REAL ESTATE NEWS – Coronavirus Update, Force Majeure, Wealth Transfer, Mint Lofts
Never let a good crisis go to waste. — Sir Winston Churchill
Massive Opportunities from Massive Wealth Transfer
The Wall Street Journal has reported that Real-Estate Investors Eye Potential Bonanza in Distressed Sales. Coronavirus causes widespread stress in property assets. A growing number of property investors are preparing for what they believe could be a once-in-a generation opportunity to buy distressed real-estate assets at bargain prices. | MORE
The L.A. Loft Blog has recently reported on Force Majeure affecting California real estate. See the details, then read the Coronavirus Addendum update by the Loft Blog. Force Majeure is a common clause in contracts that essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, epidemic or act of God. For real estate buyers and sellers who have entered agreements for the purchase and sale of property and commitments, an opportunity to cancel may now exist in the contract or otherwise by state law due to Coronavirus or other acts of God, a Force Majeure that Excuses Performance of a Contract. Those who may be able to show circumstances preventing performance of a contract should ask an attorney if Force Majeure pertains and forgives performance of their contract and circumstances. #forcemajeure | Blog Video
Those who recognize opportunities are well-placed to gain from historic wealth transfer.
Amid panic, emotional turmoil and economic collapse surrounding Covid-19 AKA SARS-CoV-2, the L.A. Loft Blog has been supporting and encouraging readers to take necessary actions to defend themselves from extreme negative consequences. Everyone knows that the best defense is often a well-planned and executed offense. In the case of a deadly (or not-so-deadly, depending on your point of view) pandemic, the viewpoint of the L.A. Loft Blog has been made clear: The cure shall likely be worse than the disease. The repercussions of corona-panic shall create worse circumstances than the virus itself. Not only will the economic circumstances be worse than most imagine, but the health consequences shall be worse. Panic and its resulting bad choices by society shall lead to more damage and death to healthy individuals than the virus. #coronavirus
The so-called experts have admitted that their numbers, statistics and projections were wrong. So far, only a few of the panic-driven mainstream media have begun to admit that 99% of “coronavirus” cases were actually due to bad health — linked to pre-existing conditions and other existing ailments. These revelations add fuel to the fire and motivation to protect ourselves from the protectors — to protect ourselves from the “protection” that is causing the worst stock market crash in history, the worse job loss in history and, soon to be, the worst depression in history. When we say “worst,” we mean numerically worse for most people in the US. America as a society does not need to let the total effects be worse than the Great Depression. As individuals, we don’t need to let the overall numbers or effects be negative for us at all. | Blog Video
With situations as powerfully sweeping, stratifying, society-altering and life-changing as pandemic and economic depression, we have two choices: Get Pummeled or Get Ahead. This force of change is too great to ignore. Trying to stay the course is a foolish negligence. Take action. Ride the wave. #profit
With an ethical question such as: “Is it wrong to profit from the crisis?” — we must look at all of the facts surrounding the crisis, and contemplate all of the facts surrounding the profit. Up front, we can all agree that it is not always wrong to profit from a crisis. Doctors profit from medical emergencies. Grocery stores profit from selling more water, batteries and toilet paper. Without profit, there will be no doctors or store for the next crisis. Likewise, without profit, each of us shall have no income and no way to survive this crisis or the next. The more profit we can make, the better we can cope with crises, and the more resources that we shall have to help others. #realestate
There are wrong ways to profit in a crisis, and they are generally the same as wrong profit in a non-crisis: to lie, cheat or steal. These acts are wrong in any situation, though perhaps understandable in love and war; likely forgivable in an imminently life-threatening situation. Wrong behavior compromises character, integrity, esteem and self-worth under any circumstances. #losangeles
Health care workers and the like are responsible for their profit from the virus. The L.A. Loft Blog is suited to be concerned with financial losses and gains from the impending economic disaster. Sticking to honest, ethical and legal dealings, we can say that it is wrong to neglect our finances, and it’s wrong to fail to help others when possible. That’s why we must profit from this crisis.
The profit from a crisis must in proportion to the expected enormity of the economic crisis. The profit must be HUGE. When it comes to economic disasters, this is the BIG ONE. We can and must profit very, very BIG!
When surfing a huge tidal wave, we must think big and go big so that we can make it through the ride in one piece. When a beginner skier wonders to the wrong place, accidentally ends up on an advanced hill, then begins sliding down the very steep advanced slope, the beginner (who has no experience in carving or plowing to slow down) must stay up on the skis and prepare to go very, very fast without falling and getting hurt! The same holds true for this massive stock market fall (which has just begun); financial panic; financial shock; economic shutdown; historic job loss; bailouts; real estate collapse; coming wave of historic bad financial reports from businesses; more panic; further stock market crash; social unrest; more trillions in bailouts; collapse of fiat currencies; inflation / stagflation; major social changes; power struggles; military conflict; and further stratification of the middle class into rich or poor.
For poor countries, along with homeless and impoverished households, this unprecedented economic shutdown is likely to lead to malnutrition, permanent health damage and death.
Without wealth, there is no economy other than an agrarian / hungry hunter-gatherer hand-to-mouth economy with substantial disease and starvation. Without an economy, there is no food, no water, no medical care. Blight is the sickness of urban deficiencies. Wealth is the immunization against financial disease. Profits are the medical supplies needed to protect against and recover from economic collapse and death. Investments and assets are the stockpile of ammunition needed to fight off poverty and its resulting destruction. We all know first hand that real money and sustainable wealth can only be created by hard work and determination, along with wise spending, saving and investing.
The latest top stock categories and investment picks have included: Battery Metals, Blockchain, Cannabis, Energy; Gold; Healthcare; Metals & Mining; Technology; eGaming. The L.A. Loft Blog has been precisely correct when warning of falling Downtown real estate in early 2019. At present, the prudent wealth preserving / wealth creating actions include: downsizing; shorting bad stocks; bitcoin and physical gold. Take advantage of the many unprecedented opportunities in industries that hold up and perform well during recession. These include health care, grocery, drug and discount stores. New technologies that increase efficiency and decrease costs shall also outperform. These include: Google and all things internet; software; AI artificial intelligence; data communications; security (physical and cyber); services to government; video games. Up 2,000,000% in the last ten years, with next months Bitcoin halving, coming fiat currency collapse and worse banking crises, Bitcoin has been the leader and shall continue to be the leader in creating profits for years to come. That being said, we cannot live inside of a bitcoin, so we will always need real estate before, during and after the existence of Bitcoin. Profit equals paycheck. Profit equals next week’s, next month’s and next year’s paychecks.
Enormous volatility causes vast reshuffling of the deck. When the tide goes down, the water does not fall off of the planet. During a recession, true wealth does not get erased; it only changes hands. A shifting economy creates change at a faster pace. It benefits those who are in a position to identify and receive the shifting wealth for the purpose of properly allocating it to others. It benefits those who recognize these opportunities. A tsunami of economic recession, a cascade of crises has just begun to attack profits and also to attract profits like nothing before in history. The stratification of rich and poor is accelerating. Those who fail to wisely, properly and ethically identify and execute on the resulting profit chances risk being bowled over and tumbling into poverty and helplessness. Those who understand profits, recognize opportunities and ethically carry out the right plans stand to gain like never before in history.
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