REAL ESTATE NEWS (Los Angeles, CA) — In preparation of launching a trillion dollar real estate company of the future, called Entar, the following has been let out in a LIMITED RELEASE: ” CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT SHARE WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC ” This is the directive of Entar founder Corey Chambers, Realtor(R) in Los Angeles. Loft Blog readers are asked to keep this information restricted to home buyers, sellers, renters, landlords, investors, cooperating real estate professionals and friends in the Greater Los Angeles Area and throughout California.
Entar Business Plan — Real Estate and Investment Technologies – Preliminary
(A combination of notes, plans, marketing ideas and letters, the following has been written for team members, friends, qualified licensed real estate agents and potential future investors etc. These are preliminary planning notes and possibilities, not final plans.)
Congratulations, Founder Candidate! Participate and claim your rightful place as founding owner of a big real estate company. Join the Facebook private group at www.EntarAgents.com
Be an owner of a trillion dollar real estate company of the future.
GUARANTEED $100,000 MORE OR WE’LL PAY THE DIFFERENCE – (Agent recruiting) Proven system has created more than $2 billion in real estate transactions
SCALE – Grow for economy of scale more money with lower overhead, 106% average growth year over year (206% as much commission) and much, much more profit
STOCK – Agent owned, supplemental income, superior retention by sharing stock ownership equity 80% to first 6-month round, 20% remaining
TECH – AI Predictive analysis: who is most likely to move, and where.. GPS App, Quantum computing, machine learning, blockchain, digital real estate, virutal real estate and real estate NFTs, Information is fundamental https://youtu.be/5nPeBq8ePSc
CP (ADVANCED TRAINING) – Top coaches of North America – USP, Coaching, Millionaire Agent System, Presentations, Marketing / Advertising, Team System. Other major coaches included as well.
LEADS – And appointments provided.
PROFIT – Offer much more value to clients — Charge more and negotiate better to gain an additional 2-2.5% per side by charging 3-4% more per side 1.5% higher gross Actual real net profit of Entar agents is MUCH, MUCH higher, allowing for real progress and lifestyle improvement.
OVERRIDE – Get more shared commissions stemming from recruited agents
LEVERAGE – Only way to make more money than time, is leverage – make 25 hours of money per day or 2500 hours of money per day by leveraging technology and people.
VIRTUAL – Virtual offices and physical offices in 40 cities
OPM – Other people’s money: investors (mostly clients),
ENTAR – Superbrand, 5-Star Seal of Approval
OPEN SOURCE – Attracts larger critical mass, ecosystem, brand cache and good will value, SaaS (software as a service), trademarks, knowledge base and mastermind, support
CHARITY – It’s all about giving to others: Children’s Hospital etc
BLOCKCHAIN – Cryptocurrency, smart contracts, self-service functions, customer rewards
DOMINATE – Must work towards being #1 in industry
BIG GOALS – create more success, better success, more profitable success than small goals. Aim for the stars.
EBUYER – Entar is transforming the way people sell damaged and outdated homes: No repairs or renovations; Leave the junk for us to clean up; Get up to $25,000 before the closing…; Sell As-Is & Pay Zero Fees; ENTAR.com; Sell As-Is & Pay Zero Fees; Sell for more. Worry less.
What’s in a name? Our company name is made of the top 5 highest frequency letters of the English alphabet. According to Notre Dame University, our name and registered trademark is blessed: 5 letters that work almost like magic because they represent more than 25 years of research and technology:

Entar® Real Estate and Investment Technologies |
[ ] 225 word elevator pitch – rough draft
The problem: Real estate is overpriced and the market is jittery and transaction volume is crashing. China is leading a global real estate crisis. Real estate companies are downsizing as they suddenly cannot get the investment dollars that they need. Real estate agents don’t make enough money.
Hi It’s Corey Chambers, Broker Associate with Realty Source Incorporated and publisher of the L.A, Loft Blog. How would you like to make $100,000 more than last year,?
With the help of about 100 of my friends in the real estate industry, I’m preparing to launch what I believe will be the world’s largest real estate company, Entar Real Estate, With leads and appointments supplied, it’s a game changer for you. No cold calling. No manual grunt prospecting. Spend your time actually selling — with a company that you are proud to be part owner of. If you might be interested in getting the amazing details, call me back and also join the Entar Real Estate private facebook page at EntarAgents.com ENTAR
How would you like to make $100,000 more than last year, guaranteed or we’ll pay you the difference.
Billion dollar agent, real estate coach, author Todd Walters says in this book “Death of the Traditional Real Estate Agent: Rise of the Super-Profitable Real Estate Team,” We already know that most agents fail. How about the winners? Those making a half million, a million, $3 million a year do so by rejecting industry norms and standards. They do so by getting more BUYERS and SELLERS what they want. The highly profitable agents work in real teams where each member has a specific role to play that maximizes their individual strengths.
LEADS, More equitable STOCK ownership, more advanced technology, innovative resources including our proven multi-billion dollar team system that provides leads and appointments. Along with Entar exclusive AI predictive analysis, blockchain, VRE, coming quantum computer for real estate.
Override commission – You’ll naturally attract the interest of other agents, you get more substantial rewards when they join the team. Not nickels like some companies. but substantial checks that add to your success.
Training – The highest level, most substantial, most challenging and more rewarding training and coaching in the industry bar none. Advanced training for millionaire agents.
charity – It’s about giving to others. Entar gives back to agents, clients and we donate a portion of our income to the great work done by childrens hospital and thier lifesaving work that they do.

