Reader Questions:
Q: Which DTLA apt complexes (the ones with pools and gyms) should I look into? A: The Downtown Los Angeles apartment complex and condo buildings with swimming pools and fitness center gyms can be found here. Plus here’s a list of buildings that have swimming pools and gyms: #dtla
LOFTS & CONDOS FOR SALE AND FOR LEASE [Alphabetical] [Neighborhoods] [Map] #pool #gym #apartments P=Pool, G=Gym. | Video Blog
1100 Wilshire – 1100 Wilshire aBlvd, 90017 1100Lofts.com P G
655 Hope – 655 Hope St, 90017 655HopeLofts.com G
939 Lofts – 939 S Broadway, 9001 939Lofts.com P
Alta Lofts – 200 N San Fernando Rd, 90031 AltaLoft.com G
Barker Block – 510 & 530 S Hewitt St, 90013 BarkerBlockLA.com P G
Biscuit Company – 1850 Industrial St, 90021 BiscuitLoft.com M P G
Bunker Hill Tower – 800 W 1st St, 90012 BunkerHillTowerLA.com P G
Concerto Lofts – 901 Flower St, 90015 ConcertoLoft.com P G
Cornell Building – 746 S Los Angeles St, 90014 CornellBuilding.com M P G
Eastern Columbia – 849 S Broadway EasternColumbiaLoft.com M P G
Eckardt Building – 738 S Los Angeles St, 90014 EckardtLoft.com M P G
Elleven Lofts – 1111 S Grand Ave, 90015 EllevenLoft.com P G
Evo – 1155 S Grand Ave, 90015 EvoLoftsLA.com P G
Grand Avenue Lofts – 1100 S Grand Ave & 330 W 11th St, 90015 GrandAvenueLoft.com. P G
Library Court – 630 W 6th St, 90017 LibraryCourtLoft.com G
Little Tokyo Lofts – 420 S San Pedro St, 90013 M P G
Luma – 1100 S Hope St, 90015 Luma lofts P G
Market Lofts – 645 W 9th St, 90015 MarketLoftLA.com. P G
Metropolis Los Angeles – 8th Street and Francisco P G
Molino Lofts – 500 Molino & 530 Molino St, 90013 MolinoLoft.com P G
Mura Condominiums – 629 Traction Ave, 90013 P G
Promenade Condominiums – 121 S Hope St, 90012 P G
Promenade West – 880 W 1st St, 90012 PromenadeW.com P G
Puerta Del Sol – 360 W Avenue 26, 90031 PuertaDelSolLA.com G
Ritz Carlton Residences – 710 W Olympic Blvd, 90015 P G
Santee Village – (See Eckardt, Cornell and Textile) P G
Savoy Condominiums – 100 S Alameda, 90012 P G
SB Grand (Shybary or Shy Barry Grand) – 312 W 5th St, 90013 P G
Skyline Condominiums – 600 W 9th St, 90015 P G
Sky Lofts – 801 S Grand Ave, 90017 SkyLoftsLosAngeles.com G
TEN50 – 1050 South Grand Ave, 90015 LATen50.com P G
Teramachi Senior Condos – 267 S San Pedro St, 90012 P G
Textile Building – 315 E 8th St, 90014 M TextileLoftLA.com M P G
Toy Factory – 1855 Industrial St, 90015 ToyFactoryLoft.net P G
Vero – 1234 Wilshire, Los Angeles CA VeroLoft.com P G
M=Mills Act Historic Building Tax Benefits DETAILS
RENTAL LOFTS AND APARTMENTS (213) 478-0499 LAloftTour.com
717 Olympic – 717 W Olympic Blvd, 90015 P G
8th and Hope – 801 S Hope St, 90017 P G
Apex – 900 S Figueroa St, 90015 P G
Atelier DTLA – 801 Olive St, Los Angeles 90014 P G
Ava Little Tokyo – 236 S Los Angeles St, 90012 P G
Avant South Park – 1360 S Figueroa St, 90015 P G
Artisan on 2nd – 601 E 2nd St, 90012 P G
Canvas L.A. – 138 N Beaudry Ave, 90012 P G
Factory Place Lofts – 1308 Factory Place, 90013 P
G12 – 1200 S Grand Ave, 90015 P G
L.A. Loft Tour – (213) 478-0499 http://www.LAloftTour.com
LEVEL DTLA – 888 Olive St, 90015 P G
Long Beach Avenue Lofts – 1250 Long Beach Ave, 90021 P
Mozaic at Union Station – 888 N Alameda St, 90012 P
One Santa Fe – 1 Santa Fe, CA 90012 P G
Pacific Electric Lofts – 610 S Main St, 90014 P G
Packard Lofts – 1000 S Hope St, 90015 G
Pegasus – 612 S Flower St, 90017 P G
Peterson and Tansey Lofts – 1250 Long Beach Ave P
Promenade Tower – 123 S Figueroa St, 90012 P G
Roosevelt Lofts – 727 W 7th St, 90017 P G
Santee Court – 716 S Los Angeles St, 90014 P G
SB Grand – 312 W 5th St, 90013 P G
Watermarke Tower – 705 W 9th St, 90015 P G
Wren Apartments – 1230 S. Olive St, 90015 P G
Here’s the 2017 list of lofts and condos with swimming pools.
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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE 01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact 213-880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.
Some of the spaces here are beyond luxurious. What a gift to live in this city and to celebrate the beauty like this before us. It’s more like a destination location than a home. I love that. Makes me feel like royalty.