Professional Con-Artist Jimmy Wayne Jackson AKA Drew Christian Donovan AKA Christian Andrews Deceives from Small Town to Downtown

REAL ESTATE NEWS (September 4, 2017) Los Angeles, CA — The L.A. Loft Blog reported in May of 2017 about pretend rich guy Christian Andrews conning many Los Angeles area locals by offering to pay their bills, give them cars, even million-dollar real estate such as Downtown lofts and Solaire luxury high-rise condominiums in Koreatown. The skilled liar with many names promises to help those who are deserving with millions out of his trust fund if they help him avoid his interfering parents. The truth is that the con-man’s parents are dead, and he is really only avoiding his earlier angry victims while spryly hurdling the slow wheels of justice as he cheats his way from small town to Greater Los Angeles.
By gaining sympathy over his made-up terminal cancer, and his bogus story that he wants to help those who are deserving, Jimmy Wayne skillfully leads caring individuals into the void, all but rendering victims into human ATM machines, mindless sex zombies or drug-fetching robots to give him their money, meds, identities and even more sinister. The preying monster seems to have something insidious in store for just about anyone whom he can catch in his finely crafted web. #jimmywaynejackson #drewdonovan #christianandrews #fraud
The LA Loft Blog first became aware of the swindler when he contacted our office asking for help with a Downtown loft purchase. After observing fake proof of funds, fake earnest money deposit initiation receipts and other fake instruments, the L.A. Loft Blog has learned that the perpetrator has defrauded more than 100 individuals, families, mothers, children, elderly, disabled out of more than $1,000,000 in the Greater Los Angeles Area (see the original story).
The Latest — Going by the fake name Christian Andrews, and carrying a California driver license that says Drew Christian Donovan, the supremely skilled deceiver has this week been outed as Holland, Michigan native Jimmy Wayne Jackson, long-time fraudster on a mega-extended super-spree of illegal deception using fake checks, sham real estate transactions, phony bank wire transfers, other people’s credit cards and stolen identities.

We have just been contacted by an old-family friend who informed us of the flimflam man’s true origin. He’s been at it a long, long time. Hometown victim Carol reports that she knew him a long time ago when he was 10-year-old Jimmy Wayne Jackson of Holland, MI, from a dysfunctional family living at a mobile home park. Years later, Carol would lose touch as Jimmy turned into an 18 year old college DJ in Grand Rapids and then a DJ in Florida. About 9 years ago in back in Holland, MI, the young fraudster’s mom had passed away, and Jimmy never new his birth father. Carol and Jimmy grew close, so she thought. But the friendship was mere trickery. Carol reports that Jimmy came back to his home town, claimed he came into lots of money, and wanted to give it to deserving people. He defrauded Carol and several of the local townspeople, causing tens of thousands in damages to Carol alone. Years later, Jimmy did it again, ripped his old friends off a third time, making yet another astonishing round to take advantage of the folks who cared for him the most by claiming that he had come back to make amends. For those who were religious, Jimmy would not hesitate to use God’s name to lie, and take advantage of their faith to bilk and milk them for every penny. Carol said that two more home-town victims called her within the last year to report Jimmy’s latest thievery by false pretenses. His total estimated take is now more than $2 million.

While his mugshot captures a glimpse of his true character, the perpetrator has not paid for his career of crime. He has told some that he served time, but this super-slippery and talented weasel has even been able to con “friends” into bailing him out, as his supreme charlatan skills have allowed him to evade the law virtually 100%. He uses advanced real estate knowledge and banking know-how to trick old friends — even to outwit sophisticated business persons. The man with many names is at large and actively taking from innocent individuals and families. His motives are too torrid and depraved to detail on a real estate blog, but evidence suggests that the bad guy’s impetus may involve something weird like Ambien sex addiction, the sad combination that took down golf-great Tiger Woods. All victims are encouraged to immediately contact law enforcement and also to contact the L.A. Loft Blog with further information. The sooner we can get this crafty parasite back into an orange jumpsuit and iron bars, the safer America will be.

Additional victims have created another page with more information that might help to apprehend and stop the fraudster, also to try to protect families from the ongoing campaign of financial devastation by Drew Donovan aka Christian Andrews aka Jimmy Wayne Jackson.
To learn more about how and why Jackson/Donovan/Andrews used Downtown lofts to swindle innocent victims, visit the original LA Loft Blog article and the new Catch Drew Donovan blog website created by some of his victims at
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