OceanWide Plaza to Evergrande: China Crash Infects Los Angeles Real Estate and U.S. Stock Market

REAL ESTATE NEWS The Wu Flu isn’t the only alien virus making us ill. Contagion from communist China’s property market collapse is making made U.S. property markets sick. Fallen giant Evergrande has been called the “Leman Brothers of China,” referring to the collapse of a business that is too big to fail, yet allowed to …

Los Angeles Real Estate Market Haunted by China’s Ghost Economy – OceanWide Plaza Poisoned by Economy Plunge

When playing word association with China’s economy, two terms that do not come to mind, and absolutely should not, are rock solid and sustainable. Instead, it’s more like paper mache and Ponzi schemes. Known for enormous ghosts cities and toppling, shoddy tofu-dreg construction, communist-controlled mainland spreads its sprawling, zombie-like tentacles in a ghoulish, global grab. As …