
1. A 42 435 S LA FAYETTE PARK PL #303 #303 $459,000 2 2.00 (2 0 0 0) 1,428 $310.00
2. A 42 200 S RENO ST #301 #301 $375,000 2 2.00 (2 0 0 0) 1,124 $225.00 1984 634/B1
3. 16 A 42 416 S SPRING ST #609 #609 $845,000 2 2.00 (2 0 0 0) 1,394 $563.05 1914
4. 18 A 42 1850 INDUSTRIAL ST #608 #608 $498,000 1 1.00 (1 0 0 0) 630 $462.10 1925
5. 12 A 42 108 W 2ND ST #308 #308 $449,000 1 1.00 (1 0 0 0) 910 $616.64 1910 634/F4
6. A 42 1100 WILSHIRE #3609 #3609 $549,000 0 1.00 (1 0 0 0) 790 $698.98 1986
7. 7 A 42 1234 WILSHIRE #120 #120 $479,000 1 1.00 (1 0 0 0) 920 $378.00 2006
8. 35 A 42 315 E 8th ST #505 #505 $419,000 1 1.00 (1 0 0 0) 670 $468.00 1925 02/23/15
9. 21 A 42 420 S San Pedro ST #224 #224 $399,000 1 1.00 (1 0 0 0) 900 $410.00 1922


Fixer Uppers and handyman specials often represent a great way to get a fantastic deal on a home. As you are aware these homes often need work but if you are able and willing to do some of the work yourself, you could have an ideal home for much less than other comparable homes on the market that are already in showcase condition.

Raw lofts Downtown LA
Raw Lofts and Fixer Uppers Downtown LA

If you’re the type of person who recognizes a “diamond in the rough” you’ll know “a great deal when you see one” and you will be interested to know about a new, free Home-Hunter Service which automatically searches out and downloads a current list or properties – day in and day out.

This Service specializes in researching and providing you with the latest information about the very best buys of homes currently on the market that you can buy with little or no money down.

fixer-upper-fixer-loft-cp-ad-rsiThe unique and automated Home-Hunter Service enables you to get priority access to the hottest, new listings giving you the competitive edge so that you can save thousands of dollars by finding the best buys before other buyers even know about them. By being there first you’ll be able to negotiate to get the most home for the least amount of money. After all, the best deals get snapped up quickly by smart buyers like you.

Here’s how it works. Every evening a computerized system searches through all new listings from every real estate company, not just the L.A. Loft Blog, that have been listed in the past 24 hours. Real estate professionals review each and every one of these listings in order to find the best buys on the market. From this, we print out a comprehensive “Hot List” which we provide to you free of charge and without obligation.

For example, right now the “Hot List” identifies a number of large fixer upper properties in great neighborhoods that, with a little tender loving care, can become real gems. Because these homes require some work, you can turn any one of these handyman specials into a home that will present itself in showcase perfection for a lot less money than if you purchased such a home in pristine condition to begin with.

The Fixer Upper “Hot List” will help you identify the best buys on the market right now that are in your desired price range and location. This is offered as a FREE community service to help you save money, time and the inconvenience of searching for just the right property on your own. Remember, the service offers you a way to beat out other buyers before they even know about these listings, saving you up to thousands of dollars so that you can get the most home for the least amount of money. Buyers love this free Home-Hunter Service because it doesn’t cost them anything to get all the information they need, hassle-free and without feeling obligated.

You can request the free Home-Hunter Service by filling out the online form:


Copyright © 2015 This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not necessarily associated with the home owner’s association, seller or developer. For more information, contact (213) 478-0499 or visit LAcondoInfo.com  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.

Save $10,000 on Your Home Purchase Guaranteed or I’ll Pay You $1,000

How to Get the Lowest Price on a Downtown Loft or Condo

If you are like most home buyers you have two primary considerations in mind when you start looking for a home. First you want to find a home that perfectly meets your needs and desires, and secondly you want to purchase this home for the lowest possible price.
Well we can help you accomplish both of these goals. Let me first explain the $10,000 home purchase savings guarantee up front, and then I’d like to take a few moments to explain this unique guarantee and how it fits into the larger picture of the unparalleled service we offer to hundreds of home buyers in the area, service that you simply could not find anywhere else, and services which cost you absolutely nothing.  MORE

2015-01-18 10.24.59

Here’s how our $10,000 home purchase savings guarantee offer works. When you become one of our VIP buyers and find the home you want to purchase, we will negotiate on your behalf to help you purchase this home for at least $10,000 less than the listed asking price guaranteed, or we pay you $1,000 cash at the closing other sale. The guarantee is for all lofts, condos and houses listed for $300,000 or more.


Now that’s pretty straightforward. What this means is that you are guaranteed to buy for less money when you use our services and become one of our VIP buyers. You see, we specialize in helping home buyers like you purchase the home of your dreams for the lowest down payment possible. In fact, right now we know of several wonderful homes in the area that you can buy with super low down payments, with monthly payments that are ultra affordable. Our unique home hunter service will help you find a home that perfectly meets your needs and desires. This free service automatically emails you daily updates of all new listings that match your home buying criteria absolutely free of charge. You can receive our free home hunter service and become a VIP buyer and gain automatic access to a number of really important benefits, including the $10,000 home purchase savings guarantee.

The best part is that all of our services that we provide to help you find the best home for your needs with the lowest down payments and the lowest home loans are absolutely free to you. You see, we are paid by the home seller if you decide to buy a home, so there is never any cost to you. To find out more information about how to save $10,000 by becoming a VIP buyer, visit www.Save10Grand.com

Copyright © 2015 This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not necessarily associated with the home owner’s association, seller or developer. For more information, contact (213) 478-0499 or visit LAcondoInfo.com  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.