Downtowners to make extreme gains in personal wealth for the last 6 years. After 2017’s extra huge run-up of stocks, bitcoin, home prices and other assets, it is time to plan for a coming plateau or downturn by liquidating some of the riskiest assets and holding plenty of cash and precious metals. This may be the last long term cycle to load up on cash as fiat currency will eventually suffer a shocking collapse, losing to decentralized cryptocurrencies

Because homeowners are doing so well with their Downtown real estate investments, it’s difficult to find bargains these days. But they do exist! Investors and would-be Downtowners can get a free list of Downtown distressed properties at Home buyers can also take out some of the risk with a Buyer Savings Guarantee, or Downtown buyers can reduce the risk on the investment with the Love Your Loft Guarantee.  Home sellers and buyers can find out what the loft down the street sold for at

Massive research combined with creativity has long been the key to making the most of Downtown during hard times, and new thinking is also the key to capitalizing on its current boom.  Artists have for decades turned ugly, nearly abandoned buildings into beautiful live-work spaces using artistry and ingenuity instead of cash.  The L.A. Loft Blog recently proclaimed that Downtown Los Angeles has made the transition from economical barrio to luxury neighborhood.  Now that the gravy train has arrived (and unfortunately pushed out many starving artists), Downtown is gaining a more wealthy crowd of creatives.  The next steps and next opportunities in Downtown are to complete the transition by transforming the remaining poverty-stricken parts of Downtown (namely Skid Row), maximizing the opportunities and adding lots of polish to the new creation.

Forbes Magazine lists the newest billion dollar startups to invest in.  Business Insider reveals where the technology industry is heading.


Opportunities are knocking in Downtwon Los Angeles!

Investors and first time home buyers don’t want to miss new construction, Mills Act, distress sales, bank owned, for sale by owner,expired, foreclosuresREO, company owned, estate sales, probate sale, escrow fallouts, cancelled contracts, expired listings, listings on hold, vacant homes, divorce sales, auctions, pre-auctions, pre-foreclosure, raw loft, off market, private listings, unlisted lofts, pocket listings, need-to-sell now homes and unclaimed homes. Other homes have big advantages with low HOA dues or reduced property taxes.

There are still some underpriced Mills Act homes in Downtown Los Angeles that offer big property tax benefits for helping to maintain beautiful historic buildings. Get a free list of Mills Act lofts. Fill out the online form:

  1. SB Grand Lofts – FOR SALE
  2. Higgins Building – FOR SALE
  3. Puerta Del Sol – FOR SALE
  4. Alta Lofts – FOR SALE
  5. Little Tokyo Lofts – FOR SALE

The L.A. Loft Blog gave super profitable investment suggestions in 2017, including real estate, Bitcoin and stocks.  This year, however, is different. Stocks are frothy at the beginning of 2018. With this kind of potential irrational exuberance, stock investors should be extra cautious. In fact, at this point in the long term economic cycle, there is likely to be more profit in shorting stocks as crash pressure is now building up to dangerous levels as indicated by stock market price to income ratio, long-term cycle length and employment levels as a lagging indicator.  It’s a great time to think about selling some stock after the recent huge run-up.   After a crash will be an ideal time to purchase stocks that benefits from the coming dominance of AI Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Quantum Computers and Robotics.  These will be companies like Applied Materials, Boston Dynamics. D-Wave, IBM, and Google. Seek out smaller start-up versions of similar companies for even more explosive growth and profit.

There’s no need to risk buying a bad deal. By gaining built-in savings with lower property taxes, Downtown loft owners are enjoying all of the benefits of our great urban renaissance while living in wonderfully modernized old buildings of historic character, high ceilings that pay back many thousands of dollars of financial benefits. Get a free list of Mills Act lofts. Fill out the online form:


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SEARCH LOFTS FOR SALE UNDER $500,000 | Popular | Top Luxury
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Best Deals in DTLA Real Estate are Not on the Market
Best Deals in DTLA Real Estate are Not on the Market

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.

*seller and Corey must agree on price and time of possession – details and conditions visit