Leads-Provided REAL ESTATE CAREER Downtown Rentals
Earn $80,000 and Up – For (only) 2 lucky Los Angeles licensed agents with experience and success, it is possible: an inside sales position, following up on and nurturing qualified Downtown lease leads (NO cold calls). Join a team of 4 other inside sales agents supporting one of the top agents in Southern California, get new Downtown loft and condo lease leads 5 days a week.
Never worry about having enough real estate prospects. Get paid in days, not months!
Exceptional opportunity to earn $50,000.00 to $60,000.00 first year, as much as double that 2nd year. Must be able to check ego at the door and effectively represent the agent and team in exchange for a systematic real estate career with an overflow of leads.
This is NOT for the brand new, rank amateur agent seeking a shortcut to proficiency nor is it for the failed agent unable to make a living, Instead, the agents who love this change and do well in this position have been successful, are knowledgeable, have good client management, communication and organization skills, and could continue earning a good living in “regular” real estate if they had to, but prefer to receive plenty of provided leads, the freedom from endless cold prospecting, expensive advertising, intense competition and uncertain, unpredictable feast-famine roller coaster income.
If you have a quality track record, the necessary skills and are ready to work with a proven system, we have a great place on our unique team for you. To begin the process, simply call toll free to 1-800-791-4538 ID#9075. Your inquiry will be held in the strictest confidence. Your present broker/employer will not be contacted. (Note: the last time we advertised an opening, we were flooded with applicants and immediately filled the position. Do NOT procrastinate.) Is it really possible?
Now Hiring Real Estate Agents
To All Real Estate Agents: Real Estate Jobs With No Cold Calling
A message to real estate agents from Corey Chambers, publisher of the LA Loft Blog
Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen to what I have to say. One of the most common problems real estate agents have in today’s market is finding clients. Back in the eighties, this business was easy. Real estate was booming, and clients were plentiful. It was easy to make a good living selling real estate back then. The reality that most agents face today is quite different. Most of us get into the business because we like working with people. Helping families with such an important transaction can be fun and rewarding. The problem is, for the average agent, most of their time and money is spent trying to FIND customers which leaves very little time to actually give the kind of service you want to give.
Whether you’ve been in real estate for 25 years, or just got into the business a few months ago, you probably know what I mean by the term “prospecting”. For most agents, it’s a really ugly word. It means forcing yourself to sit on the phone and make endless cold calls to people who really aren’t interested in talking with you. Or search out and hound expired and FSBO’s. When I first got into real estate 10 years ago, this is exactly what I did. Like most agents, I looked around at what all the other agents were doing and copied them. I listened to the sales trainers and believed it on faith that the forceful, manipulative sales techniques they taught would somehow set me free. Well it didn’t exactly turn out that way.
You see, if you’re like most agents, prospecting is a hated task. The constant rejection that comes with the old school techniques is humiliating. The repetition is brain-numbing. Couple that with the long, long hours spent servicing clients which may or may not turn into business. No wonder 80% of agents quit the business within 5 years. Struggling through a 70 hour work week to sell maybe 10 or 20 homes a year just isn’t worth the time or effort; it’s not worth giving up your family time, not seeing your kids grow up, the broken relationships, health problems and frustrations which usually go hand in hand.
And the root of the problem is simply this – that most agents spend so much time trying to find business that they do virtually no real business at all. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that even the best agent in the world will starve with no customers. Well, I can change all that for you. You see, I’ve developed an entirely new system of selling real estate which completely rejects the traditional, manipulative sales techniques which really don’t work. My system turns the tables on useless, brain-numbing prospecting. What do I mean by that? Well, exactly as it sounds. Instead of you sitting on the phone making endless cold calls trying to find someone who may be interested in buying or selling, my system automatically draws warm, qualified prospects to call my office . . . and then I pass these great leads on to you. In other words, I do all of this for you — I hand you all the leads. Think about what this could mean for you. My system automatically finds, motivates, screens and then qualifies prospective clients, and every single day these leads are automatically transferred to you. So while other agents are starving for clients, you’ll turn on your computer to find the names and numbers of warm, qualified prospects to follow up with. My team does absolutely no cold calling at all. Every single one of the hundreds of clients we complete transactions for every year — every single one of them called us first.
