Mass Hysteria and The Real Estate Market | VIDEO 1 | VIDEO 2
If a nurse has reported a recent 100% death rate following the therapy that she has been giving to large numbers of patients, should she continue to provide the same morbidly unsuccessful therapy? What if her hospital is getting paid extra to provide the proven deadly therapy, while she is also being protected from any adverse consequences of her actions. What if the nurse benefits from the poor results, without risk of penalty to her own career or finances? What if patients are not provided adequate opportunity to get a second opinion regarding these highly fatal procedures? What if nobody is allowed to criticize, question or report this deadly therapy? | COMMENT
The Loft Blog has been warning of respiratory disease — and harmful overreaction — for well over 18 months. The following is my own true story as it relates to the huge cover-up of the “biggest fraud ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Fraud comes in many forms, some subtle. When the public is led toward panic, while being led away from informed consent, that is fraud.
Why is a real estate broker talking about health care? For several reasons: Previously, I have not been limited to real estate; I’ve been a U.S. Air Force data specialist, and also a medical device marketing specialist and health industry writer. As a journalist to this day, I have a responsibility to report all truth that affects DTLA real estate. I’m still known by some as an experienced medical device marketing professional. I should write about covid ventilator deaths because I am among the few who can. Active licensed medical practitioners are today being fired for telling the truth. In general, they are not allowed to provide the public with any information that may differ from that which big pharma orders them to say. I have the data, experience and capacity, and I have no risk of losing a medical license, because medical marketing specialists need no license. Other reasons why I write this: Mass hysteria has directly affected my own life, and the lives of my real estate clients, primarily in urban neighborhoods like Downtown Los Angeles, along with other major metropolitan areas now experiencing economic losses and increasing crime related to panic, fear and related re-suburbanization. Most importantly, because I happen to have sets of very relevant experience, personal and professional. In a marketing career spanning nearly 50 years, I’ve helped to market, advertise and sell medical equipment, including Newport NMI ventilators. I’m very concerned when I hear numbers of respiratory therapists dramatically express their concerns that they are being ordered to kill covid patients by using improper procedures and protocols.
Working directly with RT Respiratory Therapists and ventilator manufacturers, I’ve learned that ventilators are nothing to sneeze at. They are one of the most critical, life-or-death medical technologies on the planet. They breathe for people who cannot breathe for themselves. Even if the patient is suffering respiratory distress, but can breathe for themselves, yet not registering a specific questionable level of oxygen, doctors will often sedate and paralyze the patient’s airway so that the patient can no longer talk, swallow, cough or breathe. If the intubated patient does not receive sufficient attention, if the therapy is improper, or if the machine is set to the wrong setting, the patient dies. If the therapy is not quite perfect, the patient dies. If the patient has a very bad cold or pneumonia, where the patient has liquid or phlegm in the lungs that must be expectorated (normal for a bad cold or flu), the patient on a ventilator cannot expectorate, cannot achieve proper oxygen levels. Covid may create lung issues and breathing problems in a variety of ways.
While we have seen tens of thousands die of lung damage caused by extended high-pressure ventilator therapy in hospitals, we see far fewer (comparatively fewer and nominally fewer) die at home from these same lung issues. Doctors have been claiming that they must protect themselves from airborne virus transmission by placing a high pressure ventilator setting on the covid patient, even though the patient is likely to die with this lung-damaging therapy. This may present a very serious breach of oath and law. Doctors who are worried about airborne virus transmission should wear a Level-A fully encapsulated HAZMAT suit. They should not kill the patient with excessive air pressure! A patient on a ventilator thus suffers a stunningly high chance of death. Therapists have been ordered, and some are still being ordered, to crank up the ventilation pressure higher and higher, even though the therapist is fully aware that the patient shall deteriorate toward demise with this therapy. If inappropriate ventilator therapy or any other malpractice is suspected as cause of death, the victim’s family should consult with an attorney at once.
Medical professionals bear no risk in providing these horrific procedures to Covid patients. The greedy, hasty medical culture of today is set up overwhelmingly in favor of treatment, over-treatment and mistreatment, with insufficient regard to patient outcomes. Medical professionals are today only at risk if they fail to treat. They are protected if they over-treat, protected when they injure, protected when they kill, and they are harshly punished for disagreement or disobedience. In an era of intense censorship and massive pro-pharma propaganda, the careers and livelihoods of medical professionals are on the line if they tell the truth. Fortunately, more than one brave (and/or foolish) nurse, RT Respiratory Therapist and doctor has ventured to inform the public. A few have stepped forward to admit to the fear and horror involved with subjecting recent patients to a 100% chance of death through this highly fatal medical treatment. Many of the deaths are preventable simply by avoiding detrimental treatment. Professionals who use a more traditional approach, such as nasal cannula oxygen, report a much better than 50% survival rate. Patients who receive no treatment at all have often seen the best results. RTs have been trained to cajole the patient into ventilator therapy by telling the patient that they will die without the ventilator. The therapist knows, however, that the patient will likely die with the ventilator, up to a 100% chance of death by ventilator in recent instances. Concerned RTs have reported that, for most covid patients and oxygen, less is more. Due to today’s radical culture of rampant over-treatment, shockingly aggressive propaganda campaigns and extreme censorship, proper changes to respiratory care are not being promptly implemented.
I have a unique vantage point from which to see the totality of pandemic hysteria. With a background in medical technologies, and with one of the largest databases in the real estate industry, I have unique access and communication with tens of thousands of individuals. In it, the number of young, totally healthy individuals who have died of today’s bad flu season is very close to zero. Compare this to historic epidemics, such as the Black Death bubonic plague of 1350, which killed nearly 1/3 of Europe. Today’s “plague” standards are artificially low — nothing remotely like an historic blood-borne plague that wiped out more than 30% of some populations in the past. The CDC reports that today’s airborne pathogen pandemic kills far less than 1% of the population — much closer to 0% of the population.
We’ve seen and heard of others, and we know that there are hundreds of millions who have have had covid, usually undetected, with mild symptoms or no symptoms at all, and several with very bad cold symptoms complicated by panic and over-treatment. A few of whom we have heard have actually passed away — mostly from old-age related diseases, obesity-related diseases, hospital mistakes or inappropriate medical treatments. These are not reasons to create more mistakes and to destroy more lives.
Put things into perspective. Compare 30%+ death rate of the Black Death to approximately 0% death rate for Covid-19. The most massive blood-borne pandemics in history killed many, but even the worst bugs could not kill 100% of the population. Today’s relatively very weak respiratory pandemic utterly lacks the deadliness of historic blood-borne pathogens. On top of that, respiratory viruses have always, always burned themselves out long before they could possibly kill a large percentage of the population. By any reasonable standards, the death rate is low, and respiratory viruses are NOT a significant threat to humanity. To verify this, look at the total excess death count, which is similar to previous bad flu years, and look at the perplexing disappearance of flu deaths and pneumonia deaths. Where did they go?
Today’s total death count is in no way similar to Black Death years. In fact, Dr. Birx admitted to a “liberal” policy regarding comorbidity. She and the CDC admit that more than 94% of “covid” deaths are linked to other deadly diseases and other deadly pre-existing conditions. No matter how the profiteers try to hype it up, covid is NOT the leading cause of death in the world today. The leading causes of death are today ignored, neglected in favor of the exciting disease du jour, Covid and its sparkling new variants. The real, leading causes of death are not only ignored, but actually encouraged — did you get your free donuts? But that’s not all! Coming soon: Get 10 free booster shots and 10 free donuts! What a deal! Or is it? Tell us what you think.
Unhealthy government propaganda and health care profession promotion of bad health is nothing new. Did you get plenty of DDT and fresh Camel cigarettes when they were promoted by the government and doctors decades ago? Did your great grandparents take their proper doses of snake oil, heroin and cocaine in the 1880s? How about shock treatment, leaches or lobotomy, dissection of your brain to lift your spirits? They were all commonly promoted and prescribed by government, medical doctors and salesmen alike.
The government and media hide the fact that one hundred million Americans have already had covid, and the vast majority are extra healthy, with naturally boosted immunity. Countless vaccine injuries, declining health and vaccine-related deaths are being censored and covered up by doctors and biased media.
There was one questionable treatment device that might actually be even more appropriate and needed today: the hysteria vibrator. At least we know that the vibrator won’t cause shoulder and arm injury SIRVA, guillain-barre syndrome GBS, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ADEM, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ITP, blood clots, myocarditis heart inflammation, Bell’s palsy paralysis, permanent disability and death.
