It’s a renters market in Downtown Los Angeles. Median rent price fell by 1.6% from last year, according to MLS statistics for Downtown and nearby MLS areas 23,42 and 1375 for the last six months, compared to the same period in 2019, when median rent was $2,750. 2020 median rent is $2,705. Because of this price drop, many apartments are offering incentives, and the L.A. Loft Blog is offering to guarantee at least $500 savings off of a lease on an amazing loft in the Downtown Los Angeles area. #dtla #lofts #forrent
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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE 01889449, MPR Funding Inc NMLS 2000513. We are not associated with the seller, homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.