My systems are so thorough, that our pipeline is always full of great leads. This is an excellent opportunity for you to easily make great money in this business and have fun doing it because you’ll finally be able to spend your time actually doing what you got into the business to do in the first place – help people. So if your greatest problem is that you’re really good at what you do but you’re having trouble finding clients, you will probably be very interested in this opportunity.
Right now I’m looking for a few ambitious and open minded team members to grow my already highly successful business. I’m looking for agents with great people skills. I’m NOT looking for slick salespeople, but rather people who genuinely like working with others, and who can convey professionalism. Successful candidates will be eager to do really well financially, and open to learning new ways of doing things. If this describes you, please email your resume to resume@laloft.org
L.A. Loft Blog Now Hiring – Corey Chambers Real Estate Team
L.A. LOFT BLOG, LAloftBlog.com
Executive AF administrative Assistant
Handle team member’s travel arrangements
Process credentials for LMS
IS & Customer Database management
Develop & Implement Marketing plans for all 3 businesses
Inside Sales calls for Coaching & LMS
Event & Meeting coordination
Accompanying Broker on Listing Appointments
HR Assistance
Recruiting Assistance w/LMS
Create Electronic Filing Systems
Process DVD & Book requests
Run errands (Lender, Coaching, LMS & personal for Corey Chambers)
Attend Weekly Strategy Meetings & Take Notes as Needed
Type up Rocks for Lender & LMS
Place New Hires on Downtown Newsletters
Sales Manager / Associate Broker
Support Broker in All Aspects of Running Agency
Broker Support for all Agents in the company
Computer Troubleshooting / Network Systems
Maintain Office Equipment and Supply Support
for Broadway Office
Financial Review and Reporting
Conduct Agent Training
Oversee Agent Payroll, Review and sign checks / Backup Bookkeeper
Assist with budgeting and strategic planning
Oversee Satellite Offices and Functionality
Prepare, Arrange & Organize Monthly Staff Meetings
Client Support /Customer Service
Participate in Recruiting efforts
Represent company at Networking functions
Special Projects as assigned
Facilitate Mentoring Program
Sell Real Estate
Assist w/projects upon request
Communicate / Coordinate w/Outside Vendors
Oversee Inside Sales
Marketing Coordinator
Backups Daily
Communicate any server issues to IT
Weekly E-Mail and/or Phone Communication w/Corey’ Clients
Prepare Print and Online Advertising & Marketing
Prepare Monthly www.homes.com Ad
Assist Corey Chambers to Prepare Monthly Staff Meetings
Agent & Client Support + Customer Service
Work w/Corey Chambers to Create Monthly Real Estate Newsletter
Review Invoices & Deal Pendings for Bookkeeper
Process Incoming New Agents
Maintain Agent Licensing and Personnel Files
Process Pending & Closing Transactions
Process Expireds & FSBO’s to ISA for Follow Up
Submit print and/or online advertising
Maintain Sign & Stationary Inventory
Give Buyer Leads to Lender Weekly
Client Opt-Outs in IS Soft
Email Distribution
Floor Time / Admin Schedule
Answer Phones and Return Emails as Needed
Track ISA and/or Floor Time Leads from Office Call-Ins, Walk-Ins or Internet & distribute accordingly
Prepare & Communicate Weekly #’s to Admin/Mngmt Staff
Assist w/projects upon request

Executive Administrative Assistant
Handle Corey Chambers’ travel arrangements
Process credentials for LMS
IS & Wise Agent Database management
Develop & Implement Marketing plans for all 3 businesses
Inside Sales calls for Coaching & LMS
Event & Meeting coordination
Accompanying Broker on Listing Appointments
HR Assistance
Recruiting Assistance w/LMS
Create Electronic Filing Systems
Process DVD & Book requests
Run errands (Lender, Coaching, LMS & personal for Corey Chambers)
