Boring is the only way that Elan Musk and his associates can think of to alleviate chronic traffic issues that plague Los Angeles. That’s why he started the Boring Company and quickly dug a test tunnel. Almost every city in the world has chronic traffic issues. Living in L.A. since 2002, Musk recalls how being stuck on the 405 freeway feels to him like the 8th level of hell. #boring #hyperloop #musk
When it comes to fixing L.A.’s nightmare traffic problem, there are several ways to skin this cat. With one exception, Musk is not knowing other ideas that can improve traffic flow around Los Angeles. Flying cars, however, are not one of the solutions, he insists. Any kind of flying car will be impractical and dangerous, while any type of helicopter or drone would be prohibitively noise, windy and also unsafe.
Tunnels can go down very deep with no limit to the numbers of lanes that may be added. Tunnels can solve the transport problem without changing the look of the city. Many small stations not much larger than a parking space can lower cars into the tunnel system without using much real estate.
Currently, the fastest tunnel digging boring machine goes slower than a snail. Elan Musk has plans to beat the snail, with a goal of digging at about 1/10 the speed of a walking pedestrian. Drilling continuously while reinforcing segments at the same time may quadruple the speed. Adding power, top engineers are working out how to remove the dug dirt faster. Elan has more tricks up his sleeve: Tesla battery packs will allow the boring machine locomotive to operate like a cordless drill rather than the old way, which was running miles of ever lengthening high power lines.
Solving the traffic problem will be done in a green way. Even the dirt will be re-used efficiently. Concrete segments are already being created on-site using dirt from the bored hole. Musk’s team is making super strong, incredibly smooth bricks by compressing dirt with small amounts of concrete, superior in quality to cinder blocks.
Direct from DTLA to LAX specific airport terminal in 8 minutes!
The tunnel will be used for local car skates going over 100 miles an hour for short distances. The long-distance routes will be full hyperloops that zoom to other cities at up to 700 miles an hour, whisking up to 16 passengers from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes, all electric with zero emissions.
They’ve already built a .8 mile tube near Spacex in Hawthorne with a test slider that travels 200 miles per hour. Soon, it will increase to 300 MPH in an evacuated tube with almost all of the air removed by vacuum system to reduce drag while increasing speed and efficiency.
Tentative plans have already been drawn for a high-speed system that connects with Los Angeles Metro and other public transportation points. Downtown Los Angeles is on the Boring tunnel map. Tunnels to Elysian Park Dodger Stadium would likely make the Union Station gondola idea obsolete. Many loft owners would find their property values shoot up, as even the comparatively remote Alta Lofts would be within a few blocks from a high-speed Boring tunnel entrance.
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