Amazing lofts in Downtown Los Angeles – Get a building report from the L.A. Loft Blog
Prospective L.A. urban home buyers can save lots of time, money and frustration by using a very simple service. It’s the faster, easier, more complete way to do due diligence, get information on lawsuits, litigation, rulings, renter ratio, issues in the building, and other vital investment details before buying a condo unit in Downtown Los Angeles. Fill out the online form:
All buildings in Downtown Los Angeles have issues that buyers want to be aware of before visiting.
All loft buildings have their share of problems and issues, but some have it worse than others. Legal trouble — It’s one of the most common disasters in Downtown Los Angeles real estate. #dtla #lawsuit #litigation
Litigation and Lawsuits Downtown Los Angeles Lofts
Homeowners and home buyers must deal with the fact that more than 25% of properties currently listed for sale have or recently had some kind of lawsuit or litigation involving the building and or homeowners association. Knowledge is power. Those with the most insight into what is really going on with DTLA loft building issues are the ones who can prevent their own losses and even gain from the situation. It is possible to take advantage and make the most of any situation, including legal issues by getting informed and by being at the right place at the right time. The most common type of litigation is a lawsuit or pre-lawsuit against the building construction developer builder by the homeowners HOA for construction defects. Other litigation involves
Here is a list of the buildings with the current, recent and potential upcoming litigation and lawsuits:
1100 Wilshire – Litigation reported 5/8/17, 5/23/17, 11/25/17
Biscuit Company – 1850 Industrial St litigation reported 6/23/17
Market Lofts 645 W 9th St litigation w/ parking structure 12/4 17, 1/25/18
Eckardt Building – 738 S Los Angeles St settled Jan 2017.
Barker Block – 530 S Hewitt St litigation settled 2017
Alta Lofts 200 N San Fernando Rd – Possible Pre-litigation 06/15/2017
Higgins Building 108 W 2nd St – Special assessment reported 06/03/2016
SB Grand – possible litigation resident vs developer / HOA 01/07/1 MORE
Get a free list of buildings in current, recent or potential future litigation. Fill out the online form.