Take any reasonable glimpse of the negative effects of over-reaction: the devastation of urban centers with riots, crime and collapsing condo prices, the real deaths of countless unreported lockdown casualties, including my own Uncle Lonnie and Cousin Gavin, killed by lockdown depression; the countless untold stories of child suicide, worldwide starvation and other unreported horrors. Our government and healthcare industries have starkly refused to conduct even the most reasonable survey of the adverse health, economic and social consequences of lockdown and other government overreach. Flipflop Fauci, the corrupt full-time bureaucrat, has overseen the decline of American health during his career of communist China virus weaponization, deadly experiments on children and puppy torture. Fauci and others admit openly that they flatly refuse to count or consider the dire negative consequences of their actions. They refuse to account for deaths, disabilities, anxiety, accidents, riots, explosions, poverty, pollution and other suffering caused by overreactions that they have purposely frothed up to benefit their own profit and power. They ignore an 80% to 100% ventilator death rate. They ignore the destruction of millions of small businesses, devastation to the middle class and worldwide poverty. The perpetrators have thus far taken no responsibility for nonsensical overreactions and unbridled mass hysteria, which characterizes today’s onagoing pandemic of what good, honest doctors have sanely labeled a “bad flu season” — ethical doctors who are being censored, threatened, harassed and fired like never before in history — for telling the truth.
Where did flu and pneumonia go? Speaking of lies — Why aren’t they reporting the miracle disappearance of colds, flu and pneumonia from the CDC illness records? When asked why the flu somehow miraculously disappeared from public health statistics at the same time that covid began to be reported, public health officials have the gall to tell us with a straight face that flu and pneumonia deaths went away in 2020 due to masks and lockdown. We must unmask their unethical fear tactics, smear tactics and their tools of deception: First, the reality is that flu and pneumonia seemed to disappear according to CDC statistics because they largely stopped testing, and began pressuring doctors and hospitals to report nearly all respiratory ailments as “Covid-19”. This fact has been revealed by plenty of health care professionals who have observed it, and who been part of the reporting process. This truth does not fit the narrative of the panic-peddling fear mongers, who want us to falsely believe that colds and flu are always 100% distinguished from the “killer” covid. Under a microscope, and in comparison of most symptoms, covid cannot easily be distinguished from other coronavirus illnesses that cause the common cold etc. They, however, expect us to believe that masks and lockdown somehow caused colds and flu to all but disappear — even in non-mask, non-lockdown areas, and even when the same masks and lockdown did not likewise cause covid to disappear.
If the medical industry is willing to continue to provide ventilation therapy with a 80%+ average death rate, imagine how high of a death rate they are willing to accept from experimental (and extremely profitable) vaccinations. We already have some answers to this deadly question. Government and the health care industries have a long history of being astonishingly willing to accept a sky-high rate of death and injury for therapies with little or no efficacy. Whenever the public allows it, government officials and the medical industries have a long history of being wrong, of promoting fraudulent epidemics with fraudulent cures. This is nothing new. Remember the Swine Flu vaccine fraud of 1976.
The absolutely atrocious percentage of ventilator deaths are only one example of countless instances of psychotic behaviors that make up today’s frantic stampede of mass hysteria. More than anything else, they want us to lose faith in our own body and its natural ability to benefit from trillions of viruses. They don’t want us to know that the very foundation of our health is based on beneficial bacteria and viruses. They only want us to know what fits the desired political narrative. Today, any news that doesn’t fit that narrative does not make it to the prime time news.
The human body is comprised of more bacteria cells and virions than human cells. We are bacterial and viral creatures. Medical doctors are only just barely beginning to learn of the very deadly consequence of antibiotics, which kill the body’s vital, natural ecology of beneficial bacteria. Thousands die every day from over-medication, over-treatment and inappropriate treatments — almost all covered up. Doctors routinely fail to warn patients of the true nature of side effects. The truth: take too much antibiotics and you may find yourself bleeding from nearly every orifice because they have killed your beneficial bacteria, thus invited the bad bacteria to take over. Most medical doctors receive very little education on viruses. The medical establishment and the public are today vastly uneducated, illiterate and profoundly uninformed about the vital nature of the human virome. Still wallowing in the victorian era, the health care industry is grossly uneducated and ignorant about the symbiotic relationship between humans, the common cold and countless other viruses. We are bacterial and viral creatures who are also part yeast, fungi, mites and many other vital creepy crawlies. You and I are made up of 380 trillion viruses. Colds and flu are part and parcel to humanity. Without colds and flu, there are no humans. With today’s medical technology, the only way to fully prevent bad flu seasons is to kill all humans. Today, we are allowing runaway quackery — false cures that are far worse than the disease.
Today’s ongoing crusade of mass hysteria sadly marches us all down the wrong path, the path to worsening health, destruction of liberty and loss of prosperity. Like the respiratory nurse who reports to lament her recent 100% ventilator death rate (yet keeps right on killing), the medical industry gets paid to provide us misinformation about our own bodies. The current state of public health emergency provides extra payment to hospitals, incentive to over-report and over-hype, plus extra incentive to kill us with ventilators. When productive citizens allow the government to become tyrannical, to declare their jobs non-essential, the economy falls into depression and stagflation.
The good doctors, many of whom are being censored, ostracized and fired, try to remind us that viruses are part and parcel of our good health. They are being silenced. They are unable to get out the truth. Our bodies are made to handle colds, flu and pneumonia, even as some unhealthy and elderly often naturally pass away of these illnesses. The health care sector has been presenting significant misinformation about covid and youth. Recent studies show that “COVID-19 infection does not appear to affect the lung function of young adults.” The bad doctors, who are presently in charge, peddle panic, obfuscate comorbidity and attempt to force experimental treatments and other improper therapies.
While it may be understandably difficult to tell when large numbers of people are behaving in a manner that is counter-productive, you can identify mass hysteria by these collective obsessional behaviors, crazes and abnormal group beliefs: 1. Based on panic or fear, large numbers of people take actions that may be detrimental to their own health, welfare and well-being; 2. Large numbers of people ignore, discourage or even hide information that may be beneficial to their own health and well-being, embracing censorship and propaganda from perceived leaders and charismatic figures; 3. Large numbers of people undertake unnatural actions, such as prolonged wearing of masks that reduce oxygen and increase consumption of human wastes including carbon dioxide etc; 4. Large numbers of people seeking medical treatment for symptoms that are normally treated at home, such as sniffles and cough, risking death from over-treatment and hospital mistakes; 5. Large numbers of people being misinformed that they are sick or at extreme risk of illness until they begin to believe it; following strange fads such as face masks; riots. Sound familiar?
Another reason why I write this article, from first-hand experience, is that I and healthy friends who I know, who have had the very bad cold, and let our bodies deal with it the natural, healthy way — we are all very much alive and stronger than ever. Some of those who had pre-existing conditions, overmedication or inappropriate medical treatments are dead. The tragic deaths of the few are then being exploited politically to increase medical tyranny, while the stories of more than one hundred million healthy people who have contracted the virus (with little or no illness) are being covered up. Countless deaths caused by overmedication, pre-existing conditions, inappropriate medical procedures and hospital mistakes are likewise being covered up.
I know the good medical professionals. I’ve worked with them for years. The good doctors are honest, they’re against hype and hysteria. The good doctors have good results. But, the good doctors are NOT presently in charge. 100% of honest doctors are being smeared by Fauci. Corrupt, inhuman corporate beasts control your health, along with their partners in crime, drooling power-hungry politicians, are in charge of the world’s health, in charge of Downtown Los Angeles real estate, in charge of your dwindling dollar value. As they forcefully deny us a second opinion, they admittedly snuff out 50% to 100% of the lives of ventilator patients, these corrupt creeps are increasingly in charge of our once-independent lives. They freely admit to caring zero, zilch about the casualties, the atrocities: depression, global poverty, injuries, deaths and disasters linked to their virus hype. Corrupt politicians and their armies of greedy quacks will never willingly hand us back power and control.
