Here’s what’s happening in Los Angeles this week. | Blog Video
The city is still dominated by virus hysteria and damaging lockdown policies with inappropriate restrictions on business, causing damage to liberty and personal way of life. Media and politicians continue to peddle panic and foment hysteria while failing to disclose comorbidity, and withholding other facts that could alleviate fears.
Angelenos have the right to be informed that the “invisible enemy” has a comparitively low death rate. The L.A. Times fails to remind us that a winter flu spike happens most every fall in Los Angeles and worldwide, and that colds and flu are an integral part of humanity. Jarring locals with emotional alarms of “Cases, Cases, Cases,” our once-trusted Los Angeles area television and radio stations now purposely omit updates that include information about how early dire predictions have proven to be very wrong. There are no bodies piled up in the streets of L.A. Our hospitals are not overwhelmed. Many hospitals and doctor’s offices are all but empty, as badgered masses defer getting basic medical check-ups. The real killer is panic.
As politicians luxuriate in crowds, they attempt to impose new curfews and additional unfounded restrictions on a state and local economy that is already in shambles. They’re not listening to the countless Los Angeles hairdressers, waiters, students, shop owners and many others who suffer tremendously due to government overreaction and overreach.
The mask-wearing media continue to hype a dubious danger. Many locals are aware of the exaggerations, but they’re going along with it, as to be cooperative, and to not make waves. Even after the CDC, local doctors and top epidemiologists have concluded that the virus is comparable to a typical flu season, our local news have utterly failed to question the economic damage, mental damage and health damage caused by irrational fear, radical lockdown policies and excessive restrictions. It’s time for us to stop embracing hysteria. For many of us, our livelihood is our life. It’s time to claim our lives back in the City of Los Angeles.
Find out how much the home down the street sold for.
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