The Loft Blog recently reported on Warren Buffett’s dash into gold, which signals likely trouble for the U.S. Dollar. #inflation #realestate
Stagflation should now be on everybody’s mind as many prices skyrocket, including food, household goods and building supplies. Urban real estate such as Downtown Los Angeles bears the brunt of the economic downturn, while suburban residential real estate does ok, benefitting from the big city exodus, super low interest rates, radical fed money printing and a falling dollar. Despite talk of a sharp v recovery, the radical lockdowns of 2020 will take time for extensive economic damage to become apparent, and shall require years to unwind. Even suburban real estate will take a beating as the Greater Depression of 2020 turns into a multi-year crisis.
Sadly, more and more economists are agreeing that the U.S. Dollar is being vastly over-printed, and getting positioned to plummet. Nobody knows just how long it will take for the greenback to go full Zimbabwe, but it’s only a matter of time before America’s saving grace, the world’s only reserve currency, loses its might.
The U.S. economy is currently in a Great Depression type of funk due to virus hysteria and panic lockdown aggravating what would have been a regular 1-year recession. The federal government is overreacting by conjuring up way too much helicopter money, which directly cheapens the money supply. The good news for investors: equities like stocks, along with physical assets like gold and real estate, all generally perform well when currencies are taking a beating. Digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin also perform better when traditional, old-fashioned fiat money is devalued.
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