Many believe that homes just don’t sell well during the holiday season. That’s not necessarily true. In fact, there are sometimes more serious buyers during the holidays than there are in the other seasons. Here are examples:
Take a look at all of the nearby Downtown Los Angeles lofts and condos that have successfully sold since November 15:
Congratulations to Michael Stewart for closing on his Downtown Los Angeles condo, and helping the kids! He was initially very concerned because the nearby condos were taking several months to sell, or not selling at all. Mike made some smart decisions, including presenting the home well, pricing it right, and taking advantage of the Corey Chambers Guaranteed Sale Program that got his condo unit in escrow with a CASH buyer in just 14 days. The DTLA condo sold for 99% of asking price. It also helped the kids. #sold #dtla
The Corey Chambers Team gives a portion of our income from homes we sell to help the extraordinary kids in need at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Help us help Children’s. Who do you know considering making a move that would benefit from the services we provide? Call me at 213-880-9910 with their contact info, or have them contact me. You can also visit Thank you in advance! #chla
Guaranteed Home Sale and Satisfaction Guarantees for Home Sellers
Corey Chambers Team #realestate #qualified #buyers
The Six Point 100% Satisfaction Guarantees
Our marketing systems and consumer programs automatically sift and sort out the best qualified prospects for your home. We will not ask you to leave your home and allow us to show it to any Buyer unless they have been pre qualified to buy your home and are genuinely interested in your homes features. We will not just give lip service to “Only Qualified Buyers Need Apply” for your home. GUARANTEE: If your home fails to close on time due to a Buyer “financially not qualifying”, we will give you a $500.00 cash reward.
*Conditions Apply: Cash Reward Certificates are given to Sellers at the close of sale. Sellers are eligible for up to $2,000 in Cash Rewards per closing. | VIDEO
Corey Chambers Team
The Six Point 100% Satisfaction Guarantees
You will be kept posted on the progress of the sale of your home with an update every week. Your phone calls will be returned by a qualified Team Member within 24 hours.GUARANTEE: If we fail to up date you weekly or fail to return your call within 24 hours, we will give you a $500 cash reward.
Guarantee #1 is a good example. We are not going to wildly promise you the moon and stars to get your business. We will tell you what we can and will do, exactly how we operate, as well as what we will not do, up front, in clear language. When we list your home, we will give you a detailed Professional Service Agreement in writing.GUARANTEE: if at any time, we fail to honor that agreement, we will give you a $500 cash reward.
We get you top dollar. Our track record and statistics prove it. But we will never play the ‘bait n switch’ game of promising to get you a wholly unrealistic price just to get your listing, then wearing you down with low ball offers. Unfortunately, this does go on in our business. GUARANTEE: for every $5,000 we sell your home for, below the agreed upon range, we will give you $500.00 in cash rewards (up to a maximum of $2,000 in cash rewards). We will also buy your home for a pre-agreed price at any time you like*.
We implement a complete marketing program, to sell your home. You know in advance what will occur step by step, and will receive weekly marketing updates. And we set a “target range” for the timing of the successful sale of your home. In many cases, we will sell your home faster. GUARANTEE: If we fail to sell your home within 60 days we will give you a $200.00 cash reward for each week after that (up to a maximum of $2,000 in cash rewards). We will also buy your home for a pre-agreed price at any time you like*.
Everything stated about Corey Chambers and the Team throughout these materials is summarized in our “FACTS” brochure. This is an accurate, factual representation, fully supported by documentation, provided on request. GUARANTEE: If anyone can demonstrate that any of these statements or statistics summarized in the “FACTS” brochure is false, Corey Chambers will donate $5,000 to the charity of their choice.
Our marketing systems and consumer programs automatically sift and sort out the best qualified prospects for your home. We will not ask you to leave your home and allow us to show it to any Buyer unless they have been pre qualified to buy your home and are genuinely interested in your homes features. We will not just give lip service to “Only Qualified Buyers Need Apply” for your home. GUARANTEE: If your home fails to close on time due to a Buyer “financially not qualifying”, we will give you a $500.00 cash reward.
*Conditions Apply: Cash Reward Certificates are given to Sellers at the close of sale. Sellers are eligible for up to $2,000 in Cash Rewards per closing.
No other Real Estate Agent or Team will do more to sell your home for the largest amount of money, in the shortest period of time and with the least hassles for you. Call 213-880-9910 for a FREE “In Home Equity Diagnostic Analysis” now. Or email us at—Contact us today and start packing.
11 Critical Home Inspection Traps to be Aware of Weeks Before Listing Your Los Angeles Loft, Condo or House for Sale
Los Angeles – Industry experts report over 33 physical problems will come under scrutiny during a home inspection when a home is for sale. A new report has been prepared which identifies the eleven most common of these problems, and what home sellers want to know about them before listing a home for sale. Whether it’s an old home or a brand new one, there are a number of things that can fall short of requirements during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt with, any of these 11 items could cost dearly in terms of repair. That’s why it’s critical that you read this report before you list your home for sale. If you wait until the building inspector flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your home sale or, worse, turn prospective buyers away altogether. In most cases, you can make a reasonable pre-inspection yourself if you know what you’re looking for, and knowing what you’re looking for can help you prevent little problems from growing into costly and unmanageable ones. To help homesellers deal with this issue before their homes are listed, a free report entitled “11 Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection” has been compiled which explains the issues involved. To order a FREE Special Report, visit or order your FREE copy of this report call 213-880-9910.
Get your free special report NOW to learn how to ensure a home inspection doesn’t cost you the sale of your home. FREE REPORT | LOFT INSPECTORS
Corey Chambers Your Home Sold GUARANTEED or I’ll Buy It*
No Gimmicks! For information on my exclusive Guaranteed Sale Program, order a Free Report by visiting
4 Big Reasons to Call the Chambers Team to Sell Your Home: #1 We’ll Get You More Money – Chambers Team gets you 2.2% more of the asking price #2 We’ll Sell Your Home Faster – Chambers Team sells homes 44% faster #3 More Likely to Sell – Chambers Team homes are 16% more likely to sell #4 We’ve got more than 4,700 buyers in our Data Base looking for a home
To find out how much you can sell your home for and how long it will take, call Corey at (213) 880-9910