While many businesses in DTLA have suffered, most plan on making a big comeback.
Downtown Los Angeles Business Directory Update #dtla #business
Now, it’s easier than ever to add a business to the DTLA Business Directory. Also add a rating with one to five stars! Fill out the online form: | VIEW DIRECTORY
As Downtown Los Angeles explodes in population, new businesses, transportation and excitement, Downtowners need to know what is new, and how to find it. This directory is under renovation, and shall be replaced by a new directory. | ADD A BUSINESS | In the mean time, here’s the old DTLA Directory:
Downtown Los Angeles Businesses and Organizations Links: [Add a Business]
Americano – Arts District bar, eatery and event space eatdrinkamericano.com
BiltmoreLA landmark hotel,stunning architectural design thebiltmore.com
Blogdowntown a site by Southern California Public Radio blogdowntown.com
Bloom Energy Making clean, reliable energy affordable bloomenergy.com
Bottega Louie Restaurant & Gourmet Market bottegalouie.com
BottleRock LA Wine Bar – Restaurant – Wine Retail Shop bottlerockla.com
BringingBackBroadway Historic Broadway corridor bringingbackbroadway.com
Broadway Bar circular bar and multi-tiered cocktail lounges broadwaybar.la
Bronzed Aussie International Cuisine in DTLA bronzedaussie.us
Brookfield DTLA Defining the downtown Los Angeles skyline brookfielddtla.com
California Flower Mall in L.A.’s Flower District. Flowers californiaflowermall.com
Center Theatre Group Home of the Ahmanson Theatre centertheatregroup.
Central City Assoc Advocating for L.A. Business ccala.org
Central Library leading public research library lapl.org
Cerveteca DTLA Lunch, Brunch, Happy Hour & Dinner CervetecaDTLA.com
Chrysalis helps homeless and low-income individuals ChangeLives.org
Church & State French Bistro churchandstatebistro.com
CicLAvia non-profit leader in the global #openstreets movement ciclavia.org
City Tavern DTLA 28 local craft brews, refined comfort food citytaverndtla.com
Clubnokia the perfect venue for emerging music acts and cultural shows clubnokia.com
Colburn School Performing arts school in the heart of downtown LA colburnschool.edu
Common Room DTLA social club, lounge space CommonRoomDTLA.com
The Counter DTLA Rockin’ your mouth with our tasty burgers! thecounterburger.com
CurbedLA neighborhood and real estate blog la.curbed.com
DiscoverLA Tourism & Convention Board discoverlosangeles.com
Divine Dips vegan ice cream www.divinedipsicecreme.com
DTLA Apostille have absolutely no idea what an apostille downtownlaapostille.com
DTLA Bikes operated full repair, sales, and rental shop DTLABikes.com
DTLA Cheese | Grand Central Market dtlacheese.com
DTLA Consulting Consulting and joined the NationBuilder team joshgray-emmer.com
DTLA DESIGN Tweeting about Architecture and Design dtladesign.com
DTLA Families attractive young people move into lofts together dtlafamilies.com
DTLA Hot Yoga Bikram Yoga Downtown L.A. bikramyogadowntownla.com
DTLA LIFE MAGAZINE Publishing International Art, Culture downtownlalife.com
DTLA Medical Care Medical Marijuana Dispensary 5grams420.com
DTLA Night Market is now at taste of night market DTLANightMarket.com
DTLA OrganicDelivery Some people prefer food that is higher quality kalecar.com
DTLA Real Estate Photography, Street Art, & Real Estate dtlarealestate.com
DTLA Resident DTLA Resident Program cards and receive discounts dtlaresident.com
DTLA Review All things Downtown LA and surrounding areas DTLAreview.com
DTLA inc Downtown Los Angeles Finishing Company DTLA-inc.com
DTLA, CA now on What’s Happening in DTLA happeningindtla.com
DTLAWalkingTours Guided walking tours of DTLA dtlawalkingtours.com
DWC provides permanent supportive housing DowntownWomensCenter.org
DWNLA a unique backdrop. We will Do What’s Needed dwnla.com
DiscoverDTLA Follow us for a guide to living up discoverdtla.com
Downtown Art Walk – The free, self-guided, premier public art downtownartwalk.org
Downtown Concierge Shuttle Service conciergedtla.com
Downtown Film Fest movie premieres, galas, private dinner receptions dffla.com
