Corey Chambers Real Estate Newsletter January 2022 The SoCal Home

Exciting New Year’s Resolution… | PDF

As a fellow lover of the holidays, I wanted to write you this personal letter and share some exciting news for the New Year. It seems most people Establish New Year’s resolutions, but they fall short of keeping them for whatever reason. So each year, I highlight an excellent book that helped my team dramatically improve our follow through on achieving important goals. I wanted to share with you The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin – who says, “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.”

Some of your friends, neighbors, associates, or relatives may have a New Year’s resolution to make a move. Well – we can help them with that, help you and help the kids at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles at the same time.

Your referrals help the kids!

Go Serve Big!!! Investing In Our Southern Californian Kids

If you or a friend are thinking about selling, make sure to choose a real estate company you can trust! A real estate company with experience, proven results and a give-back philosophy!

For the month of January, anyone you know wanting to sell their house — I will guarantee the sale of their home for 100% of Market Value, or I’ll Pay the Difference.*

They outline the goals, I agree to deliver. If I don’t, I pay the penalty. Who do you know considering selling their home that would benefit from that kind of peace of mind? Just let me know, and we’ll give them a call!

AND REMEMBER… Your referrals help the Kids…

We are on a mission to raise $25,000 for CHLA. We do this by donating a portion of our income from homes we sell. As you know, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles does great work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty life-threatening diseases like cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and others. They also lead the way in helping kids come back from spinal cord injuries as well as early diagnosis of autism. Last year alone, Children’s helped over 1,000,000 kids right here in Los Angeles. BUT, Children’s relies on sponsorships and donations to provide their elite level of care, and to keep families’ expenses to a minimum. So YOUR REFERRALS REALLY DO HELP THE KIDS…

Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to my real estate sales team?

Not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, but you can rest assured we are also donating to a very worthy cause.

Go Serve Big!!! Investing in the Children of Los Angeles.

A Real Estate Company that Gives Back!

Children’s Hospital LA leads the way in serving kids one patient at a time.

We are still boldly on a mission to raise $25,000 for Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, and we are making progress! We do this by donating to them a portion of our income from homes we sell. As you know, CHLA does AMAZING work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty diseases like cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, and others. They also lead the way in many other fields.

They can provide this care and keep patient costs to a minimum due to donations and sponsorships. We are proud to support the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles!

As in the attached story, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles provides the best pediatric medical care available anywhere in the country. To do that, CHLA needs donations to continue its leading-edge care. We proudly donate a portion of our income from real estate sales to CHLA to help them continue serving the needs of those who most need it in our Los Angeles!

Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to our real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award-winning real estate service, a very worthy cause will benefit as well. To refer anyone considering buying or selling a home just give me a call or pass on my number. 213-880-9910.

Thank you in advance for your referrals!

You and your referrals mean more than ever to my team and me. As we move forward thru this winter, please know we are extremely thankful for you and you being a special part of our business.

Go Serve Big!!! — Corey Chambers

Your Home Sold Guaranteed!

P.S. I copied and pasted the story below from the CHLA website. It better tells the story of the work they are doing.


As a leading charitable hospital, CHLA depends on sponsorships and donations to continue its leading-edge service. We proudly donate a portion of our income from real estate sales to CHLA to help them continue serving the needs of those who most need it in Los Angeles!

A real estate company with experience, proven results and a give-back philosophy!

Over the years of helping many families sell their homes and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! So your referrals can rest assured that, not only will they get the award-winning service we are known for and the guarantee to back it up, but that a solid portion of the income we receive will go toward helping the kids.

Refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move:

You can go to and enter their contact info online or forward the link to someone you know considering a move.

Of course you can always call me direct as well at 213-880-9910

Why I support Childrenʼs Hospital Los Angeles

I grew up right here in the Greater Los Angeles Area, born in Los Angeles County at St. Francis Hospital. I remember when I first heard about a young person close to our family suffering from a nasty disease and getting treated for that at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. It was then that I began to pay closer attention to the work they do at that hospital. Since then, I have learned that it is a collection of hard-working health care professionals, most making their home right here in the Los Angeles area, all coming together for a common cause. That cause is to help young people overcome unfortunate health issues that life sometimes throws our way. Being a Los Angeles Area California native, I take pride in supporting in a way that I can do the good work these people do at Children’s. My team rallies around our annual goal of raising money and donating portions of our income to help Children’s in their quest to heal young people when they need healing. My team and I are committed to providing outstanding results for buyers and sellers referred to us by our past clients. I have discovered that Children’s Hospital Los Angeles shares a similar commitment to their patients. And since their services survive on sponsorships and donations, we are happy to contribute and proud to support them.


