The Power of Positive Thinking by Normal Vincent Peale: Increase Your Real Estate Portfolio Potential

International Bestseller changes lives.

Corey’s Notes: Book Review, Report and Synopsis

Real estate is a competitive process that requires significant thought and energy. Want more power in your life? Much of the potential power for your use comes from outside of yourself. The biggest source of power, according to minister and author Norman Vincent Peale? God, of course. In his celebrated best selling book, The Power of Positive Thinking, Peal explains how you may accomplish more with God’s power and guidance. Let it flow. Receive the power from Him. A peaceful mind generates more power. Change the pattern of your thoughts. Fill your mind with creative, healthy thoughts. The Bible shares God’s gift of peace. Fill your mind with thoughts of tranquility and serenity. Let nothing interfere with these positive thoughts. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented, happy attitudes. Think of peaceful occasions, peaceful words and peaceful ideas.

The way to constant, continuous energy is to receive Divine energy: “Feel your way into the essential rhythm of Almighty God and all His works.” Get absolutely enthralled in something. Throw yourself into it with abandon and profound conviction.

Try prayer power. Affirmative prayers release powers by which positive results are accomplished, according to Peale.

Many authors and success coaches base their teachings on the secular version of these same principles. For those who are atheist or who subscribe to some other religion, this book is still well worth reading because it’s Christian foundation translates very well into non-religious secular affirmations, visualizations, meditations — asking the universe for what we want. The more clear, specific and positive one gets, and the more that prayer or affirmation is repeated, the more that they and the universe align to create what is desired or needed.

The book encourages the reader to cut out the negativity. Stop fuming and fretting. They are toxic. When we hold negative thoughts or ill feelings, they prevent us from receiving, holding and flowing the positive energy and positive thoughts that are necessary to accomplish the happiness and successes that are desired.

Hope for the best, expect the best — and get it. Belief and sustained expectation are keys to success. Negative mental processes hinder accomplishment. Doubt leads to defeat. When you put your Trust in God, he guides your mind. Faith works: “All things are possible for him that believeth.” Wholeheartedly expect to succeed. Employ the powers of faith and energy. To assure success, picture the desired results strongly in your mind. They will be accomplished if the objective is sound. Have faith in God and yourself. “With the help of Jesus Christ, there isn’t any obstacle that you can’t overcome,” shares minister Peale.

Eliminate worry and anxiety from your mind. Release and abstain from thinking about worries, frustration, tension, grief and ill will. The most powerful parter, God is close by to guide us. Peale assures us that faith is the key to receiving that guidance. When building a real estate portfolio, we must believe in order for us to achieve.

The book provides a list of actionable steps to thinking positive, and a formula to create the power for any accomplishment, including health and healing. Even go beyond that to actually re-make yourself into a spiritual super hero that can overcome any difficulty. Learn how rest and relaxation make the power easy. This book, along with the Bible, instruct on how to get people to like you by understanding their motivations, strengths and weaknesses, by believing in others and by helping to give them strength. The result is more affection for you.

Avoiding heartache, and attracting love: Inspiration from spiritual leaders allow us to depend on the reliability of Christ. Draw upon the higher power by taking a positive, optimistic attitude. “Put your life in the hands of God, and draw upon the higher power,” instructs Peale.

Entar 5-Star Rating

For real estate, as well as all things challenging and important in life, we need all of the power that we can get. Along with comedy queen Lucille Ball, millions of readers say this international bestseller is effective for attaining peace of mind, improving health and gaining an abundance of energy. This book is successful because it dramatically delivers the principles of success that work for people of all faiths. We give it an Entar Five Star rating. Give it a try.


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According to Norman Vincent Peale, the greatest Power of Positive Thinking comes from above.

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, DRE 01889449; MPR Funding Inc NMLS 2000513. We are not associated with the seller, homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.

Five Hacks to Get Your Home Loan Approved

It’s no surprise that getting a home loan takes some time and effort. If you haven’t gone through it before, it can seem overwhelming. After all, this may be the largest purchase in your lifetime. No stress there. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to master the process. Start with these five hacks, well more like common sense moves. Mortgage lending is a complex dance. It’s all about getting your ducks lined up in a row.

Review your credit report(s)

Don’t just assume your credit report is flawless because you haven’t missed a payment. Look over your accounts and be ready to answer any questions that the loan officer may have. Things like student loans and old open accounts. Review your report early so you aren’t surprised by hiccups that could derail the mortgage process and even affect your ability to get the best loan terms. Check out this post if you need more help: understanding your credit score.

Set your baseline

The first price you hear will become your baseline, so anything more than that seems expensive and anything below appears to be a bargain. It sounds arbitrary, but that’s how we humans are. So, hack your baseline. Before you find out how much a lender will lend you, decide what is a smart amount to borrow. A rule of thumb is not to spend more than 36% of your income (before taxes and other deductions) on all your debt – that includes mortgages, credit cards, student loans, and other debts. Find this number first, and let that be your baseline. This will keep you from being talked into purchasing more than you can afford.

Boy Scout Hack Be Prepared with Documents

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of information a lender will need in order to review your loan application. It can be frustrating if you need to hunt for more documentation in the middle of the process. It’s much less stressful to pull together the information a lender may potentially need before you hit the ground running. Here’s a list of items you may need to provide: A good multifunction printer scanner would be a great investment.

  1. Driver’s license
  2. Social Security card
  3. Pay stubs for the previous 30 days
  4. Proof of additional income, such as Social Security benefits, child support, or alimony (if applicable)
  5. W-2 forms for the previous two years
  6. Tax returns from the last 2 years
  7. Checking and savings accounts statements for the last three months
  8. Retirement funds and other investment statements for the last three months
  9. The most recent statements for your credit cards, loans, and other debts
  10. A list of all your assets
  11. Proof of timely rental payments (if you’re not selling a home)
  12. Credit report
  13. If you received a cash gift to use as a down payment, your lender may want written proof that it is truly a gift and not a loan

Take it one step further…

Consider other situations in your life that may cause your lender to ask for additional documentation. For example, if you have been divorced, your lender may ask for a divorce decree. Here are a few situations that may require additional documentation:

  • If you’re self-employed
  • If you or a co-borrower is active-duty military or a veteran
  • If you earn a significant portion of your income from investments

The best route is to find a lender early and discuss with them what documentation you will need.

Get your pre-approval assigned before you make an offer… It builds confidence.

Getting a pre-approval letter jump-starts the process. A lender can review your credit history and determine how much you qualify to borrow. Additionally, your lender can identify potential problem areas that may slow the process down, like a mistake on your credit report (see Hack #1). It can seem counterintuitive to secure pre-approval before you have found a house, but it streamlines the process since you know what you can afford and you already have a lender working on your side. 

In fact, starting with a simple conversation could be the best hack for you!

#entarispowerful #homeloanhacks

Questions about getting preapproved? Leave your comments here

Inside track on fast loan approval. Fill out this online form.


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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog with the information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, DRE 01889449; MPR Funding Inc NMLS 2000513. We are not associated with the seller, homeowner’s association, or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties are subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if the buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.