REAL ESTATE NEWS (Downtown Los Angeles) — Promote your business the most cost-effective way — with free publicity! With up to 10,000 readers per day, the Loft Blog is the most popular and well-read daily real estate blog in the Downtown Los Angeles Area. Loft Blog real estate news posts, articles and ads receive large numbers of business leads and responses nearly every day. Free for a limited time, submit your news release, downtown update, promote your DTLA business or real estate listings on the Loft Blog. Fill out the online form or email news@laloftblog.com
Recommended parameters and specifications: Text should be between two paragraphs and two pages long. Headline or Subject should be in Title Case. Submit two photos: landscape (horizontal) orientation 600-1200 pixels wide, jpg or png.

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Information must be relevant to Downtown Los Angeles and/or real estate. Must be newsworthy, entertaining, informative or compelling in some way. For real estate listings, the submission must include unique information, offer or photos not found on the MLS. The submission may be accepted or rejected based on the editorial needs of the L.A. Loft Blog. Purely commercial / advertising submissions may be asked to pay $29.00+ advertising fee or may be rejected outright if they are not relevant to Downtown Los Angeles or real estate. Use the submission form, or email to news@laloftblog.com