The Gift We Are Giving
Is It Really the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
You know the song, the one that says it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Well, there is something to it. The current year coming to a close, celebration of Christmas and other Faith Driven Holiday Celebrations, all mean different things to different people, but most always represent joy, peace, gratitude and hopefulness. If you look around, you will notice a giving spirit exists unlike at other times of the year. Why can’t it be that way everyday of every year? I think it can. It just takes effort. Here is what we are doing and how you can help. Many home owners wanting to really enjoy this Holiday season are less than enthusiastic because they feel trapped. They are desperate to exit their current home and give themselves a big Christmas Gift – a NEW place to call home.
#coreychambers #newsletter
The great generosity of our coaches! Toys given with LOVE that will bring warmth and a smile to so many children this Christmas!
In This Issue:
• The GIFT we are giving
• Your (and Those You Know) Holiday Season Guarantee
• How Your Referrals Help the Kids at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
…and More!!

As a result of working with thousands of people over a 15-year time span and through good times and recessions, we have developed a special program to quickly get an acceptable “cash” offer on any home for market value. So, we are giving Home Owners wanting to make a move a very special gift this holiday season.
For the month of December, we will guarantee, in writing, a CASH Offer within 24 Hours at a Price Acceptable to any Home Owner wanting to sell the place they call home*. I know there is some risk on my part to make such an incredible guarantee like that, but we are selling just about every home we list for the market value price, sometimes even more, so there is no reason for area home owners, your friends and family, to fret about selling right now.
This is where you come in…
If you or anyone you know is considering making a move, we would like to offer them a FREE No-Obligation to Move Consultation to discuss just how they can make their move, get what they want and do it with the least hassle. Just like we are thankful for you and your business, I am confident your referrals will be thanking you for steering them in the right direction on getting their home sold!!!

AND remember, YOUR referrals help the Kids! We are making progress on our goal of raising $25,000 for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles this year. We do this by donating to them a portion of our income from homes we sell. As you know Children’s Hospital Los Angeles does leading edge work in helping kids fight through and survive nasty life threatening diseases like cancer, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and others. As well as being a leader in Spinal Cord Injuries and Early Diagnosis of Autism. Last year they served over 1,000,000 Kids around Greater Los Angeles. Chances are your family or someone you know has benefitted from the great work they do. Children’s depends on Sponsorships and Donations in order to provide their lifesaving work and keep families medical bills down to a minimum. So When you hear me say “YOUR REFERRALS HELP THE KIDS…” they really do.
Who do you know considering buying or selling a home you could refer to my real estate sales team? Not only will they benefit from our award winning service, you can rest assured we are also donating to a very worthy cause. I want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move. You can go to and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 888-240-2500. Over the last decade of helping thousands of families sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! I hope you and your loved ones have an extra special Holiday Season filled with much joy and happiness.
With all my appreciation.
Corey Chambers, Realtor / Broker Associate
Realty Source, Inc.
P.S. Read the following story of this young person. It may cause you to look at your loved ones differently. It did me. Check it out.
Over the last decade of helping thousands of people to find a place, sell their home and/or buy another, we have met some wonderful, loving, caring people. People like you! So your referrals, those you know considering a move, that we help – you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for and the guarantee to back it up, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause. Again, it’s easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move: You can go to and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 888-240-2500.
Again, it’s easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move: You can go to and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 888-240-2500.
Contact Us
Your Home Sold GUARANTEED or I’ll Buy It*
Corey Chambers Team
200 N San Fernando Rd #119
Los Angeles, CA 90031
(213) 880-9910
Visit us on the web at
Corey Chambers
Why I Support Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles
I grew up right here in Los Angeles. Born right nearby at St. Francis Hospital. I remember when I first heard about a young person close to our family suffering from a nasty disease and getting treated for that at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. It was then that I began to pay closer attention to the work they do at that hospital. Since then, I have learned that it is a collection of hard working health care professionals, most making their home right here in the Los Angeles area, all coming together for a common cause. That cause is to help young people over come unfortunate health issues that life sometimes throws our way. Being a Los Angeles area, California native, I take pride in supporting in any way that I can the good work these people do at Children’s. My team rallys around our annual goal of raising money and donating portions of our income to help Children’s in their quest to heal young people when they need healing. My team and I are committed to providing outstanding results for buyers and sellers referred to us by our past clients. I have discovered that Children’s Hospital Los Angeles shares similar commitments to their patients. And since their services survive on sponsorships and donations we are happy to contribute and proud to support them.
