Los Angeles Building Affordable Leases Close to Fashion District 732 S LOS ANGELES Street

Compact Loft Style at 732 S Los Angeles St

732 S LOS ANGELES Street 707

Affordable Lofts are out there you may just give up some space and amenities like on-site parking.  All the kinds of issues you can work around to find a great place in your price range and make it work for you.  This unit at 732 S Los Angeles Street has good features and the location prized by young LA Professionals.  It would make a great landing pad for a professional who just needs the basics while she makes her way in the world of downtown Los Angeles. Getting started in a career and being close to both work and the social life that makes DTLA stand out makes living in a local downtown Los Angeles loft or Condo make sense. Check out the links to this building and see what other buildings in DTLA would make sense for you searching for an Affordable loft.  Fill out the online form.

#AffordableLofts #LAFasionDistrict



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Roof Deck offers views and relaxing amenities

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.

Lofts For Lease and For Sale – Buildings in Downtown Los Angeles

I’m very impressed on your customer service. I am a renter now but as my email stated will be in a position to purchase by end of year. I just found who I will use to find my home!
Thank you,
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G Android device

Thank you Rita for your valuable feedback. Here are Downtown loft buildings that lease:




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SEARCH LOFTS FOR SALE UNDER $400,000  |  $800,000,  |   $10,000,000
Browse by Building  |  Neighborhood  |  Size  |  Bedrooms  |  Pets  |  Parking

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RENTAL LOFTS AND APARTMENTS  (213) 478-0499  LAloftTour.com

717 Olympic – 717 W Olympic Blvd, 90015
8th and Hope – 801 S. Hope St, 90017
American Cement Building Lofts – 2404 Wilshire Blvd, 90057
Apex – 900 S Figueroa St, 90015
Ava Little Tokyo – 236 S. Los Angeles St, 90012
Avant South Park – 1360 S. Figueroa St, 90015  AVANTdowntown.com
Artisan on 2nd – 601 E 2nd St, 90012
Blackstone – 901 S Broadway, 90015
Brockman Lofts – 530 W 7th St, 90014
Canvas L.A. – 138 N Beaudry Ave, 90012
Chester Williams – 215 W 5th Street, 90013
City Lights on Fig – 1300 S Figueroa St, 90015
Chapman Flats – 756 S. Broadway, 90014
Continental Lofts – 408 S Spring St, 90013
Elysian – 1115 Sunset Blvd,  90012
Emerson – 225 S Grand Ave, 90012
Emil Brown Building – 308 East 9th St, 90015
Factory Place Lofts – 1308 Factory Place, 90013
Grand Central Square – 306 W 3rd St, 90013
Gas Company Lofts – 810 S Flower St, 90017
Great Republic Lofts – 756 S Spring St, 90014
Hellman – 411 S Main St, 90013
Jeffries Lofts – 117 Winston St, 90013
L.A. Loft Tour – (213) 478-0499  http://www.LAloftTour.com
Lacy Studio Lofts – 2664 Lacy St, 90031
LEVEL DTLA – 888 Olive St, 90015  http://www.LEVELDTLA.com
Long Beach Avenue Lofts – 1250 Long Beach Ave, 90021
Medallion – 334 S Main St, 90013
Medici – 725 S Bixel St, 90017
MegaToys Lofts – 905 E 2nd St, 90012
Mercantile Lofts – 620 S Main St, 90013
Met Lofts – 1050 S Flower St, 90015
Metro 417 – 417 South Hill Street, 90013
Metropolitan – 315 West 5th Street, 90013
Milano Lofts – 609 S Grand Ave, 90017
Mozaic at Union Station – 888 N Alameda St, 90012
Museum Tower – 225 S Olive St, 90012
One Santa Fe – 1 Santa Fe, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Orsini Apartments – 550 N Figueroa St, 90012
Pacific Electric Lofts – 610 S Main St, 90014
Packard Lofts – 1000 S Hope St, 90015
Pegasus – 612 S Flower St, 90017
Peterson and Tansey Lofts – 1250 Long Beach Ave, 90021
Piero – 312 E 12th St, 90015
Promenade Tower – 123 S Figueroa St, 90012
Roosevelt Lofts – 727 W. 7th St, 90017
San Fernando – 400 S Main St., 90013
Santee Court – 716 S Los Angeles St, 90014
SB Grand – 312 W. 5th St, 90013
South Park Lofts – 818 South Grand Ave, 90017
Spring Arcade – 541 S Spring St, 90013
Title Guarantee – 411 5th St #1200, 90013
Union Lofts – 325 W 8th St, 90014
Visconti – 1221 W 3rd St, 90017
Watermarke Tower – 705 W 9th St, 90015

