Downtown To Expand Southward with $1-Billion Residential, Hotel and Retail Complex

SoLa Village $1-billion residential, hotel and retail complex is being planned south of the 10 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles as robust development promises to spread beyond the traditional boundaries of the neighborhood. The proposed project, called SoLA Village, would rise just south of Washington Boulevard on a block and a half next to the …

Dangers of Unhealthy, Unhygienic Wall-to-wall Carpeting

Dangers of Unhealthy, Unhygienic Wall-to-wall Carpeting Did you know that carpeting is the #1 cause of indoor air pollution in suburban homes? Carpet has the largest surface area of anything in the home.  Taking up a huge amount of space, the materials used in the carpet, padding and installation make for a huge, ominous threat to the …