Even though the medical community has known since April 2020 that ventilators are killing most covid patients, the federal government pays hospitals an average of $40,218 for each covid patient killed by a ventilator. #ventilatorgenocide Some say that the motivations and details behind the pandemic are far more sinister and diabolical than we might imagine. Regardless of our varying beliefs, history shows that destruction of free speech and disrespect of liberty always lead to atrocities. Honest, ethical doctors agree that we’ve witnessed the “biggest distortion of medicine and largest profiteering of all time“. The world is learning to distrust the dishonest bureaucrats. As the world reveals the sobering truth about vaccines, illness and adverse reactions, we gain new respect and appreciation of our naturally effective immune systems. If we wish to avoid denial of basic rights, among other lingering catastrophic consequences of medical tyranny, we MUST take back our God-given liberty and health, by all means necessary. — Corey Chambers, Los Angeles | COMMENT
Has anyone you know died of covid-related medical malpractice, suffered damages from forced vaccination, improper termination, medical privacy violations or other unlawful treatment? Get a FREE REPORT on legal implications and potential reimbursement for damages related to Covid-19 medical malpractice, workplace mistreatment or medical privacy violations. Fill out the online form:

The L.A. Loft Blog does not provide legal advice. Consult an attorney regarding legal questions. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. For legal advice, consult an attorney. | COMMENT
We just lost a loved one also who had contracted the spike protien ,he went into the hospital with only breathing problems and a fever and while there after a treatment went down hill and though he could still breathe on his own while awake put a painful breathing device and naturally of course you won’t leave it if it hurts you so they instead of sedation requested the vent because he lips were turning blue and after being on the vent sustained severe lung damage and kidney failure along with blood clots ,he was a healthy person in his late 60s never smoked never got sick but within a week on the vent his health declined rapidly, family decided to end life support as he was to far gone ,its all to sad hes was an outstanding architect and built many beautiful homes with amazing energy saving features built in to his designs,so sorry for your loss of family
Thank you for sharing a much-needed true story about one of way, way too many “covid” deaths that should be reported as a hospital mistake, over-treatment or perhaps even “ventilator genocide” with the most offending hospitals being rewarded by huge amounts of tax-payer dollars.
So sorry for the loss of your loved ones,we recently lost a loved one who was put on a vent even though he could breath on his own who was very healthy a non smoker and took no meds but while on the ventilator he developed severe lung damage and his kidneys failed within a few days
— Lesa Hoover
In reply to Lesa Hoover.
Thank you for letting us know about your sad and tragic experience with what some nurses call a covid patient “genocide” by ventilator. This is one of the many deadly atrocities caused by hysteria and over-reaction, including hefty huge monetary payments from the government for every patient placed on deadly ventilator therapy.
Japan Heath Ministry pulls 1.6 million magnetic-reacting doses of Moderna vaccine due to metallic contamination.
Nurses protest new California vaccine mandate
Beginning of the end for coronavirus hysteria
As a frontline Paramedic in the uk I’ve believed since day one that this was the biggest episode of Mass Hysteria since the medieval witch trials. I also believe that like the witches ducking stool, ventilators have been used by hysterical doctors to ‘save’ people but instead have ended up needlessly killing them.
It will be the biggest medical scandal in history when the truth emerges.
Like the author I’ve been told that I’m not a doctor so what do I know but as the saying goes “In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king”.
Exactly. We’ve seen too many censored eye-witnesses like Tony. We cannot ignore all of the other paramedics, medical technicians, nurses and doctors who have bravely come forward under fire. This ventilator genocide is the last thing in the world that we want to be right about, but the truth is the truth. We don’t want any more to die senselessly from politics, hysteria or corruption.
So please tell me the alternative to putting someone on a ventilator who is hypoxic despite maximum non invasive oxygen.
Since there have been strong indications that ventilator therapy provides worse results than no treatment for covid patients, just about any alternative, including no treatment, might be preferable for most. Doctors must pay attention to the latest studies, and then make the decision based on outcomes. Some doctors are abiding by the studies, while others appear more motivated to get their $40,000 from a harmful treatment, a violation of their oath.
I do not know where you receive your information from but your comment about doctors placing patients on ventilators for financial reasons and the ludicrous amount ,$40,000, you cite is preposterous.
Early on in Covid, patients were intubated and mechanically ventilated on the early side was based on 2 factors.
1- some of these patients would progress so rapidly to respiratory failure and would come close to arresting
2- some of the noninvasive modalities for oxygen delivery , and I’m talking more than nasal cannula and face mask, are very aerosolizing and placed all the health care workers at high risk of exposure to high viral loads.
Stating that the motive was financial benefit by purposefully putting patients at risk for an unnecessary intervention is ridiculous.
I don’t know what you were taught in Google medical school but the mortality rate for patients who REQUIRE intubation and mechanical ventilation in Covid is approximately 50% now is that 100% of those patients who REQUIRE mechanical ventilation die if they are not intubated.
I guess for you, physicians across the planet , except those from Google U, are all in on the conspiracy.
Absolutely preposterous to insinuate that hospitals cannot be motivated by money. You might convince some of the public that doctors are magical immortals who somehow survive on the nutrients in the air instead of food — but most of us know the true costs of medical school student loan payments and above-average lifestyles. Most doctors have lots of bills, need lots of money, thus are motivated by money just like most other mortals. Hospitals have HUGE overhead costs that they must pay for. The $40,000 average figure comes from Medicare — even your wonderful fact-checkers agree. It’s not just about greed and desperation, it’s also about other types of over-treatment, over-prescribing, and the sometimes covered-up fact that 25% of hospital deaths are from hospital mistakes.
Many doctors have admitted to jeopardizing patient health with long-term high pressure because the scared docs are afraid of the deadly virus. Don’t kill the patients! If doctors are so scared of the virus (which more than 100 million of us have survived just fine), then those scaredy-cats should wear an encapsulated suit, or be re-assigned to a less dangerous position away from all colds, flu, far from all Krispy Kreme donuts. The CDC admits that obesity still kills far more people than covid ever could.
I’ve stated before that some good doctors are doing the right thing as they learn, telling the truth and changing procedures, while the quacks foment fear as their order-takers recently admit to 100% fatal patient outcomes. Dr High-Pressure quickly resorts to Ad-Hominem attacks, likening critics to conspiracy theorist after we cite real-world examples of recently reported 100% ventilator death rates. Are Reuters and the good doctors part of a conspiracy? Are you and your cohorts admitting to a conspiracy, Dr. High-Pressure?
Anyone with a relative who died of “covid” on a ventilator absolutely must file a formal complaint as quickly as possible, demand a full investigation, and involve their own attorney.
You keep interchanging doctors and hospitals when talking about reimbursement as if they are the same entity.
As far as ventilators and 100% mortality rates, if you think you’ve found a credible source for this at a specific institution, it should be investigated. If you believe ventilators have no role at all in the treatment of SOME patients with severe hypoxic respiratory failure from Covid, you better search Google again
Ad hominem attacks,?!?! you are the one casting aspersions on the entire medical profession. The overwhelming majority of physicians I know take what they do very seriously. We are not “magical immortals”, whatever that means, if all I was trying to do was make a good living I could have done it with far less education, better hours and lifestyle and for a much higher salary.
It seems like the public has got all this figured out so I guess they can take over.
Stay healthy
“for patients who REQUIRE”:
……and this is the key isnt it ?
“100% of those patients who REQUIRE mechanical ventilation die if they are not intubated.”
Prove it.
Dr. High-Pressure seems to have it backwards. Perhaps he has a doctorate in reversology. We already know what big pharma, politicians and biased media say, so there’s no need to repeat their intense propaganda. The reality is that we have found zero covid patients who died outside of a hospital, and so far, 100% of covid patients have died in a hospital. Worse, 100% of recent covid patients on ventilators died, according to the attending nurse. Nurse Brittany Dillar of Mercy Hospitial Springfield, AR discusses how sad she is about killing 100% of her most recent “covid” ventilator patients. Dr. HP might do well to read the 100 reference links in this article associated with 40,000+ honest doctors, so that Dr. HP can be informed of these things.
Ive seen hospitals lie on insurance forms for people on social security saying they made more on SS than they did. Just so that way they could get more people on the Obamacare insurance, because they would get a kickback from the fed govt. For every covid patient the hospital has the more funding for “covid” they would get. Thats why people in car wrecks coming in the E.R “died to covid”.
Yes, hospitals have been given carte blanche to exaggerate, deceive and defraud at our expense. The oversight has been blinded. Hospitals are not even required to provide basic information, such as full disclosures or patient outcomes.
Then tell us why the us cdc has recently conducted a statistical analysis of all covid hospitalisations and found the SECOND biggest risk of death(after obesity) was “anxiety and fear related disorders”?
Why would an essentially mental disorder have any bearing on a respiratory virus? Of course it doesn’t the truth is that hysterical doctors were misdiagnosing panic attacks as Covid, ventilating them and killing them. THATS the truth no matter how unpalatable that may seem to you as a doctor.
Tony seems to have an insight that is 2nd to none.
Did you even read the what the nurse said In the article you cite?
You should get someone to tutor you in reading comprehension.
