Real Estate “Magic” is the Science of EntarĀ®

COREY CHAMBERS REAL ESTATE BLOG (Los Angeles, CA) ā€” Here’s an update on the things we’re thinking and doing mid 2022: In the midst of the worst stock market since 2008, combined with the worst inflation in 40 years, American optimism is today near an all-time low. As we speak, American babies are going hungry. …

Real Estate and Stagflation | Turning a Crash into Cash

Stagflation is the Name of the Game: The Dollar is Dust REAL ESTATE NEWS (Los Angeles, CA) ā€” Jawbone Jerome Powell today attempts to placate markets by raising interest rates. Unfortunately, Jerome’s half-hearted attempt at finally correcting radical fed monetary policy is too little too late. Inflation is already out of control, and cannot be …