For agents who want to make $100,000 more than last year guaranteed that comes from a company that provides leads and appointments, along with the most powerful resources to agents, for agents who insist in being more highly trained. for agents who share our values of charity and giving, Entar offers a unique opportunity to be a founding owner agent who will be part of creating for the first time in history, a real estate company that provides the resources to agents that they deserve because it gives agents a chance to fully utilize their unique gifts and talents in building the real estate company that will naturally dominate. The most high-tech, equitable, giving, charitable real estate company, Entar Real Estate.
The next step if for you to get in to the Entar private facebook group.
Call 213-880-9910 or visit AwesomeAgentsLA.com

Elevator pitch to agents:
Agents don’t make enough money. Reason: Most agents don’t get enough good seller clients.
Make $100,000 more than last year guaranteed or we will pay the difference.
No cold calling or manual prospecting because leads and appointments are provided, supplied by Entar.
Notes for assistants:
Scale up to expand. Share the Cost of running business over a larger group.
Stock for members, equal shares. Agent Owners who are the top doing several sales a year.
Investors from existing client base. These people know it’s a good deal and have the money to invest $10,000.
Technology Oriented, AI Predictive Selling and buying software to enhance effectiveness of sales efforts beyond existing human capabilities.
Give Leads to member agents.
Hire and use all the best real estate coaches.
Virtual office space Contract with high quality shared office space companies.
Listing rate of 3% make it more profitable for Agents, Override commissions that add value to agents who hire and train others.
5 star rating and testimonials
More structure available with the member training route but also the freedom for agents who want to sell feely and pay to use our functions.
Our Website will compete with the major players currently in the sphere of our industry.
Technology: property radar, docusign, dropbox, not restats real estate statistics but our own technology, boldleads, zbuyer, hotleads, cinc / cpmas, realty trac preforeclosures and NOD leads,
Vision: Invest in clients and agents. Give to the local community. Compete directly with Zillow, Realtor.com, Trulia and Redfin to beat KW, RE/Max,
Use data and AI to analyze and
Merge and get to scale
Going to be successful
Share success
Ownership and Equity – (must have completed 3 large transactions ($300k+) last year. With Entar for 6 months (vesting), 2 years (duration bonus), 5 year (stability bonus), 10 years (silver benefits), 20 years (gold), 30 years (diamond)
Leads and Appointments Provided
Entar Everything App – Most client interactions and status updates by app
Build relationships – Clients, agents, lenders, escrow, title, home warranty, attorneys, home improvement contractors. Show commitment to create value.
Increase revenues, decrease costs
Partner with suppliers
World-class team: Corey Chambers, Craig Proctor
Stock, multi-level override commissions,
Larger commissions, bigger average sale
Enterprise for National Technology of America Realty
take a look at halton pardee – agents receive salary. EXP realty agents receive stock. KW agents receive override commissions. Implement and combine these!
1500 interest list (800 LIST +700 NEW)
200 candidate agents
100 founding agents 2,000 shares
40 primary agents 5,000 shares
20 select team 10,000 shares each max per year
3 primary admin- KT plus 2 more senior
(max 5 year stock allocaton is 6 million shares)
petitioning contractor
$1 training
$1 per task $60 to $600 per month
3 level override commissions, tap root default
Founding agents and other primary founders: 2,000 shares each
100 x 50,000 shares
Higher satisfaction for clients; more repeat and referral business; higher ratings and more testimonials
Entar CP USP
Entar Millionaire Broker-Owner Webinar: Agents Want Business … Entar Gives it to Them
Entar, Inc- Highly Ambitious Real Estate Broker-Owners, Impatient for Dramatic Profitable Growth of their Real Estate Brokerage
Attend this webinar to learn:
Entar knows how to compel the highest performing agents in the marketplace to seek us out vs. us chasing them
Entar knows what to offer the best of these agents to compel them to want to work with Entar
Entar has the secret formula that underlies a highly effective On-Boarding System and Agent Success Training System
Entar knows how to retain these agents so Entar and the agent both make much more money together than either could do separately
Enterprise of National Techology for American Real Estate
Enter 5 Star
Era of unprecedented disruption – technology, ibuyer, recession
open source real estate
Benefits of open source business plan — notes:
critical mass
brand cache and good will value
dual licensing
paid extra features, functions and upgrades
private label rights
knowledge base and mastermind
paid support
notes on open source
While the general public might have no need to know, you might very well be interested. We are including more than 24,000 clients, associates, affiliates and friends in our initial planning, because we are leaning towards building a unique, innovative business structure strategy: forming a super-public, open-source C corporation, with an accompanying DAO Distributed Autonomous Organization, in the near future.
Want to receive the final plans? The plans that show specifically how our agents generated many commission checks for $20,000 to $40,000 or more, to earn $150,000 to $300,000 per year? How about the way we helped investors turn $1,500 into more than $60,000? Request a copy of the upcoming Entar presentation. Fill out the online form.

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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog with information provided by Corey Chambers, Broker DRE 01889449. This is not an offer to buy or sell securities. All investments involve risk, including possible loss of principal. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. This does not constitute financial advice. For financial advice, consult a certified financial advisor. We are not associated with the seller, homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit LALoftBlog.com Licensed in California. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.