She said prior to the delta variant 50% of patients improved and came off the ventilator. She was comparing to the higher death rate in delta variant patients. She in no way was lamenting “ how sad she is about killing 100% of her most recent “covid” ventilator patients.”
Also from the article :
She said all but one of her patients recently admitted in the covid ICU have been unvaccinated.
“We hear all kinds of reasons, and they are not factually based on at all, it’s all something they saw on a not credible site, and it’s literally killing people,” Dillard said.
The nurse admitted to killing 100% of the patients. She did lament. She did feel bad about it. She felt grief. While, of course, she is trying to achieve a goal — to scare the public — that is a given. Nevertheless, the article absolutely supports what I’m saying: She killed 100% of her covid ventilator patients. Most can agree that, with those shockingly bad results, maybe she should stop doing what she’s doing.
Some medical practitioners have admitted that a large percentage of ICU patients are vaxxed. I’ve seen vaxxed people get 100% as sick as unvaxxed, with my own eyes, up close and personal, so Anonymous Bill and the mass hysteria mob won’t be able to change that.
Sadly, the reports of extremely disturbing vaccine injuries and deaths are flooding in
In such a case you need to figure out why the blood is not picking up the oxygen. There are many reasons for this. All sorts of things are relevant here.
When it comes to diagnosing and treating low oxygen levels and other serious covid-related symptoms, the medical community has failed miserably. Honest doctors admit that they have almost no idea what they are doing, thus death rates up to 100% when they treat recent covid patients who have low oxygen levels. The only concrete data that they have produced is extrmele poor patient outcomes that are inverse to treatment. More treatment = Worse outcome
Ask the smart, honest, good doctors how to increase blood oxygen. Here’s one of them
Nurse Brittany Dillar of Mercy Hospitial Springfield, AR discusses how sad she is about killing 100% of her most recent “covid” ventilator patients. Anyone in their right mind can instantly surmise that perhaps someone needs to investigate Mercy Hospital right now — and the other hospitals too many ventilator deaths! Take a look at all 90 reference links in the article, and then argue with the millions of professionals and patients who disagree with the virus over-reaction.
It’s all anecdotal.
Don’t believe your lying eyes
I just spoke to a successful ventilator death litigation attorney about ventilator-related malpractice cases. From my past experience in ventilator marketing, and from recent covid-related research, I’m finding an alarming quantity of evidence and admissions of potentially inappropriate ventilator use and related deaths.
This could amount to successful malpractice cases. In addition to ventilator experience, covid experience and law firm advertising experience, I’m a mostly known as a successful real estate broker in Los Angeles with an extra large database of clients and leads. I have no problem shifting my focus to leads for attorneys re ventilator death if a serious need exists. I already have ventilator legal leads that fell into my lap. Working on a plan with attorneys that can effectively litigate them. Let me know if you see any attorney making progress on a covid-related ventilator death malpractice case. Please get in touch with me to discuss by phone or email
So that you can get a portion of any out of court settlement? Which is typically how these things go, the path of least resistance.
I don’t believe that I can get a portion of a court settlement, but I might establish relationships with more attorneys, and help them with marketing etc.
READER REPLY: Took my girlfriend to hosp admitted her they had her stable few hours later they called said she come get her she be by the ER I entrance No one talked or helped me upon my arrival she was nearly unresponsive going home she said they were trying to kill her I took her home her condition got worse I took her to another hosp they worked on her 4hrs stable again I left few hours later phone call wanted permission to put her on life support I said yes she was put on vent and took to med center got better tried to bring her back from coma she never came out of it condition worse died 2wks later they succeeded took my baby from me buried her her a week and 4days ago — Richard Y.
Nothing could be more sad and frustrating than the preventable loss of a loved one. Every suspicious death deserves and requires a full investigation and appropriate legal action.
Anyone who goes against the narrative will be attacked. I was told that as long as hospitals follow protocol they can’t be sued. Some people seem to take what you say personal and that all hospitals do this. They don’t but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen and more often than they think.
That’s right. The data indicates that between 25% and 50% of covid patients who die in hospitals are killed by mistakes, over-treatment or malpractice of medical professionals.
I share This with you .. a Dr. Bryan Ardis .. don’t know anything about his background and/or his field of specialty unless he is a GP or maybe even not an MD , but some other type of doctor …………. but , he HITS IT ON THE MARK as to what the evil strategy is behind the Covid deaths in the hospitals , and it is the protocol issued by the WHO and UN to all hospitals around the world > first , after patients who tested (false) positive for CV-19 and are admitted into hospital , you begin a course of the IV drug Remdesivir , and that is one of “Little Tony” Fauci’s poisonous potions , and it begins to cause organ failures , but it Keys In On the kidneys , and the kidneys start to fail , and that causes fluid retention or Edema in various locations among organ systems , but especially so does it cause fluid build-up in the LUNGS , and then , the patient (fully primed & poisoned by Fauci’s “Remdesivir”) is in respiratory distress and goes into the ICU , and soon is Intubated and put on a Ventilator , which finishes The Job …………. of KILLING him/her — Tim R.
Some of this stuff looks too scary to be true, but if you look closely, you can see that much of the most frightening data originates from the FDA, CDC and WHO.
105,000 people were on the World Trade Center medical support program and that number is one quarter of the people infected by the toxic dust they inhaled after the 9/11 attacks in New York City. A lot of people with distressed respiratory systems before Covid arrived.
Yes, and millions of Americans have compromised immune systems and damaged organs from overmedication. Many could have been saved simply by providing common sense advice about hydration, home care and breathing exercises.
You are INSANE!! A complete wack job who should be in a locked ward!
We must be compassionate and sympathetic to abused citizens like Ann, who is likely locked up at home, looking in the mirror, berating herself and projecting. Hope she overcomes her issues. Reading the 100 linked references from more than 43,000 medical practitioners in this article will definitely help Ann to begin to heal from the last 18 months of extremely degrading, intense propaganda and brainwashing. And below is a link to another article to help heal from brainwashing
More strong evidence of over-hype and over-treatment according to major research study
Let’s talk about the 100 million Americans who have had Covid, like myself, who are perfectly healthy and now extra immune. Why does the media only scare, not inform? The world needs to know that we are alive and healthier than ever. We must be sympathetic to the frightened, abused souls who are scared, pressured and forced into a taking the vial of dangerous toxins that they call a vaccine. Sadly, the reports of extremely disturbing injuries and deaths are flooding in
Extra immune? Are you a super human? Wtf Your immunity to Covid lasts about 6-8 months like with most viruses. Like any virus your antibodies respond but only for a limited time and whos to say your immune system will respond effectively each time you are exposed. And whos to say that your response will be enough each time? What if there is a time you are exposed and your immune system doesnt respond well. You are a fool to take that chance with a deadly virus. We know it is clearly more fatal than any other virus in modern medicine history. Ages 18-40 are the age group seeing biggest increases in covid hospitalizations now
Simce delta. My hospital, we are seeing a significant rise in the under 60 groups. Especially younger 20 and 30 somethings. You should really educates yourself microbiology and virology 101. Basic stuff. This blog is full
of crap. This guy is not a medical Professional.
Sad Sam seems to have everything very wrong. It’s not all his fault. He’s been barraged by the biggest campaign of psychological manipulation and abuse in history. Sorry that Sam has been emotionally damaged by mass hysteria, brainwashed to believe that his body is so weak. Sam has been led to believe that, when you get sick, your body can only remember the illness for a few months. If Sam spends less time listening to the big pharma propaganda, which seeks to diminish his sense of self, if Sam spends less time attacking his own body, learns how well his own body deals with viruses and bacteria, then Sam will be able to really turn things around in his life and health. Sam, turn off CNN. Click and read all 100 reference links in the article, many based on research and first-hand accounts of more than 40,000 doctors, scientists and health industry professionals. Even recent pro-hysteria propaganda admits that the body’s immunity lasts more than 8 months. Other research says that natural immunity lasts for years or decades. The more reliable pre-hysteria science concurs with the longer duration, that immunity lasts for many, many years or an entire lifetime, according to the peer-reviewed science journal Nature.
For me antibodies from hep C lasted for better than 20 years.
Exactly. Everyone knows that natural immunity from bad colds and flu are far more effective and lasting than artificial partial infection from a vaccine. Scientific studies have shown this for decades. The widespread censorship of these studies is part of the mass hysteria and fraud being perpetrated by Google/Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and others.