Corey Chambers

*seller and Corey must agree on price and time of possession. Realty Source Inc DRE#01889449

After Years on Dialysis, Ethan Is Running Free

Cancer. Kidney failure. Heart failure. None of it could keep Ethan down—especially with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on his side.

By Katie Sweeney

Let’s just say that Ethan was not exactly your typical dialysis patient. “When he was done with dialysis, he would jump out of bed and go running out of the unit, all happy,” says his nephrologist, Rachel Lestz, MD, laughing. “He had this amazing energy.” Never mind that Ethan had to start dialysis when he was just two years old. And that on top of having both his kidneys removed, he had heart failure. And before all that, he had cancer. In fact, when he first began dialysis treatments, he was also undergoing chemotherapy. Nope, none of those obstacles could derail Ethan’s larger-than-life personality. “He’s always been such a happy child,” says his mom, Sherley. “He’s so upbeat. I think only once or twice did he ever ask me, ‘Mom, why did this happen to me? Why did my kidneys fail?'”

‘Does it hurt?’

Ethan just after transplant surgery It all started at bath time on a Thursday night—March 9, 2017. That’s when Sherley noticed a large lump on 2-year-old Ethan’s abdomen. That’s weird, she thought. She hadn’t seen the lump that morning or the day before. “Does it hurt?” she quizzed him. “Did you fall at daycare?” The answers were all no. The next morning, Sherley called the pediatrician and made an appointment for that evening, after work. There, Ethan received an X-ray and an ultrasound of his abdomen. Sherley took one look at the doctor and nurse practitioner and knew something was wrong. “As a parent, I could just see it on their faces,” she says. “I was like, ‘What do you see?’ And they just said, ‘We can’t really say, but he needs a CT scan.'” By 10 p.m., Sherley and Everton, Ethan’s dad, were admitting their son to a nearby hospital. After a CT scan over the weekend and a biopsy on Monday, the diagnosis was in: Ethan had cancer. Specifically, he had Wilms tumor, the most common type of kidney cancer in children. Most patients are diagnosed between the ages of 1 and 4— and the tumors are often quite large. Ethan’s was as big as a cantaloupe. He quickly began treatment at the hospital where he was diagnosed. The mass on his right kidney had ruptured and had to be removed. He also began chemotherapy and radiation. But Sherley knew of another hospital that was dedicated to caring for kids, especially ones with complex diagnoses—and she was soon able to transfer her son to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Sherley works at Children’s Hospital as Executive Assistant to Larry J. Harrison, MPH, MBA

, Chief Executive Officer of the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Medical Group. “CHLA is a specialty hospital. They’re ranked high for a reason,” Sherley says. “I knew this was the best place for him to be.”

Dialysis, then chemo

Ethan is making DIY holiday gifts at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Ethan was under the care of both Leo Mascarenhas, MD, MS, Deputy Director of the Cancer and Blood Disease Institute, and Carl Grushkin, MD, Chief of the Division of Nephrology. Wilms tumor typically has survival rates of over 90%. In many cases, the tumor only affects one kidney, and treatment involves removal of that kidney and chemotherapy. But in Ethan’s case, a congenital condition put him at high risk for having a Wilms tumor on his other kidney, too. As it turned out, his left kidney soon began to fail. “Unfortunately, because of his underlying genetic condition, his remaining kidney became completely damaged, leaving him with no kidney function,” says Dr. Mascarenhas. In June 2017, Ethan started dialysis at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles three days a week. “We would give him chemotherapy soon after he finished a dialysis session,” says Dr. Mascarenhas. “That gave the chemo some time to dwell in his body and do its job. He handled his oncology treatment very well.” But one day, at the end of August, Ethan’s breathing became raspy, and his heart was racing. His parents rushed him to Children’s Hospital, and he was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care (PICU). Ethan’s kidney failure had now led to heart failure. Watching her normally happy 3-year-old—the same boy who eagerly requested Legos and “Elephant and Piggie” books at his dialysis sessions—hooked up to so many machines scared her more than anything else had. “I had been pretty calm prior to that,” Sherley says. “That was the first time I felt, oh my God, I don’t know if he’s going to make it.”

