Remain Safely in the City
This new movie trailer shows the comfort of lofts and dramatizes the dangers of stifling suburbs. While the fictional film character encounters a nightmare situation when he departs the city for a short visit to his girlfriend’s family, real life can pose real problems in remote areas. #getout #loft #dtla

The L.A. Loft Blog often discusses the benefits of urban living. Let’s take this opportunity to discuss the sad effects of suburban hell.
For many years, people have moved to cookie cutter country to escape the dangers of big city life. But new research suggests that they may be better off staying put.
The burbs — In addition to being economically unviable and environmentally detrimental, suburbs are fraught with hidden dangers. | MOVIE TRAILER
It’s more than just an external inconvenience and middle-class mediocrity. Suburbia has been described by some as utterly “soul crushing.” Far from posing a mere logistical or aesthetic problem, it shapes–or perhaps more accurately, circumscribes — our experience of life and our social relationships in insidious ways.
Truth can be much more scary than fiction. If you are living in or near a tract of eerily similar houses, or staying in a depressing apartment with crushingly low ceilings and compartmentalized closed-mindedness, then do what you must do before it’s too late… GET OUT!
Yes, while city living does have more commotion and a variety of challenging, even stressful situations, many find the urban lifestyle to be overall much more efficient, effective, practical, economical, rewarding, exciting, fulfilling and enjoyable.
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