REAL ESTATE NEWS (LOS ANGELES, CA) — Chaos and Collapse of Real Estate Market Due to Corona-Panic | Blog Video
Panic and paralysis prove very unhealthy for real estate, and irrational fear is damaging to our health and well-being. Until recently, there have been several vital truths kept from Californians. Panic is deadly, and global panic is deadly to hundreds of millions. Although there are similar numbers of coronavirus and other flu-like deaths this year as compared to previous years, our world has been suddenly pushed into what could be the deadliest panic in history. Now that we’re aware of these undisclosed facts, we must immediately stop the shutdown, and get back to work so that we can minimize the damage and loss of life. Thats the only way we can turn potential tragedy into triumph: #coronavirus #update #panic
1. Coronavirus Covid-19 generally does not kill healthy individuals. Most “coronavirus” deaths are linked to multiple pre-existing conditions. It’s time to open up:
2. Economic shutdown and depression cause extreme unexpected poverty and death, especially to vulnerable, young persons. Doctors agree: It’s time to open up.
Much of what we’ve been told about coronavirus has turned out to be wrong. We were told that coronavirus is many times more deadly than seasonal flu. This is wrong (Do the math). We’ve been told that tens of thousands of additional ventilators are needed. This is wrong. We’ve been told that victims died solely from from “coronavirus”. That is wrong. We’ve been told that we need to go broke, then rely on tiny government handouts so that we can survive. This is wrong. We’ve been told that staying inside is healthy. This is wrong. We’ve been told that recessions are caused by bad guys and viruses. This is wrong.
Recessions occur almost regularly, roughly every 6-10 years. Rather than a blind eye or scapegoat, a healthy economy requires constant attention and constant adjustments by 35.2 million different American businesses and 128 million households. Blaming a virus for a recession and shutdown is very unhealthy for the economy, and for us. Lessons from The Great Depression taught us that panic and mistakes can impoverish our middle class, then lead to tens of millions of tragic, unnecessary deaths worldwide.
For many people, especially men, working and earning an income are absolutely vital for mental and physical health. Unhealthy people should go ahead and shelter in place if they want, or wear adequate covering, and let the healthy get back to healthy productivity.
Los Angeles provides massive amounts of services to impoverished and homeless persons, drawing billions of dollars from a strong economy. As our local economy is destroyed, it takes away these services. The shutdown is causing that funding to get wiped out to most all social services.
Sitting idly by, watching the chaos and collapse of the real estate market leads to the loss of massive amounts of money, but it’s also about losing the place where we live, our biggest investment and the foundation of our lives — the place we call home.
Almost every industry, is currently being damaged due to panic, but this is especially true for real estate. The medical industry is also being damaged. Initially we did not have access to the best data or statistics. But, we now have the information that we need to make the right decision, to immediately halt the corona-panic, to move forward in repairing the economic damage, and to create a future that is brighter and stronger than ever before.

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