Attend Weekly Strategy Meetings & Take Notes as Needed
Type up Rocks for Lender & LMS
Place New Hires on Newsletters
Sales Manager / Associate Broker
Support Broker in All Aspects of Running Agency
Broker Support for all Agents in the company
Computer Troubleshooting / Network Systems
Maintain Office Equipment and Supply Support
for Broadway Office
Financial Review and Reporting
Conduct Agent Training
Oversee Agent Payroll, Review and sign checks / Backup Bookkeeper
Assist with budgeting and strategic planning
Oversee Satellite Offices and Functionality
Prepare, Arrange & Organize Monthly Staff Meetings
Client Support /Customer Service
Participate in Recruiting efforts
Represent company at Networking functions
Special Projects as assigned
Facilitate Mentoring Program
Sell Real Estate
Assist w/projects upon request
Communicate / Coordinate w/Outside Vendors
Oversee Inside Sales
Marketing Coordinator
Change Network Tape Daily
Communicate any server issues to IT
Weekly E-Mail and/or Phone Communication w/Willie’s Clients
Prepare Print and Online Advertising & Marketing
Prepare Monthly www.homes.com Ad
Assist Brian Miranda to Prepare Monthly Staff Meetings
Agent & Client Support + Customer Service
Work w/Caitlin Duffy to Create Monthly Insurance/Real Estate Newsletter
Review Invoices & Deal Pendings for Bookkeeper
Process Incoming New Agents
Maintain Agent Licensing and Personnel Files
Process Pending & Closing Transactions
Process Expireds & FSBO’s to ISA for Follow Up
Submit print and/or online advertising
Maintain Sign & Stationary Inventory
Give Buyer Leads to Lender Weekly
Client Opt-Outs in IS Soft
Email Distribution
Floor Time / Admin Schedule
Answer Phones and Return Emails as Needed
Track ISA and/or Floor Time Leads from Office Call-Ins, Walk-Ins or Internet & distribute accordingly
Prepare & Communicate Weekly #’s to Admin/Mngmt Staff
Assist w/projects upon request
Payroll for LMS & MI
Pay Bills For LMS & MI
Profit & Loss Statements LMS & MI
Agent Invoices
Process Escrow
Balance Accounts
Process Closings In System & Pay Commissions
Prepare Invoices for Closings & Email to Agents
Employee Benefits
Listing Coordinator
Review listing paperwork for compliance
Input listings into CRM and launch plans
Input listings into CRMLS
Order “For Sale” signs for listings
Add new listings to ShowingTime, Success website, Homes.com, Postlets and Craigslist
Process status changes in CRMLS & MRG websites affiliated w/listing plans
Create leave behind reports
Upload “Associated Documents” to MLS
Communicate sign rider installs and removals with agents
Review sign & supply invoices for Bookkeepers
Maintain Active, Expired & Withdrawn Files
Answer phones and direct calls appropriately
Maintain lock box & sign rider inventory
Assist agents with requests, questions, and concerns
Office supply inventory Order supplies when needed
Maintain lockbox inventory
Track ISA and/or Floor Time Leads from Office Call-Ins, Walk-Ins or Internet & distribute accordingly
Communicate Weekly Leads to Marketing Coordinator
Email Distribution
Maintain MRG Facebook Page
Assist w/projects upon request
Database Manager
Send Out Customer Service Surveys
Buyer/Seller Videos
Upload All Leads from Websites & 800 #’s to CRM
Forward Leads to Inside & Outside Agents from AO
Assign & Record Scripts for Print Advertising
Sell Real Estate
Assist w/projects upon request
Mail out Postcards for FSBO and Expireds
Send out CMA’s to Willies leads
F/U on all Company Leads Daily

Inside Sales
Business Development
Make Buyer/Seller Calls from Leads
Follow up on Result of Appointment
Distribute Market Leader Leads Distribute CI Leads
Communicate Weekly Leads to Marketing Coordinator
Distribute CI & Online Leads
PT Admin / Showing Agent
Customer Service
Maintain Office Equipment, Phone, Supplies etc
Support Marketing & Listing Coordinator as needed
Support Broker w/Client Follow Up, Closings, Paperwork,
