The Little Tokyo Historic District of Downtown Los Angeles is the largest and most populous Japantown in the United States. In addition to many museums, shopping centers, hotels and cultural centers, the neighborhood is home to the Little Tokyo Lofts, Tokyo Villa condominiums and Teramachi senior condos. #littletokyo #losangeles
Here’s what the real brains behind the L.A Loft Blog (the readers) have to say this week (via their searches and clicks), along with our responses to their clever queries: #businesses #dtla #oceanwide
Downtown Los Angeles – Energetic and Fun
Businesses Downtown Los Angeles – The L.A. Loft Blog created a directory of DTLA businesses to help consumers and businesses find and interact with each other. The Downtown L.A. Business Directory is here. (Don’t forget to Add Your Business to benefit from the L.A. Loft Blog’s 2,000 daily readers).
OceanWide Plaza Trouble – Why has it stalled? See updated articles about what could be the biggest real estate hiccough in Downtown L.A. commercial real estate.
Michael Rogers Murder of Lisa Ramirez – The drama of malice never goes out of style. Loft living is not immune to the unthinkable. Re-live the tragic slaying on Flower Street.
Downtown LA lofts for sale without HOA – There are generally no Downtown LA lofts for sale without HOA. The exceptions are very few smaller buildings with single owners, which rarely come up for sale, and likely cost from $2 million to $20 million. The best solution for most is to look for low HOA dues.
Live Work Conversion in Los Angeles – This is an easier request to fill. Commercial and industrial lofts conversions are generally live/work lofts.
businesses downtown los angeles, oceanwide plaza trouble, michael rodgers murder “lisa ramirez”, downtownla .lofts.for sale.without hoa, live work converstion in los angeles