Downtown Independent Experiential Masterworks downtownindependent.com
DowntownLA.com Your premier Downtown LA resource DowntownLA.com
Dublin’s DTLA we carry all the top games DublinsLA.com
EAT and DRINK LA food and drink lover’s guides to Los Angeles eat-la.com
Eat.Drink.Americano wine and small batch bourbon whiskey EatDrinkAmericano.com EchoPark Los Angeles Long Beach vehicle buying echopark.com
Edison LA world class speakeasy lounge EdisonDowntown.com
Eggslut is a chef driven, gourmet food concept eggslut.com
Elevate Lounge, a full-service late-night bar + lounge elevatelounge.com
Escape Room LA www.escaperoomla.com
ExchangeLA Los Angeles’ ultimate nightlife destination ExchangeLA.com
ExperiencLA Los Angeles Events & Culture experiencela.com
FIGat7th premier shopping & dining destination figat7th.com
Five Star Bar DTLA Great bar! Good music figat7th.com
GET URBAN DTLA unique mix of soaring skyscrapers, historic offices downtownla.com
Gallery Row an arts & cultural district in DTLA galleryrow.org
Garey Building city living meets authentic neighborhood character gareybldg.com
Got Sales Traffic digital internet marketing https://gotsalestraffic.com
Grand Central Market Serving DTLA since 1917 grandcentralmarket.com
Grand Park LA newest park located in Downtown Los Angeles grandparkla.org
Grand Performances at California Plaza. Free concerts in DTLA grandperformances.org
HappyDTLA happy hour deals around LA over and over again happydtla.com
Headshots LA Photography headshotsla.com
Hello DTLA Still loving Downtown LA after all these years! hellodtla.tumblr.com
Historic Core DTLA istoric center, residential hub, and creative crossroads historiccore.bid
Hotel Figueroa DTLA Surrounded by the bustling city of Los Angeles hotelfigueroa.com
I ART U DTLA An urban theme park filled with fine art iartudtla.com
ILoveDTLA The Latest and Hippest Happenings in DTLA iLoveDTLA.com
Indie Desk Los Angeles’ first coworking space indiedesk.com
Inside DTLA Covering the unique lifestyle and nightlife InsideDTLA.com
JW Marriott LA LIVE focal point of LIVE entertainment district JWMarriottLALIVE.com
JustRideLA Specializing in commuter, fixed gear and road cycling JustRideLA.com
LA Auto Center repair and service https://www.laautocenter.biz
L.A. Downtown News Helps make a fab urban core happen downtownnews.com
L.A. LIVE The most entertaining place in the planet lalive.com
L.A. Public Library educate and empower every individual lapl.org
L.A. Streetcar Bringing a Streetcar to Downtown L.A.! streetcar.la
LA Cafe catering. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, & Munchies all day! lacafe.com
LA Downtowner guide to Downtown LA culture, food, drinks, fashion ladowntowner.com
LA Fashion District apparel, accessories, textiles, & flowers fashiondistrict.org
LA Times City Beat writes City Beat snapshots of L.A. life latimes.com/citybeat
LAAC Health, Recreation, Grace and Vigor laac.com
LACMA Discover thousands of works of art spanning time lacma.org
LAist Food Delicious food & drink laist.com
The Lash Social is a concept club, bar, performance and social space thelashsocial.com
LTSC Little Tokyo Service Center: making positive change for people and places LTSC.org
La Cita Bar & Night Club in Downtown Los Angeles lacitabar.com
Lazy Ox Canteen seasonal global cuisine paired with craft beers lazyoxcanteen.com
Level Los Angeles Specializing in short & long term stays stayinglevel.com The Little Bear Cafe pouring from an extensive beer list littlebearla.com
LoftSEVEN Penthouse and Rooftop venue in Downtown Los Angeles loftSEVENPH.com
LogiFix Smart Device Repair – Safe & Fast & Cheap cell phone, tablet and computer repair, Open 7 days a week logifixcalifornia.com
Long Beach POA men and women who serve and protect the City lbpoa.org
Los Angeles Film Festival LAFilmFestival.com
Los Angeles Mission Serving homeless friends and neighbors LosAngelesMission.org
Los Angeles Walks advocacy group dedicated to making walking safe losangeleswalks.org
Lot 44 Coffee Serving the best Coffee from every orgin cupcakes lot44coffee.com