People need to understand that Covid is a PSYCHOLOGICAL problem, NOT a medical problem. At best Covid is mild flu, at worst it never (mind-blowingly) existed at all. Yes, you read it right, there is growing evidence that Covid DOES NOT EVEN EXIST!. It has never been isolated, its genome was created in a computer and the PCR test detects a portion of that computer generated genome at amplification cycles that are medically meaningless.
This is a pandemic of extremely dubious PCR tests and misdiagnosis of existing illnesses as being Covid. The cause of all this is a well known psychological disorder known as Mass Hysteria or Mass Psychosis. That’s where whole groups of people or whole societies essentially become mentally ill believing in a mass delusion. Another factor is what is known as confirmation bias where a belief in something is so strong that any contrary evidence is dismissed and where only evidence supporting the delusion is accepted. The most well known previous episode of Mass Hysteria was the medieval witch trials where people genuinely believed that other people were witches and became so deranged that they ended up killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. If you believe that ICU consultants, Epidemiologists, virologists and Nobel prize winning scientists are immune from Mass Hysteria then you are very, very wrong.
Covid is Mass Hysteria on a global scale (very probably due to the internet) and if not recognised as such could chillingly lead to even more horror in the years to come.
As Voltaire said “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
Please explain why my hospital sees an average of 30 covid patients a day in ER, many in severe respiratory distress who will end up in the ICU.
If you work in an ICU, you can better answer questions about your ICU. The ICUs that I’ve recently observed in person had normal to low levels of patients, but some ICUs get busy sometimes, especially after the news media panics the public. There is one or more reference links in this article / comments that reports on the over-treatment of covid by hospitals. It’s not entirely the hospital’s fault. Billions of citizens have been manipulated by the largest propaganda campaign in history, to the point that cold symptoms are today being puffed to deadly proportions, then reported as such. To a great extent, there are today no colds, no flu, no fever, no pneumonia any more, mostly just covid, according to CDC data. As with any deliberate misreporting, this under-reporting of other illnesses, over-reporting of covid, is fraud.
Yes, hypochondria is certain involved as people are purposely being more scared than they should be, hyperventilating and asphyxiating from fear, going to the emergency room and getting killed by inappropriate over-treatments. Everyone needs to realize that bad colds and bad flu have always been deadly for elderly and unhealthy individuals, also for the few who are extra sensitive or lack an appropriate immune system. There are no excellent preventions for bad colds, no excellent preventions for a bad flu, and no miracle cures for these except for our own healthy immune systems. Exaggeration of the virus and misrepresentation of the treatment effectiveness all represent fraud, the “biggest fraud ever to perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” according to several honest doctors (who are atrociously being censored).
There’s a very strong correlation between covid sickness and age. For most younger people Tony is correct that covid is a mild cold or mild flu at worst, and usually no symptoms at all. For middle aged people like myself, covid often leads to a severe and unique cold or flu, days or weeks of debilitating exhaustion, plus unique immune system reactions For some elderly and those with weak immune systems, the result of covid is shortness of breath and/or death by ventilator. We must be aware that covid death numbers are much lower than the exaggerated numbers presented by most mainstream media. They profit directly from panic, and thus fail to disclose that 94.4% of “covid” deaths are linked to other illnesses and old age. Covid is real. Exaggeration, hysteria and over-reaction are very real — and ultimately more deadly than the virus.
For covid, the exaggeration has been so extreme, that it has met a level that should be referred to as fraud. This fraud has led to extreme censorship, propaganda of historic proportions, just like with Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao and Castro. We must remember that Hitler used a virus scare to foment fear in the Germans, and to stir up hysteria against the Jews, which led to the deaths of 6 million Jews and 50 million others. Today’s mass hysteria has some differences and some similarities to Hitler’s genocide 75 years ago.
The covered-up atrocities end up killing far more healthy Americans than covid possibly could. Lockdown, over-reaction and over-treatment atrocities lead to deadly results: corrupt politics, authoritarianism, tyranny, mass hysteria, oppressive censorship and propaganda, medical malpractice, massive suppression of second opinions and lack of disclosure leading to largest fraud ever to be perpetrated onto an unsuspecting public; delay in diagnosis and treatment of cancers, increase in alcoholism, drug overdose and suicide, take-over by big pharma, domination and dictatorship of Americans by communist-influenced health-industry bureaucrats, growth of unlawful social media monopolies, extreme social pressure, psychological abuse, sadness, anxiety and depression, rushed vaccines (toxins, preservatives, heavy metals, experimental mRNA, arm injury SIRVA, guillain-barre syndrome GBS, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ADEM, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ITP, permanent disability and death), along with destruction of small businesses, devastation of the middle class, socialism, shortages, runaway inflation, stagflation, world hunger, starvation, other atrocities and crimes against humanity.
Yes, a mild flu or no symptoms at for young people. Often a bad flu for old, unhealthy people, whom have always been more likely to die from bad flu and pneumonia. Compare the CDC’s own chart for covid vs a bad flu. Your own eyes can see that they are very similar if not exactly the same thing.
You nailed it. Thanks Tony
I agree. Covid is a real illness — a real overblown, overhyped pandemic that is being exploited for political purposes, especially by the left, for tyranny. Even though most Americas have already had covid, and survived just fine, the tyrants are still literally trying to starve people into submission in Los Angeles and other radical dem controlled areas, denying food and jobs to unvaccinated people to this day. Walensky, the CDC and corrupt health careless industry today pretend that covid has nothing to do with the flu. A deception. They’re ignoring precedent, ignoring science and ignoring the fact that most flu miraculously disappeared in favor of the more politically useful “covid” moniker.
…hospital in Mission Viejo killed my little brother Levon on a ventilator. — Erika G.
This is such complete garbage. You clearly have zero medical knowledge or background. Yet writing as if you do. Pushing lies and false information. First you write that nurses are the ones who use the ventilator. FALSE. Respiratory Therapists are who put patients on ventilators, no one else has a license or certification to operate a ventilator. So within your first two sentences you show your complete ignorance. You claim an RT told you ventilators are actually what is killing the patients. FALSE. Ventilators do not kill patients. They breathe for the patient when the patient can no longer breathe on their own. It is a life support machine. You clearly lack any knowledge of why a patient is put on a ventilator and why it is absolutely necessary when a patient can no longer breathe on their own. Or would you rather the hospital staff tell each patient who can no longer breathe “ oh sorry, we are witholding support and will not intubate you and offer you a machine to assist your ineffective breathing, so you are going to die now.” Plus you make this claim that an RT told you, blah blah blah….yet you don’t even provide any RT ‘s name on the record. You claim ventilators dont allow patientd to cough. FALSE. Ventilators do no such thing, sedation does that, but only if necessary is sedation given, many patients can still cough while on he ventilator. But regardless, even if sedated and paralyzed medically while on vent, that is why patients get deep suctioned frequently while on the ventilator. You talk about “ extra high pressures” on the ventilator yet provide no actual numbers or settings or parameters, or what pressures you are even talking about. You know nothing about a ventilator and how it actually works just spewing false information. You also provide absolutely no evidence to back your claim that a ventilator is what is killing anyone as you claim. How exactly is a ventilator killing 100% of all patients that go on one. You provide no actual statistics or numbers of patients who need a vent and come off the vent once on one. Total crap. I am going to report this blog to the American Association of Respiratory Care and the American Medical Association.
Samantha’s information is largely false. The article does not say that most ventilators are operated by nurses. Click and review the reference links. Many doctors and nurses care for covid patients on ventilators, RTs do not provide 100% of the care for covid patients, and some nurses are certified RT Respiratory Therapists. I’ve worked with many at Newport NMI. Anonymous Samantha has no known medical background. Samantha needs to read all 100+ reference links in the article, including those about nurses and RTs who work with ventilator covid patients. Samantha’s anger and consternation show a lack of professionalism and a preponderance of propaganda and emotional manipulation that billions of good citizens have been subjected to over the last 18 months. With no known experience or credentials, Samantha is absolutely wrong about patients never being placed on a ventilator until they can no longer breathe on their own. The set up of a ventilator takes longer than a patient could live without breathing. Most covid patients placed on a ventilator are breathing on their own, yet the covid patients merely report having feelings of breathing difficulty, accompanied by relatively minor drop in blood oxygen levels. Let’s hear from some more genuine certified RT respiratory therapists like the professionals referred to in the reference links in this article. Samantha would do well to read all of the reference links with information from more than 40,000 doctors, scientists and health professionals, including Respiratory Therapists.
