Here’s what’s happening in Los Angeles this week. | Blog Video
The city is still dominated by virus hysteria and damaging lockdown policies with inappropriate restrictions on business, causing damage to liberty and personal way of life. Media and politicians continue to peddle panic and foment hysteria while failing to disclose comorbidity, and withholding other facts that could alleviate fears.
Angelenos have the right to be informed that the “invisible enemy” has a comparitively low death rate. The L.A. Times fails to remind us that a winter flu spike happens most every fall in Los Angeles and worldwide, and that colds and flu are an integral part of humanity. Jarring locals with emotional alarms of “Cases, Cases, Cases,” our once-trusted Los Angeles area television and radio stations now purposely omit updates that include information about how early dire predictions have proven to be very wrong. There are no bodies piled up in the streets of L.A. Our hospitals are not overwhelmed. Many hospitals and doctor’s offices are all but empty, as badgered masses defer getting basic medical check-ups. The real killer is panic.
As politicians luxuriate in crowds, they attempt to impose new curfews and additional unfounded restrictions on a state and local economy that is already in shambles. They’re not listening to the countless Los Angeles hairdressers, waiters, students, shop owners and many others who suffer tremendously due to government overreaction and overreach.
The mask-wearing media continue to hype a dubious danger. Many locals are aware of the exaggerations, but they’re going along with it, as to be cooperative, and to not make waves. Even after the CDC, local doctors and top epidemiologists have concluded that the virus is comparable to a typical flu season, our local news have utterly failed to question the economic damage, mental damage and health damage caused by irrational fear, radical lockdown policies and excessive restrictions. It’s time for us to stop embracing hysteria. For many of us, our livelihood is our life. It’s time to claim our lives back in the City of Los Angeles.
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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE 01889449, MPR Funding Inc NMLS 2000513. We are not associated with the seller, homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.
This isn’t entirely true. Hospitals have been overwhelmed and are beyond capacity. This is the reason for the lockdowns. Moreover, people would still be moving to homes in the suburbs even if the dtla restaurants were open.
People in dtla are frequently not wearing their masks or social distancing. I believe this because of the large population of ignorant youth, the uneducated, and low income residents, populations which continue to hinder gentrification.
In addition to COVID, Black Lives Matter and calls for police defunding haven’t done dtla’ers any favors. We need more police and more than ever, but politicized calls for police defunding based on a false narrative and money grab from special interests have caused downtown homeowners to be in fear of walking outside.
Rioters and looters from violent, crime ridden areas continue to come to downtown for “celebrations” when their favorite sports teams wins, using dtla basically as their trash dump. Residents have done little to stop this behavior.
Therefore, it is a combination of several, complicated factors which I believe unfortunately will stunt home values in dtla for several years to come.
Thank you for your valuable comments.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. — Winston Churchill
Our main problem is panic, not pandemic. Historic pandemics have actually led to bodies piled up in the streets, with 30% to 75% of populations wiped out. We have nothing even approaching that. We have much closer to 0% of our population wiped out. A few hospitals get busy most fall and winters with seasonal flu, not a threat to humanity. In general, respiratory diseases have never killed large percentages of populations. In fact, the Spanish Flu never killed a large percentage of the population, but was still 1,000 times worse than today’s ultra-weak pandemic.
The tragic effects of hysteria are 100% real, while the hype of media and politicians is not. The death forecasts have proven to be nowhere near reality. Please do not ignore the fine print fraud. The CDC and politicians have all quietly admitted that almost all of the deaths are cause by pre-existing conditions, other ailments: Bacterial pneumonia, heart attack, chronic lower respiratory disease, adult respiratory distress syndrome, hypertensive disease, ischemic heart disease, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, other diseases of the circulatory system, sepsis, malignant neoplasms, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, vascular and unspecified dementia, renal failure, intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events, according to CDC. Please read also the fine print about hospitals being paid extra to list covid as cause of death. I know these can be hard to find — because they are being buried. But they are out there for those who wish to put some effort into opening their eyes.
The economic damage is more than real. The “sky is falling” cry is fake. I speak to many of my 21,283+ database of clients and contacts daily. Most of them are experiencing extreme financial challenges, while NOT ONE OF THEM HAS DIED from the virus. In today’s hostile environment of censorship and persecution, thousands of brave doctors have spoken out against the lockdown mistake. The consequences of major economic mistakes have killed hundreds of millions of people throughout history. One child killed by hysteria is one too many.