LOFTS & CONDOS FOR SALE AND FOR LEASE   [Alphabetical]  [Neighborhoods]  [Map]

1100 Wilshire – 1100 Wilshire Blvd, 90017     1100Lofts.com
655 Hope  – 655 Hope St, 90017     655HopeLofts.com
Alta Lofts –  200 San Fernando Rd, 90031     AltaLoft.com
Barker Block – 510 S Hewitt St & 530 S Hewitt St, 90013    BarkerBlockLA.com
Bartlett Building – 215 W 7th St, 90014     BarlettLoft.com
Barn Lofts – 940 E 2nd St, 90012     BarnLoftsLA.com
Beacon Lofts – 825 E 4th St, 90013     BeaconLoft.com
Biscuit Company – 1850 Industrial St, 90021    BiscuitLoft.com
Bunker Hill Tower – 800 W 1st St, 90012    BunkerHillTowerLA.com
Concerto Lofts – 901 Flower St, 90015    ConcertoLoft.com
Cornell Building – 746 S Los Angeles St, 90014    CornellBuilding.com
Douglas Building – 257 S Spring St, 90012    DouglasLofts.com
Eastern Columbia – 849 S Broadway, 90014    EasternColumbiaLoft.com
Eckardt Building – 738 S Los Angeles St, 90014    EckardtLoft.com
El Dorado Lofts – 416 S Spring St, 90015     ElDoradoLoft.com
Elleven Lofts – 1111 S Grand Ave, 90015     EllevenLoft.com
Evo – 1155 S Grand Ave, 90015     EvoLoftsLA.com
Flower Street Lofts – 1130 S Flower St, 90015     FlowerStreetLoft.com
Garey Building – 905 E 2nd St, 90012     GareyBuilding.com
Gallery Lofts – 120 S Hewitt St & 130 S Hewitt St, 90013    GalleryLoftLA.com
Grand Avenue Lofts – 1100 S Grand Ave & 330 W 11th St,  90015     GrandAvenueLoft.com
Higgins Building – 108 E 2nd St, 90012     HigginsLA.com
Library Court – 630 W 6th St, 90017    LibraryCourtLoft.com
Little Tokyo Lofts – 420 S San Pedro St, 90013     LittleTokyoLoftsLosAngeles.com
Luma – 1100 S Hope St, 90015     LumaLoft.com
Market Lofts – 645 W 9th St, 90015     MarketLoftLA.com
Metropolis Los Angeles – 8th Street and Francisco    LosAngelesMetropolis.com
Molino Lofts – 500 Molino & 530 Molino St,  90013    MolinoLoft.com
Mura Condominiums – 629 Traction Ave, 90013     MuraLosAngeles.com
Pan American Building – 253 S Broadway, 90012     PanAmericanLoft.com
Promenade Condominiums – 121 S Hope St, 90012    CondoPromenade.com
Promenade West – 880 W. 1st St, 90012     PromenadeW.com
Puerta Del Sol – 360 W Avenue 26, 90031    PuertaDelSolLA.com
Ritz Carlton Residences – 710 W Olympic Blvd, 90015   RitzyLofts.com
Rowan Lofts – 460 S. Spring St, 90013       RowanLoft.com
Santee Village – (See EckardtCornell and Textile)
Savoy Condominiums – 100 S Alameda, 90012    SavoyLosAngeles.com
SB Grand (Shybary Grand or Shy Barry Grand) – 312 W. 5th St, 90013   SBGrand.com
Skyline Condominiums – 600 W 9th St, 90015    SkylineCondoLA.com
Sky Lofts – 801 S. Grand Ave, 90017    SkyLoftsLosAngeles.com
SL70 – 2220 Duane Street, 90039    SL70.info
Teramachi Homes Senior Condos – 267 S. San Pedro St, 90012   TeramachiHome.com
Textile Building – 315 E 8th St, 90014    TextileLoftLA.com
Tokyo Villa Condominiums – 222 S Central Ave, 90012  LittleTokyoVilla.com
Toy Factory – 1855 Industrial St, 90015    ToyFactoryLoft.net
Toy Warehouse – 215 S Santa Fe Ave, 90012   ToyWarehouseLoft.com
Vero – 1234 Wilshire, Los Angeles CA    VeroLoft.com


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SEARCH LOFTS FOR SALE UNDER $400,000  |  $800,000,  |   $10,000,000
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Copyright © 2015 This free information provided courtesy Corey Chambers, Realtor, Realty Source Inc BRE#01889449 We are not necessarily associated with the owner or management. For more information, contact (213) 478-0499 or visit LAloftLease.com.  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer, seller or renter is already under contract with another broker.