Thank you to the many Loft Blog readers who have contributed comments to this highly-read article, which demonstrates the way free speech legitimately operates — freely, with all dissenting opinions included and thoroughly argued. Everyone who has studied science at a high level should know that science is about research, experiment, testing, reporting, peer review, criticism and change. Science has never been about a single source that claims to be the high and mighty arbiter of truth. There is no king of knowledge on this Earth. Those distant authorities who have never met you, yet desire to control your body — they do NOT have your best interests at heart. All of the Faucis, the false, single-source authoritarian “experts” are nothing but fraudulent, self-serving politicians, profiteers, bureaucrats and charlatans. Try as they might, they can’t fool mother nature. As much as many would like to have an all-knowing Doctor Dad, none exists. Educated guessing is still the name of the game in today’s health care industry. Inaccuracy is the true nature of modern medicine. With scanning tunneling electron microscopes that can’t really discern one coronavirus from another, medical science today still lingers in the Victorian Age. There is nobody who knows your body like you do. When it comes to your own body, you are the peer, you are an expert, and you are the sovereign. Thank you again for sharing your very valuable, cherished opinions, experiences and insights. — Corey Chambers, Los Angeles
Thanks for your article, but even more for your concise, fair replies to the naysayers. There are so many spinning plates these days, its easy to overlook one or two. Like the mania/propaganda fueling snifflers to run to Emerg denying “a bed” for real patients. In Canada, there are now even ads on mainstream media spoken (by actors) to “the unvaxxed” that they are stealing “her bed”. Its now a tournament to decide “Who is Sickest”. I think I speak for 99% of the quiet majority. The robotic buzz phrases “Follow The Science” and “Trust The Experts” have worn thin- we need more 1st person accounts, like yours; you have re-activated our R.A.S. and in return, I offer you this tiny story from Australia (the Wizard has been exposed):
Ivermectin scandal: Vaxxed COVID patients get tablets to recover but unvaxxed denied | Cairns News
Thank you. Today’s pandemic of medical tyranny is clearly a sickness of global society. It operates by deception, censorship and brute force, supported by the desperate mainstream media and unlawful tech monopolies. The good doctors, family doctors, are being crushed by big-pharma-sponsored socialist politicians who claim to be the almighty wizards of science. They have been diminishing the average lifespan for years, and have found that they can profit hugely by hastening the decline of our health, and forcing populations to buy their overpriced, unnecessary products.
There IS evidence that ventilators were being used inappropriately during Covid. That comes from the US CDC study “Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021″
This was a large sample so the findings are very clear.
The number one, and highest risk, from dying from Covid was Obesity.
The number three highest risk was Diabetes.
Ok, sounds reasonable, but what was the number two risk? Believe it or not, it was ” Anxiety and fear related disorders”
Yes, being an ANXIOUS PERSON gave you an approximately 28% more chance of dying from a respiratory virus!
So how would an essentially mental illness give you a much higher chance of dying from a respiratory virus than even chronic lung conditions such as Asthma, COPD and emphysema?
The answer is that it DIDN’T.
The real explanation is that people were presenting at the ER with panic attacks and hyperventilation and that hysterical doctors, blinded by confirmation bias, and convinced that this abnormal breathing was a sure sign of severe Covid infection, were then fast tracking these patients to the ICU and ventilating, and ultimately killing them.
Scary stuff!
Loved all the information. Is there any point where you would recommend seeking medical help? What if your oxygen is dropping to the 80s at home etc? I want to avoid the hospital like the plague I’m just worried what I can’t avoid it? Thanks! — Mally
Thank you for your email. I don’t have any medical advice, but I can refer you to good videos to help with breathing exercise. We can almost always increase oxygen levels by taking some extra big breaths, coughing, and taking more deep breaths. I found myself proactively doing this kind of exercise instinctively when I was sick. and
Update — Friend just released from hospital reminded us today: Ventilator therapy and Remdesivir have been extremely deadly to covid patients. Those who go to the hospital have been twice as likely to die as those who stuck to home remedies such as zinc, vitamin d, supplements, inexpensive proven medicines, sunshine, extra water and breathing / coughing exercises
As Twitter and the other unlawful social media monopolies double down on their false narratives, the CDC data is clear: Most “covid” deaths are linked to other deadly diseases. The hasty, toxic injections are a sad let-down, just like most flu shots have been dubious at best. With absolutely no compensation for covid vaccine injuries and deaths, the vaccinated are SOL Sh!t Outta Luck! — At lease during the last major flu vaccine fraud 45 years ago, there were a few compensated out of the 50,000 injured by vaccines in swine flu fraud of 1976
Rampant blood clot crisis after vaccinations – D Dimer test trend spike
Inaccurate projections, mass hysteria, collateral damage, remedy worse than disease, total failure to weigh all risks and dangers. For some, times of mass atrocities are the happiest times of their lives — Mattias Desmet
READER QUESTION: Hi there, I really enjoyed your blog on vaccine side effects and resources that back that up. I was wondering if you can guess why Kelly Ernby, former Orange County GOP, died of covid when she was only 45? Is it because she was killed by the respirators too? Thanks for sharing! — Jenny E.
Answer: Thank you for your email Jenny. You’re doing the right thing by seeking information on your own. The mainstream news and politicians earn their living by frightening the public. Kelly Ernby’s death is one of the rare covid deaths not linked to old age or obesity. Her friends say that she died from covid complications. The public deserves to be informed on what those complications were. Since the fake news is so far failing to investigate, failing to do any journalism, failing to find out even a few key details about her symptoms or treatment, there’s no way to know, no way to even guess whether Ernby was primarily killed by a ventilator, remdesivir, vaccine, comorbidity or a sensitivity to the virus that more than 100 million Americans have contracted. According to the CDC, the vast majority of us are now enjoying natural immunity without the negative consequences of an unreliable vaccine.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. — Benjamin Franklin
Thanks Corey.
I suspect that Kelly died of other issues and she also had Covid. It’s terrible what the world has come to with Marcon from France saying that he would make the unvaccinated miserable. Praying to God that a reversal of this kind reasoning happens soon!
I will keep in mind on your referral program to help kids. But I thought people are moving away from Cali? — Jenny E.
Yes, California is still popular, but much less popular than it was 50 years ago, when it attracted more people from other states (including my father). More people are now moving out of CA to other states (including many of my customers — and possibly myself, as I’m seriously eyeballing Florida etc).
My sister went into the hospital on November 2nd 2021 with just a cough and in the process she was putting ICU in the middle of the night supposedly because of her oxygen and she had an induced coma and was on a ventilator and within a few days her organs all shut down they had her maxed out on oxygen that it bulged her eyeballs out and turned her all yellow and I do believe that there’s a lot more than what’s going on and it’s about time we wake up because after all how many of us have to die before we take control of this it’s like the cure is killing people more than the actual pandemic of the covid and the doctors all they give you is excuses no answers and I think it’s about time we realize more and more people are dying but they’re not dying from the actual virus they’re dying from the symptoms of the hospital all over the world and when you have to watch someone you love everyday decline more and more and they claim that one organ triggers another organ what starts out as one medication ends up being 13 medications something’s wrong here you go into a hospital to get better to feel better not to die like this and there’s entirely so many people being forced under induced comas and no one around to know exactly what was going on and enough is enough it’s about time we stand up and we do something about this because how many people have to die before this gets right
We are absolutely witnessing the atrocities that occur when hysteria, censorship and tyranny overrule free speech, critical thinking and self determination. Standing up for the truth is the cure for mass hysteria. They’re attempting to silence us and trying to stop us, but in the end, it works: Assertively speaking out overwhelms, disrupts and diminishes the harmonics of mass formation psychosis.
Mass hysteria, and how to stop it
My physician refuses to treat me for lupus erythematous because I do not want to be vaccinated, do drs. have a right to do this? I am almost 70 years old. — Isabel M.
More evidence that politicians and the health care industry are actively trying to starve and kill everyone who does not get the toxic \/ax. “Two weeks to slow the spread” has turned into three years of deception to implement increasing tyranny and atrocities. It is the duty of all Americans to stand up and speak out to save this elderly lady and the millions of seniors and children being abused like this.
Some hospitals are still getting paid to kill patients on ventilators today
“Countless vaccine injuries, declining health and vaccine-related deaths are being censored and covered up by doctors and biased media.”
There are no vaccines for the common cold, the coronavirus being a common cold virus.
Let’s take this sequentially…
“There are no vaccines for the common cold.”
Now, let’s identify what is a common cold…
“The common cold: a review of the literature
Although the term “common cold” tends to imply that there is a single cause for the illness, it is, in fact, caused by anyone of a large number of antigenetically distinct viruses (Table 1) .
