We’re happy to provide the answers to these reader questions: #realestate
Q: Is there an artist loft los angeles for rent? A: Yes, find artist lofts for rent http://www.laloftblog.idxbroker.com/i/artist-lofts-for-lease-all Q: Has oceanwide plaza resumed construction? A: We can see no sign of construction progress at the Oceanwide Plaza project site | Video Q: What are the lofts for rent near me? A: Those near Downtown Los Angeles can find lofts for rent at https://www.laloftblog.com/lofts-for-lease/ Q: What’s available at the brewery la lofts? A: Brewery Lofts in Los Angeles at 1920 N Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90031 can be reached at 323-222-3007 Q: Can I see the interior of 1100 s bixel? A: We’re not familiar with anything at that address. Perhaps you are referring to 1100 Wilshire www.1100Lofts.com
It’s our pleasure to answer reader questions. Below is additional information about some timely blockchain and cryptocurrency topics:
DeFi Yield Farming – Crypto Investors Claim to be Raking In 100%+ Annualized Yields, according to Forbes. This new blockchain derivative attracts investors into the world of crypto finance. It’s about borrowing blockchain capital or otherwise leveraging DeFi protocols and products to generate high rates of return. In some cases, more than 100% annualized yields have been achieved when factoring in “cashback” bonuses and incentives. Twitter is among the most popular places to advertise, promote and educate about these new blockchain investment methods such as $COMP on @Instadapp. One Twitter user, DeFi Dad, offers a $250 per month return on $10,000 investment. These promises represent among the riskiest of investments, if you can call them that. The higher the offered ROI, combined with the fewest details and disclosures provided, the greater the risk of potential fraud and loss of investment capital. For example: If a Facebook user offers a bitcoin investment with a 200% return in one week, the investor/victim should suspect a ponzi scheme or other scam.
Stablecoin – Cryptocurrencies designed to minimize volatility of the price of the stablecoin, relative to some “stable” asset or basket of assets. A stablecoin can be pegged to a cryptocurrency, fiat money, or to exchange-traded commodities. Tether is the most popular stable coin, and is pegged to the dollar. Stablecoins may offer the same or greater risk than other cryptocurrencies, but stable coins go down in value, while other coins usually have large upswings in value. Stablecoins also tend to be manipulated by a controlling company, and may lack outside auditing. When a stablecoin destabilizes, it may drop in value precipitously.
Ethereum – The second largest cryptocurrency platform by market capitalization, behind Bitcoin. It is a decentralized open source blockchain featuring smart contract functionality. Ether is the cryptocurrency generated by Ethereum miners as a reward for computations performed to secure the blockchain. Ethereum powers thousands of applications.
Entar Coin – The L.A. Loft Blog recently announced the launch of Entar Coin, designed to tokenize and fractionalize real estate, and even to provide rewards for L.A. Loft Blog readers and thousands of other uses. Get 100 free Entar Coins while supplies last:
Real Estate – The king of investments, real estate is the largest investment achieved by the average American. More than 64% of American families own their home.
Selling homes, buying Bitcoin and owning more homes — Why would the trusted L.A. Loft Blog go off the deep end here and tell people to sell their property and buy cryptocurrency? That’s nuts!!! Or is it? #bitcoin #realestate
Well, first of all, even though the real estate market is softening at the moment, that’s not exactly what this article is about. This is about owning more lofts, not fewer. This is to help more people benefit from being educated about the shape of money to come, and thus end up with MORE real estate as a result. Because Bitcoin has proven to be the most promising investment of the past 8 years, more people need to know more about it. Bitcoin has already created more wealth faster than any technology ever — with market cap growing by more than $65 billion in the last 5 years. First of all, we must clarify that not everyone should sell their home and buy Bitcoin. Some, however, have already done just that. The jury is still out on whether it was a mistake for the Yolo Bitcoin Family to sell everything they owned to buy Bitcoin. Was it an extremely smart move? Will the Bitcoin Family get rich or go broke?
This article will explain what makes the difference. What will make it a mistake versus what will make it a super successful plan to liquidate a house or condo in order invest in a blockchain asset? Selling a home for the purpose of buying cryptocurrency is NOT recommended for most homeowners, so DON’T do it without first reading every word in this L.A. Loft Blog post!
Before we talk about how to turn one home into many homes, lets first review a cautionary tale about the Yolo family. They were last spotted about a month ago, living in a treehouse. The treehouse did have a swimming pool, and they appeared to be eating well. The family did say that they are very much enjoying living a temporarily minimalist lifestyle (otherwise known as poor, and they are also asking for donations). They may really need a lot of help if the current Bitcoin price plunge lasts for much longer. Meanwhile, they are peddling their Bitcoin knowledge to help make ends meet as Bitcoin is currently in its longest protracted plunge yet.