Loteria Grill DTLA serving authentic Mexican Food loteriagrill.com
Majestic Downtown event hall with classic & timeless style majesticdowntown.com
Microsoft Theater State-of-the-art Theater Of The Year microsofttheater.com
Ming’s Acupuncture & Health Associates http://mingsacupuncture.la/
Nickel Diner I’ve been in more laps than a napkin 5cdiner.com
Old Bank District Lofts in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles laloft.com Orpheum Theatre one of L.A.’s most venerable landmarks wefollow.com/LAOrpheum
PE Lofts Over 100 years of design pelofts.com
PILATES PLUS DTLA Downtown LA’s Lagree Fitness Pilates Studio ppdtla.com
Patina Restaurant Located in the spectacular Disney Concert Hall patinarestaurant.com
Perch Bohemian bistro and bar perchla.com
Pet Project LA Your City Store for Urban Pet Supplies & Food! petprojectla.com
Poppy + Rose breakfast lunch catering www.poppyandrosela.com/
Pure Barre DTLA most effective way to change your body purebarre.com
Pussy & Pooch is an innovative and unique pet lifestyle destination pussyandpooch.com
REDCAT CalArts’ downtown center for contemporary arts redcat.org
Raw Materials Art supplies, custom framing, fine art printing rawmaterialsLA.com
Rivera Restaurant Modern Latin Cuisine in LA riverarestaurant.com
Roosevelt Lofts Looking for fun for our 500+ residents The Roosevelt
Rotary DTLA Club of Downtown Los Angeles RotaryDTLA.org
Salon on main specializing in creative color and kick ass haircuts salononmainla.com
ShopwalkDTLA Discounts, pop-ups, happy hours shopwalkDTLA.com
Soleto DTLA Industrial chic pizza bar – 360-degree cocktail bar innovativedining.com
South Park L.A.hub for sports, entertainment, dining, residences, art & more southpark.la
Spring Arts Tower DTLA’s Creative Central: Inspire. Create springartstower.com
Sprinkles DTLA Scoop up Sprinkles Ice Cream sprinkles.com
STAPLES Center Sports and Entertainment Center of the World staplescenter.com Stronghold Climbing Gym. Come and climb with us! strongholdclimb.com
SUBB Startup Business Box www.goSUBB.com
Sunlight Media, LLC web design and marketing www.sunlightmedia.org
TechOut Interactive events for entrepreneurs,startups,tech innovators techout.co
The Bloc mixed-use urban development in the heart of DTLA theblocdowntown.com
The Crocker Club Buy a drink and get a free selfie crockerclub.com
The GRAMMY Museum exhibits and interactive experiences grammymuseum.org
The Last Bookstore used and new bookstore in Downtown LA lastbookstorela.com
The Library Store curated collection of fun and eclectic gifts and goods lfla.org
The Must Bistro otherworldly food, wine, beer & cocktails in DTLA themust.com
The Park DTLA’s only office park. Venue available for rent theparkdtla.com
The Pie Hole-LA offers sweet & savory handmade fresh thepieholela.com
The Redwood Bar Come down for the finest music, food and drink theredwoodbar.com
The Stable South Los Angeles private fitness center thestable-la.com
The Vault Night Club Representing the future of Nightclubs! thevaultnightclubla.com
Think Tank Gallery obligation to the people to expose them to dope thinktankgallery.org
Truck It Fest Food Truck events! truckitfest.com
Urban Radish Community Market & Eatery urban-radish.com
Villains Tavern – The OFFICIAL Villains Tavern Twitter Page villainstavern.com
Watermark.ws Watermark & edit photos online watermark.ws
WeAreDTLA is a marketing consultancy based in DTLA WeAreDTLA.com
WebPower USA LLC successful digital strategies https://webpower.digital
Westin Bonaventure Elegantly presiding over the City of Angels thebonaventure.com
WilshireGrandCenter 73-story skyscraper in the heart of DTLA wilshiregrandcenter.com
Wurstküche Purveyor of exotic grilled sausages wurstkuche.com
Your Referrals Help the Kids. For every referral I receive, I donate a portion to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. With your referrals, you are helping Children’s Hospital ensure that critical life-saving care is available to every child they treat. http://www.ReferralsHelpKids.com
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