Table 1
Viruses associated with the common cold
Virus Percentage of cases (%)
Rhinovirus 30–50
Coronavirus 10–15
Influenza virus 5–15
Respiratory syncytial virus 5
Parainfluenza virus 5
Adenovirus <5
Metapneumovirus ±2
Undiscovered virus 20–30
Coronavirus accounts for 7–26% of all upper respiratory tract infections in adults [18], [19], [20]. … Recently, a novel coronavirus, SARS-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), has been proposed as the cause for the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) [22]. The virus induces symptoms of atypical pneumonia, clinically indistinguishable from similar syndromes. The severity is such that a 15% mortality rate has been reported."
New vaccines can't be on the market until at least five years testing has elapsed,* because vaccines are for those who are well, and if the vaccine should prove deadly, then humanity is wiped out.
The above informs us we're witnesses to a Satanist mass annihilation event in progress, whereby the Satanist co-opted establishment uses the more numerous and unwitting Marxists as puppets in their shared common objective: "the abolition of religion", and the destruction of those civilizations "whose spiritual aroma is religion"…
Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Karl Marx (1843)
"The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion."
"The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions."
"It is, therefore, the task of history, once the other-world of truth has vanished, to establish the truth of this world."
Now you know what Marxists are referring to when they utter the phrase, "The Struggle"…
"The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion."
* New vaccines actually require between ten to fifteen-years to develop, but mRNA delivery technology (as opposed to the inoculation itself, meaning the contents of the inoculation) was already in-place in 2019, and the three trial phases that cumulatively equal at least nine years, could be shortened to five years. But no less than five years.
That’s quite a mouthful — or eyeful. The injuries and ineffectiveness of the vaccines that we are seeing (even though mostly censored by big tech and legacy news) further prove that there is still no good prevention or cure for the common cold, and no good prevention or cure for a bad cold or flu. Big pharma does not want us to remember that we have an effective immune system. That’s why it’s so important to them that we don’t find out that more than 100 million Americans have already contracted covid, and most of us are healthier than ever, with the most upgraded of immune systems. The vaxxed people are not quite as well off.
Yes, satanism is connected here. The child abuse that we’ve seen is correlated to satanism. The marxist, socialist ideologies that are being espoused by the radial left (and the lockdown proponents) are connected to atheism and godlessness. If cleanliness is next to godliness, then the far left cities of intense lockdown demonstrate their possession by demons of filth, crime and danger, as these same cities are not clean or godly, but filthy and hellish.
“That’s why it’s so important to them that we don’t find out that more than 100 million Americans have already contracted covid…”
Just as vaccines for the common cold/COVID-19 don’t exist, viruses don’t exist either (confounded for exosomes, which were ‘discovered’ in 1983*), which is why the Satanist establishment is misusing a research tool as a ‘test’…
“The inventor of the PCR technique, Karry Mullis, to whom the Nobel Prize was awarded in 1993 for this invention, indicated early on that this method was designed to be used in clean rooms such as the ones available in semiconductor factories and, above all, that it was prone to error.”**
“The other decisive fact — not just for SARS or the corona crisis —
is that virologists, by assuming the existence of pathogenic viruses,
suppress for understandable reasons an underlying truth. The
current testing method tests for the presence of a specific genetic
material. However, the genetic sequences used as a “template” for
such tests have not been isolated from a virus. Scientists isolate typical
genetic sequences released by dying cells and tissues. These
generally short genetic sequences, components of human metabolic
processes, are the foundation of the subsequent laboratory work.
With the help of computer programs, virologists “conceptually” construct
a longer RNA or DNA strand out of the many isolated shorter
genetic sequences. These constructed RNA or DNA strands are then
claimed to be real viral strands. That is the reason why so many
healthy people end up testing positive again and again.
To overcome a crucial contradiction, virologists consequently disregard
two prescribed rules of good science. The first one is that
scientists need to verify all claims themselves. The second one is
that all assumptions and methods need to be verified by means of
control experiments. If they carried out the control experiments,
they would realize that ALL short genetic sequences that are conceptually
combined to form a viral genetic strand are in reality
products of the human metabolism and do not come from a supposedly
external virus.
The amplification of DNA by means of the PCR technique
requires the prior knowledge of the composition (i.e. the sequence)
of that DNA. A DNA can only be multiplied with the
PCR technique if short, artificially produced DNA strands
(called primers) are bound to the beginning and the end of
the DNA, which exactly correspond to the sequence of the
beginning and the end of the DNA to be multiplied. Primers
are a small set of nucleotides (24 to 30 bases in length) that
are attached at the beginning and at the end of the DNA and
delineate the area that will be amplified. In other words, the
prerequisite for using the PCR is to know exactly what is going
to be amplified.
Once the above information is understood, it is easy to realize
that the PCR method cannot detect or identify any unknown
sequences or any unknown viruses. Only the prior determination
of the sequence of a virus makes it possible for scientists to
develop a specific PCR test designed to detect the given genetic
sequence that belongs to a virus. In other words, the PCR test
requires the preparation of a genetic “template”.” — Dr. Stefan Lanka
* It’s revealing that when exosomes were ‘discovered’ in 1983 virology somehow forgot to ask the obvious question: Since 1954 – when the virus hypothesis was accepted – has virology been confusing viruses for exosomes?
** So how is it that PCR will identify a positive result for COVID-19 when such a pathogen doesn’t exist, you ask? Simple, PCR has a built-in error called homologs…
“5′ nuclease assay specificity
Assay specificity is the degree that the assay includes signal from the target and excludes signal from non-target in the results. Specificity is arguably the most important aspect of any assay. The greatest threat to assay specificity for 5′ nuclease assays is homologs. Homologs are genes similar in sequence to that of the target, but they are not the intended target of the assay. Homologs are extremely common within species and across related species.”
That means every time a positive result for COVID-19 is obtained under PCR, in fact it’s a homolog that’s detected, a similar nucleotide sequence to that of the target medium being tested.
In fact, at the bottom of each odd numbered page of Life Technologies’ handbook, it explicitly clarifies…
“For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures”
WOW! That’s a lot of new info. This article says that viruses create exosomes
“WOW! That’s a lot of new info. This article says that viruses create exosomes…”
The article reads, “Exosomes are produced by virus-infected cells and play crucial roles in mediating communication between infected and uninfected cells. ”
If viruses existed, then the affected cells would indeed release exosomes as a warning system to other cells of cellular distress taking place, however viral genomes have never been sourced intact without first been jerry-rigged into genomes through the process virology calls Alignment…
“1. The fact of Alignment
Virologists have never isolated a complete
genetic strand of a virus and displayed it directly,
in its entire length. They always use very short
pieces of nucleic acids, whose sequence consists
of four molecules to determine them and call
them sequences. From a multitude of millions of
such specific, very short sequences, virologists
mentally assemble a fictitious long genome
strand with the help of complex computational
and statistical methods. This process is called
The result of this complex alignment, the
fictitious and very long genetic strand, is
presented by virologists as the core of a virus
and they claim to have thus proven the
existence of a virus. However, such a complete
strand never appears in reality and in scientific
literature as a whole, although the simplest
standard techniques [Gel Electrophoresis*]
have long been available to
determine the length and composition of nucleic
acids simply and directly. By the fact of the
alignment, instead of presenting a nucleic acid
of the appropriate length directly, the virologists
have disproved themselves.
3. Alignment is only done by means
of mental constructs
In order to be able to mentally/computationally
assemble the very short sequences of the
nucleic acids used into a long genome, the
virologists need a template to align the short
sequences into a very long, supposedly viral
genome strand. Without such a given, very long
sequence, it is not possible for a virologist to
construct a viral genome
theoretically/computationally. Virologists argue
that the constructed genome is from a virus
because the alignment was done with another,
given viral genome.