Waiting to Exhale

Doctors were able to stabilize Ethan’s heart failure. The good news was, the heart failure was expected to resolve after he received a kidney transplant. But even though he finished his chemotherapy in September 2017 and had his second kidney removed two months later, Ethan wasn’t yet eligible for a transplant. He would have to be cancer-free for two years first. Meanwhile, Jondavid Menteer, MD, Medical Director of the Heart Failure and Transplant Program, treated Ethan’s heart failure with medicines. Ethan’s dialysis was also increased to four times a week, and he had several dietary restrictions. “There are some children who can’t tolerate additional fluid in their body between treatments, and because Ethan didn’t have any kidneys, he didn’t make any urine,” explains Dr. Lestz, Medical Director of Pediatric Kidney Transplantation at CHLA. “Those patients often end up needing more frequent dialysis.” Finally, by September 2019, Ethan was eligible for a transplant. But there was yet another obstacle. “Ethan is a blood type B, and that’s the least common blood type in the population,” Dr. Lestz says. “Our patients who are type B tend to wait for the longest for transplants.”

Ethan waited for another 14 months. By then, he was six years old; he had been on dialysis for more than half of his life. So, when Sherley and Everton got the call on November 13, 2020, about a potential kidney for him, they held their breath. It wasn’t until Ethan had been wheeled into the operating room that Sherley finally exhaled. It was 11:15 p.m., but she picked up her phone and began calling her closest friends and family. “Oh my God, he’s in surgery!'” she told them. “Right now!”

Pizza and plane rides

Ethan enjoys his first slice of New York pizza Ethan has big plans for when he grows up. He loves to cook, so he wants to be a chef and own a restaurant. He also wants to be a surgeon—so he can help other kids as his doctors helped him. “Well, you can do both!” his mom tells him. “Someone else will have to run the restaurant, but you can do both.” He has some time to figure it out. Now 7,

Ethan just started second grade. He still loves Legos, as well as playing video games and watching TikTok videos about the importance of being kind to people. His transplant was a success. Although he initially had a slower recovery (surgeons also had to re-align his intestines, which were abnormally twisted), he’s now doing great. His heart failure has resolved, and his new kidney is working beautifully. In June, Ethan took his first airplane ride—a two-week trip to New York City to see his grandparents. He wants to take swimming lessons soon—something he could never do with his dialysis line. And he can eat anything he wants, including his favorite food: pizza. His parents are extremely grateful to Ethan’s kidney donor and to everyone at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles who has helped take care of their son. Sherley is also thankful for her coworkers, who have cheered Ethan on from day one. “I loved how he was treated at CHLA and the level of care from all his providers. I was particularly amazed by the PICU nurses,” Sherley says. “Even though I work at the hospital, you don’t really understand the magnitude of what goes on here until you’ve actually gone through it.”

Although Ethan has had his new kidney for just under a year, his pre-transplant life “feels like a long time ago now,” she adds. “It’s like when you have a baby, and you don’t even remember the pain anymore,” she says. “Sometimes I’m like, how did we get through this? But we did! We made it.”

Story and photos courtesy Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

How You Can Help

Refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move: or call Corey at 213-880-9910

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, DRE 01889449; MPR Funding Inc NMLS 2000513. We are not associated with the seller, homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker. | PDF

Corey Chambers Commercial

Real Estate Los Angeles: Offices and Warehouse Style Live/Work Residential Spaces

There are those who like a residence with more character and productivity, and others who prefer more flexibility or more comforts in their workplace environment. Corey Chambers offers home buyers, business owners, landlords, investors and renters an easier way to make it happen with an extraordinary creative and mixed-use property for sale or for lease.

Live/work, lofts, converted commercial, unique properties, industrial, mixed-use and commercial! Here’s info on a commercial lease completed recently. The owner advertised it everywhere, but could not find anyone to take it until we quickly found a tenant to pay full asking $14,000 per month. A large warehouse, and large office with a shower gives that tenant an extra flexible, extra productive space to do multi-media, social media, marketing, merchandising, video production, as wells as entertaining and relaxing.

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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, DRE 01889449; MPR Funding Inc NMLS 2000513. We are not associated with the seller, homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.