Showings etc
Sell Real Estate
Assist w/projects upon request
Payroll for MRG & MI
Pay Bills For MRG & MI
Profit & Loss Statements MRG & MI
Agent Invoices
Process Escrow
Balance Accounts
Process Closings In system & Pay Commissions
Prepare Invoices for Closings & Email to Agents
Employee Benefits
Listing Coordinator
Review listing paperwork for compliance
Input listings into CRM and launch plans
Input listings into CRMLS
Order “For Sale” signs for listings
Add new listings to Showingtime, Success website, Homes.com, Postlets and Craigslist
Process status changes in CRMLS & MRG websites affiliated w/listing plans
Create leave behind reports
Upload “Associated Documents” to MLS
Communicate sign rider installs and removals with agents
Review sign & supply invoices for Bookkeepers
Maintain Active, Expired & Withdrawn Files
Answer phones and direct calls appropriately
Maintain lock box & sign rider inventory
Assist agents with requests, questions, and concerns
Office supply inventory
Order supplies when needed
Maintain lockbox inventory
Track ISA and/or Floor Time Leads from Office Call-Ins, Walk-Ins or Internet & distribute accordingly
Communicate Weekly Leads to Marketing Coordinator
Fax Distribution
Maintain MRG Facebook Page
Assist w/projects upon request
Database Manager
Send Out Customer Service Surveys
Buyer/Seller Videos
Upload All Leads from Websites & 800 #’s to CRM

Forward Leads to Inside & Outside Agents from AO
Assign & Record Scripts for Print Advertising
Sell Real Estate
Assist w/projects upon request
Mail out Postcards for FSBO and Expireds
Send out CMA’s to Willies leads
F/U on all Company Leads Daily
Inside Sales
Business Development
Make Buyer/Seller Calls from Leads
Follow up on Result of Appointment
Distribute Market Leader Leads Distribute CI Leads
Communicate Weekly Leads to Marketing Coordinator
Distribute CI & Online Leads
PT Admin / Showing Agent
Customer Service
Maintain Office Equipment, Phone, Supplies etc
Support Marketing & Listing Coordinator as needed
Support Broker w/Client Follow Up, Closings, Paperwork,
Showings etc
Sell Real Estate
Assist w/projects upon request
• Lead Generation & Marketing Plan – Oversee Company Finances -Hire/Fire/Manage Train/Coach/Consult -
Develop & Implement New Agent Training Systems – Conduct Peak Producers Mentoring Program —
• Recruit New & Experienced Agents – Meet with Management & Executive Staff-Weekly for Accountability & Strategy
• Lead Generation & Marketing Plan – Oversee Company Finances -Hire/Fire/Manage Train/Coach/Consult -
Develop & Implement New Agent Training Systems – Conduct Peak Producers Mentoring Program —
• Recruit New & Experienced Agents – Meet with Management & Executive Staff-Weekly for Accountability & Strategy
Send resumes to team@laloft.org or call (213) 880-9910
SEARCH LOFTS FOR SALE UNDER $500,000 | Popular | Top Luxury
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Your Home Sold GUARANTEED or I’ll Buy It*
Corey Chambers, REALTOR®
(213) 880-9910
Your Referrals Help the Kids. For every referral I receive, I donate a portion to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. With your referrals, you are helping Children’s Hospital ensure that critical life-saving care is available to every child they treat. http://www.ReferralsHelpKids.com
Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 Not associated with the homeowner’s association, seller or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.
Based on information from the Association of REALTORS®/Multiple Listing as of [date the AOR/MLS data was obtained] and /or other sources. Display of MLS data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. The Broker/Agent providing the information contained herein may or may not have been the Listing and/or Selling Agent.
*seller and Corey must agree on price and time of possession – details and conditions visit coreychambers.com