This argument of the virologists is briefly and
unambiguously refuted by the fact that all
templates with which new genetic material
strands were generated
theoretically/computationally were themselves
and finally generated
theoretically/computationally and do not
originate from a virus.” – Dr. Stefan Lanka
In fact, virology has never conducted control experiments on healthy, non-infected, cell cultures, and observe what happens to those cells. When former virologists perform such control experiments, the cultured cells also exhibit the release of what virologists call viruses. These cellular excretions are exosomes that signal to other locations of the body that a cell’s injury is in progress…
“The current situation All claims about viruses as pathogens are wrong and are based on easily recognisable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations. The real causes of diseases and phenonema which are ascribed to viruses have already been discovered and researched; this knowledge is now available. All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells that were prepared in a special way. They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were infected by a virus. In reality, those prepared tissues and cells are dying because they were starved and poisoned as a consequence of the experiments in the lab. Virologists primarily believe in the existence of viruses, because they add allegedly “infected” blood, saliva or other body fluids to the tissue and cell culture, and this, it must be stressed, after having withdrawn the nutrients from the respective cell culture and after having started poisoning it with toxic antibiotics. They believe that the cell culture is then killed by viruses. The key insight, however, is that the death of the tissue and cells takes place in the exact same manner when no “infected” genetic material is added at all. The virologists have apparently not noticed this fact! According to the most basic scientific logic and the rules of scientific conduct, control experiments should have been carried out. In order to confirm the newly discovered method of so-called “virus propagation”, in order to see whether it was not the method itself causing or falsifying the result, the scientists would have had to perform additional experiments, called negative control experiments, in which they would add sterile substances or substances from healthy people and animals to the cell culture. This, of course, to check whether it is not the method itself that yields or falsifies the results. These control experiments have never been carried out by the official “science” to this day. During the measles virus trial, I commissioned an independent laboratory to perform these control experiments and the result was that the tissues and cells die, due to the laboratory conditions, in the exact same way as when they come into contact with allegedly “infected” material. The entire purpose of control experiments is to exclude the possibility that it is the applied method or technique which may cause the result. Control experiments, then, are the highest duty in science and also the exclusive basis of claiming that one’s conclusion is scientific. During the measles virus trial it was the legally appointed expert – Dr. Podbielski, see further in this article – who stated that the papers which are crucial for the entire science of virology contain no control experiments. From this we can conclude that the respective scientists have been working extremely unscientifically, and this without even noticing it. This completely unscientific approach originated in June 1954, when an unscientific and refutable speculative article was published, according to which the death of tissue in a test tube was considered a possible evidence for the presence of a virus. Six months later, on 10 December 1954, the main author of this opinion was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for another equally speculative theory. The speculation from June 1954 was then raised to a scientific fact due to this distinction1 and became a dogma which has never been challenged to this date. Since June 1954, the death of tissue and cells in a test tube has been regarded as proof for the existence of a virus.
The apparent evidence for the existence of viruses The death of tissues/cells is also regarded as the isolation of a virus, because they claim that something from the outside, from another organism, was presumably brought into the laboratory. The fact is and remains that a virus has never been, the fact is and remains that a virus has never been isolated according to the meaning of the word isolation – has never been isolated according to the meaning of the word isolation, and it has never been photographed and biochemically characterised as a whole unique structure. The electron micrographs of the alleged viruses, for example, really only show cellular particles from dying tissue and cells, and most photos show only a computer model (CGI – computer generated images). Because the involved parties BELIEVE that the dying tissue and cells transform themselves into viruses, their death is also regarded as propagation of the virus. The involved parties still believe this because the discoverer of this method was awarded the Nobel Prize and his papers remain the reference papers on “viruses”. More about this below. It is important to mention that this unpurified mixture consisting of dying tissue and cells from monkeys, bovine foetuses and toxic antibiotics, is also being used as a “live” vaccine, because it is supposed to be composed of “attenuated” viruses. The death of tissue and cells – on account of starvation and poisoning and not because of an alleged infection – has continuously been misinterpreted as evidence for the existence of viruses, as evidence for their isolation and as evidence of their propagation. Thus, the resulting toxic mixture full of foreign proteins, foreign nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), cytotoxic antibiotics, microbes and spores of all types is labelled as a “live vaccine”. It is implanted in children through vaccination mainly into the muscles, in a quantity which if it were injected into the veins would immediately lead to certain death. Only ignorant people who blindly trust in the state authorities who are “testing”and approving the vaccines can regard vaccination as a “small harmless prick”. The verifiable facts demonstrate the danger and negligence of these scientists and politicians, who claim that vaccines are safe, have little or no side-effects and would protect us from a disease. None of these claims is true and scientific, on the contrary: upon precise scientific analysis, one finds that vaccines are useless and the respective literature admits to the lack of any evidence in their favour.2 Individual molecules are extracted from the components of dead tissue and cells, they are misinterpreted to be part of a virus and are theoretically put together into a virus model. It must be stressed, that a real and complete virus does not appear anywhere in the entire “scientific” literature. This is because the process to come to such a description is not done by any scientific method, but purely by means of consensus, in which the participants traditionally argue for years on what pieces of genetic code “belong” to the “virus” and what pieces don’t. In the case of the measles virus, for example, this has taken several decades. Surprisingly, in the case of the apparently new China Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV, meanwhile re-named), this consensus-finding process has lasted only a few mouse clicks.” — Dr. Stefan Lanka
“Classification of Viruses
Viruses are classified on the basis of morphology, chemical composition, and mode of replication.”
“What Is COVID-19?
A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose, sinuses, or upper throat. Most coronaviruses aren’t dangerous.
In early 2020, after a December 2019 outbreak in China, the World Health Organization identified SARS-CoV-2 as a new type of coronavirus. The outbreak quickly spread around the world.”
Assuming viruses exist, COVID-19, then, is a “new type” of common cold coronavirus, for which vaccines don’t yet exist.
Why were they allowed to mistreat my child and discredit information that was widely available. They tortured him for three months before killing him just after his 18th birthday. He had symptoms of aspiration, meningitis, and they allowed him to drown in his own vomit. I sat by his side and watched them kill him and even lost my sh!!!t. Why is this legal and why can’t I find a lawyer in bc Canada to take my case? — Jasmine D.
“Torture” is precisely the correct word. This horrific story has played out all too often over the last two years, as hospitals follow deadly, ineffective, politically-driven protocols that smother and snuff out young lives with ventilators. Patients with simple canula oxygen, those given simple breathing / coughing exercises and those avoiding hospitals have seen far, far better results, according to CDC data.
Sadly, I cannot speak to Canada, which suffers under socialized medicine, in which there is even less incentive for medical practitioners to heal or cure covid patients.
My husband had a DNR when sent by ambulance to the ER on February 6, 2022. I was not allowed in the ER until after he was tested for covid-19. Five hours later I was told he was positive for covid and put on a ventilator. They admitted that the didn’t see his DNR until after they intubated him. I’m positive he didn’t need the ventilator. But the ER would not replace the ventilator with a canula oxygen tube. I was told that if the ventilator were removed it would be something called comfort care and they would no longer provide any treatment at all, including the medication to try to raise his blood pressure. I wanted only the ventilator removed (as was directed in his DNR that they did not abide by). I did not want him taken completely off of any treatment at all. Thus, he was kept on the ventilator. He rapidly worsened, unable to maintain blood pressure Above 30/10 even on extremely high levels of blood pressure medication. On February 10th I agreed to their suggestion of “comfort care” and removed him from all life sustaining treatment and he died after about 6 hours of being removed from all medications and the ventilator. — S. Frey
Very sad to see yet another hospital ignoring and abusing patents and their loved ones, unlawfully ignoring a DNR so that the hospital can make that extra $40,000 to $80,000+ through improper, deadly over-treatment and malpractice.
Covid was just a training brainwashing exercise, now they bring out the actual high mortality rate viruses. Did you know that Canada has a level 4 lab in Winnipeg? Colluding with communist China. It goes deep.
Yes, we must remember that tyrants have killed hundreds of millions of innocent people in the last hundred years. They will kill more if given the chance. Fauci has openly admitted that he has zero concern about destruction of lives caused by government actions and over-reactions. Tyrants lust for power and control, at any cost.
It’s easy to look at other countries that don’t have forced vaccines, such as India. You’re more likely to die by tripping over your own feet than to die from covid.
Millions dead or injured from unnecessary vaccines. More than 100 million Americans have had covid, and we’re healthier than ever!
Murder by ventilator for profit: The truth eventually gets out
Add the pain, discomfort, menstrual effects, increased number covid illness etc and the vaccine rate of adverse effects are closer to 100%. And we have not even added the very long term adverse effects yet. Covid vaccine study reveals 40.2% of women exp…
My partner, who just turned 80 diagnosed with covid given remdesivir and intubation died Aug 25. — M. Alvarado
More doctors are coming forward to expose the massive lies by the Fauci and the CDC
Fauci and Francis have been caught, through publication of the Twitter files in which they smeared top epidemiologists who tried to warn the public against lockdown. The public has been bamboozled fooled by their fraud, their deception.
Fauci and Francis have been caught engaging in smearing of top epidemiologists, spreading disinformation and extreme censorship of the the most knowledgeable scientists.
The truth eventually comes out.
Did lockdowns and forced vaccines work? Of course not — Here’s the report on how it only left most people with less money, as it enriched politicians and billionaires