A growing number of Downtown L.A. residents are fed up with what they see as inaction by the mayor’s office on uncontrolled homeless tent encampments, intolerable violent crime, dangerous refuse with it’s accompanying disease outbreaks. #suethemayor #garcetti #homeless #dtla

The new website encourages concerned Downtowners to do something about it. They’re promoting what may be the most cost-effective way to force positive change: sue the mayor in small claims court.
Internet site SueTheMayor.com promises a better way to address the financial burden on business owners and citizens, reduce festering garbage piles, rats, viruses and serious bacterial infections in our neighborhoods. The website hopes to help undue the traumatizing “lawless” society (aka Skid Row) that was created by the mayor’s office and city council. The small claims lawsuits could even save lives directly, preventing murders of innocents like the elderly man who was murdered right across the street from Whole Foods and Sky Lofts, and another older man, an LADWP employee murdered just a block away from Savoy Condominiums.
Some claim that Skid Row’s artificially created “homeless industrial complex” reaps hundreds of millions for profiteers, making things worse instead of improving homeless-related problems.
They believe that the mayor and city council have taken actions to make the homeless problems worse, and done so against the expressed demands of the greater Downtown LA community, leading to negligent infliction of emotional distress on millions of Angelenos.
Not only locals have noticed; over the last 12 months, the entire world has been taking note of Downtown’s embarrassing “sh!thole” situation of trash-strewn streets. Mayor Garcetti has received much, sometimes all of the blame. Even broadcasters of New York based potty-humor Howard Stern Show have recently commented on the unbelievable filth of L.A.
Those who are fed up might now be able to take action more easily, cheaply and powerfully by checking out the resources provided at www.SueTheMayor.com
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