10 Years After a Freak Accident, Sydney Says ‘Thank You’ to her Hand Surgeon
Have you ever found yourself thinking about someone who made a significant impact on your life? And have you wished that you could tell that person just how grateful you are? Fourteen-year-old Sydney has had those thoughts many times over the years—especially when someone asks about the now-faint scar on her right hand. So on a recent evening at home, she decided to write the letter she’s always wanted to write. “Dear Dr. Stevanovic,” she began, her fingers flying across the keyboard. “About 10 years ago, I got my right arm stuck in an elevator on a cruise ship …”
Screams of panic
Sydney doesn’t actually remember the accident that almost changed her life forever. Her parents, though, remember it like it was yesterday. It was an April day in 2007, and the family was just two hours into a long-anticipated seven-day cruise to the Mexican Riviera. The excited family—parents Meredith and Elan, Sydney, then 4, and Jack, then 1—filed into one of the ship’s elevators, headed up to the kids’ club. When the elevator reached the next floor, its center-split doors began to open like a curtain, and an eager Sydney started to exit. But as she did, she placed her right hand on the elevator door—which was slowly retracting into the wall. A second later, she started screaming. “I’m stuck! I’m stuck!” she shrieked. Horrified, her parents realized that Sydney’s small hand had been sucked into the wall along with the retracting door. The door was now also stuck; it was caught on Sydney’s wedged hand. “I couldn’t even see her hand,” remembers her dad. “My first reaction was that her hand had been amputated.” Fortunately, Elan is a paramedic, trained and experienced at responding to emergencies. Instinctively, he put his foot up against the elevator door and pushed as hard as he could with his leg and his hands —attempting to “flex” the door and create a bigger opening. Meanwhile, Meredith desperately tried to wiggle Sydney’s hand free. The cruise passengers around them looked on in shock. “It felt like an eternity,” Elan says. Really, it took about 20 seconds to set Sydney free. The family rushed out of the elevator. Sydney’s hand was intact but bleeding badly. Elan swooped Sydney into his arms, and the family ran through the ship, straight to the infirmary.
‘This is an emergency’
At the infirmary, there was good news: X-rays revealed no broken bones. Sydney’s hand was stitched, and her forearm was wrapped in a bright pink bandage. “It looks worse than it is,” the ship’s doctor told them. “She should regain full function of her hand in a day or two.” Hugely relieved, the family continued with its vacation. By the next day, Sydney was running around almost as if nothing had happened—except that she couldn’t move her fingers or wrist. By the end of the cruise, Sydney still had no use of her right hand. Back at their Los Angeles-area home, her concerned parents immediately took her to an orthopaedic center, which set up an appointment with a general adult orthopaedic surgeon. Increasingly worried, Meredith called her mom, who urged her to find a pediatric specialist. Meredith then called Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and quickly got an appointment to see Milan Stevanovic, MD, PhD. At the appointment, Stevanovic, an orthopaedic surgeon who specializes in hand and upper extremity surgery and pediatrics, did not mince words: Sydney had multiple severed tendons in her hand. Tendons, once severed, start to shrivel up—making it difficult to reattach them. Sydney’s future hand function was at stake. “He said, ‘This is an emergency,’” Meredith remembers. “‘Not only does she need surgery, she needs it as soon as possible.’” Less than 48 hours later, Stevanovic was operating on Sydney’s hand at CHLA. Thankfully, he was able to reattach the five severed tendons without having to graft tendons from her foot. Sydney spent the next six weeks in a cast that went from her fingertips up to her shoulder. Then she underwent a year and a half of intense physical therapy—first at CHLA and later with a hand specialist closer to the family’s home. By the end of her therapy, Sydney had regained 95 percent of her hand function. Today, it’s 100 percent. “My right hand is my dominant hand; I can do everything with it that a normal person would,” says Sydney. “I never have pain. It’s perfect.” Saying thank you The exuberant, outgoing teen—now a high school freshman—has taken full advantage of her repaired hand. She holds a black belt in taekwondo, plays AYSO soccer (including goalie) and is looking forward to learning to play tennis. She has never forgotten the surgeon who made it all possible. “I wanted to write you because I never properly thanked you for doing such a great job,” she explained in her email to Stevanovic. To her surprise, Stevanovic replied the next day. “It really touched me that she sent me a letter thanking me all these years later,” he says. “It showed what a good person she is.” Stevanovic is quick to also credit the rest of the Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Program at CHLA, including Director Nina Lightdale-Miric, MD, for the hospital’s long success in treating complex hand injuries and disorders. Although Sydney didn’t mention it in her letter, Stevanovic has inspired her in another way, too. “My unrealistic career goal is to be a fashion designer, but I think I’m actually leaning toward being a doctor,” she says. “I think that’s a cool job. I want to help people, like Dr. Stevanovic helped me.”
How you can help Refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move: or call us at 888-240-2500.
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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker. | PDF