Congratulations to Guy and Stefani on finding the perfect WeHo live/work space in a pretty neighborhood, walkable to dining, shopping and entertainment. TOUR VIDEO | FIND A LIVE/WORK LOFT
Smart Money vs Dumb Money
The U.S. economy plunged into recession in February. The maven of smart money investing, Warren Buffett often reminds us to be fearful when others are greedy, and to be greedy when others are fearful. Today, we see a combination of substantial fear, along with substantial greed. The world is facing a global panic regarding a virus, while this liquidity-intoxicated stock market gyrates wildly, as it enters into the 2nd leg of a major decline. Retail (dumb money) vs institutional investors (smart money) create a wild west showdown that is certain to end in favor of the smart money. #weho #livework #investments
Downtown Los Angeles Real estate, on the other hand, settles deeper into paralysis, with just a few early signs of initial panic selling that will lead to a significant sell-off as cash shall run dry for the middle-of-the-road homeowner and investor.
As the Fed continues to directly hand over more of our money to the richest of the rich, all markets shall increasingly realize the true nature of the biggest, fastest economic shock in history caused by a radical, unprecedented global lockdown. Cascading crises have spun off: protests against racism, riots and looting — partially fueled by bottled-up frustration from the lockdown; foment of civil war by the lunatic left fringe, while right-wing wackos focus on pro-religious, anti-transgender legislation and trade wars. Perhaps more should be focused on salvaging the extremely damaged economy. Rather than letting the Fed steal more savings and print more money out of thin air, the U.S. could boost the economy with real investments that are historically proven to ameliorate a depression. This includes repairing dilapidated infrastructures, and building a new national hyperloop high-speed technology transportation system that would add hundreds of trillions of dollars of real money, real efficiency and real wealth to the beleaguered middle class.
With the Federal Reserve and federal government interference in the economy at critical stage, it’s getting more and more difficult to call markets and make predictions necessary to calculate and allocate capital. Fortunately, the government can only warp the markers temporarily, as supply and demand ultimately take precedence. QE quantitative easing and other forms of modern day money printing is one reason why the stock market has been booming recently, as the federal government pumps trillions into the economy, but the long-term market cycle builds more pressure to achieve a recession and price adjustment that is long overdue. To help readers profit from economic corrections, the suggestions that the LA Loft Blog has made over the last 18 months still applicably. Bitcoin, shorting weak, low-quality stocks and stocking up on gold still offer the greatest chance of big returns as the next down legs of the Greater Depression of 2020 occur. Take a look: GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES
Millennials entering the stock market are less easily able to recognize opportunities and risks. They tend to buy late and sell late. Experienced investors get in early, and cash out early, for greater profit. https://youtu.be/2IzGo6C6QUE
Reader Questions
Q: What is a 4plex probate sale? A: When the owner of a 4-plex dies, and has no living trust, the property inheritance details must be reviewed by a judge to determine who shall inherit the property, and how the estate is to be distrubuted. 2 to 4 units in probate is treated like a single family residence in most respects. For lending and rental purposes, a property with two to four units shares legal similarities to a single family home. Contrast this with residential properties with 5 or more units, which are usually considered to be a commercial property. Here’s more information on a previous 4plex probate sale, plus more information on 4plex and probate.
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