Corey Chambers
I like my own Bitcoin knowledge even better than Mr. Yolo’s because I’ve made substantial income from working with both real estate and Bitcoin. But I’ve got an unusually extensive background in all facets of Bitcoin fundamentals: economics, computer programming, information systems and investing. The only so-called “Bitcoin experts” whom I recommend listening to are Satoshi Nakamoto (mysterious creator of Bitcoin), Hal Finney (deceased co-creator), Gavin Andresen (trusted keyholder of the Bitcoin code), Craig Wright (a controversial founder) and those who have done significant original coding of Bitcoin. Others deemed 100% worthy of my trust are esteemed Bitcoin guru author Andreas Antonopoulos, along with Blockchain.com founders Peter Smith and Nicolas Cary. For me, it was an easy and wise decision to put lots of my money into Bitcoin AFTER I researched it thoroughly.
Now, lets compare and contrast the most successful bitcoin scenarios with the least successful. Those who sold a $300,000 Downtown Los Angeles loft to buy Bitcoin at 97 cents in 2011, would today have about $1.18 Billion. That’s Billion with a “B”. Yes, mind-boggling, so let’s that reiterate that. It’s a simple, yet astonishing fact that $300k of Bitcoin purchased in 2011 is today worth more than $1 Billion. In other words, the seller of a typical loft in 2011 could today buy more than 1,427 lofts today had they placed their money in Bitcoin over that 8 years. Of course that number is likely a bit high after considering taxes and other costs, but we can still get the picture. Owning a loft is a uniquely wonderful thing, but just think about what it might be like to own hundreds of them instead of just one. | INVESTMENTS
Sophisticated investors already know, and new investors must be aware, that past performance is no guarantee of future results. That being said, recent performance is one of the key indicators that investment professionals use to determine investment worthiness. For Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies, risk is a major factor. Cryptocurrencies have high volatility, are relatively new, intangible, subject to hacking and therefore more risky than real estate. Other factors of investment decisions are interest rates (the cost of borrowing); economic growth (changes in demand), confidence/expectations, technological developments (productivity of capital), availability of finance depreciation, wage costs, inflation, taxes and government policy, opportunity cost and competing opportunities etc.
What NOT to do:
Bitcoin growth leaps beyond astounding, but the extreme downturns have been equally dramatic. Bitcoin easily drops by 20% very rapidly, and has occasionally dropped by about 80%. Because of the inherent risk of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, I recommend that nobody sell any of their primary assets to buy substantial Bitcoin. Do not sell your primary residence to buy Bitcoin unless you don’t mind losing your home. Do not sell your retirement funds to buy Bitcoin unless you don’t mind losing your retirement. One sad scenario might be that the Yolo family sold their home along with many of their belongings, put it all in Bitcoin, then say that Bitcoin permanently drops to zero or near zero because a new technology instantly replaces it. The Yolo family said that is a risk they are willing to take. They said they will successfully start over. | COMMENT
So we need to use our imagination to conceive the worse possibility. Let’s imaging a retired couple hears good things about Bitcoin in ten years, sells their only home, along with al of their retirement funds, and they buy Bitcoin in the year 2029 at $300,000 per Bitcoin (after hearing that it was a sure thing because half the people they know seem to be getting rich trading Bitcoin), and they have no backup plan. To make matters worse, let’s say they borrowed money that they don’t have from a loan shark so that all of their social security must go to pay the loan shark. Then Bitcoin has its big crash. Multiply that by millions and we get a doomsday scenario that very well might occur in the future, mega-depression, maybe World War 3. Let’s avoid that.
How to Own Lots of Homes
We want you have more money to own more real estate. Now we kind of know what makes the difference between financial heaven and total crypto meltdown hell when it comes to Bitcoin and real estate. If you’ve weighed the risks and rewards for yourself according to your own needs, and you’re ready to take the plunge, here are some helpful Bitcoin Do’s and Don’ts:
Buy as much Bitcoin as you can afford to lose (Know the basics: Bitcoin.org).
Buy Bitcoin during a flat, low cycle (LIKE TODAY).
Sell a property to buy Bitcoin if you really don’t need that property.
Buy one Bitcoin or more if you have lots of money.
Buy less than a full Bitcoin if you can’t afford much (GET FREE BITCOIN).
Print and keep your Bitcoin addresses offline on a paper wallet, with one copy in a bank safe deposit box. Protect from hackers, scammers and thieves.
Cash out when the time is right (fill out the form below and you will get free updates that you need).
Use the gains to buy much more real estate.
Buy more Bitcoin than you can afford to lose.
Buy Bitcoin during an extremely exciting, frothy, high peak (LIKE 12/15/2017).
Sell your only home to buy Bitcoin if you may have nowhere else to live.
Fail to buy at least one Bitcoin even though you have lots of money (Get some FREE).
Buy too much Bitcoin when you can’t afford much.
Keep all of your Bitcoin in online account controlled one company.
Be careless with Bitcoin addresses, passwords and logins
Sell more than once from the same Bitcoin wallet address.
Hold on to Bitcoin permanently (it will eventually have a DISASTROUS CRASH, so fill out the form below and you will get critical updates at no cost).
Here’s hoping that this post helps to create lots of new awareness and wealth by revealing the risks, rewards and appropriate actions so you may take full advantage of today’s surprising and rewarding duo of Bitcoin and real estate.
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