Should a loft buyer use the listing agent or the buyer’s agent? Being represented by a buyer’s agent gives a buyer the advantages of loyalty and confidentiality, objective advice, help with negotiating, and access to more homes. The buyer can reap substantial savings with the aid of a buyer’s agent.
Many home buyers and renters think that they may get a better deal on a loft, condo or house if they work directly with the listing agent. They may believe that a listing agent will somehow reduce the price or give the buyer some of the commission or a better negotiation position. It sounds promising, but wishful thinking like this could end up costing the buyers much more than it could save them. #industrial #lofts
The seller’s agent ( listing agent ), sometimes has a hard time being fair when representing the buyer because the listing agent already has a relationship with the seller. Listing agents are responsible for communicating anything and everything they learn about the buyer to the seller. This means that, if they find out what a buyer’s bottom-line number is, or their level of motivation for buying, the listing agent is obligated to disclose it, giving the sellers an advantage in negotiations.
Another major distinction is that the buyer’s agent can guarantee to save money for the buyer. Seller’s agents are not allowed to make such a guarantee. Most buyers use a buyer’s agent because the buyers agent will get them a lower price and better terns most of the time. #buyersagent
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