German Shepherds, Rottweilers and Pit Bulls… Oh My! — They are almost always gentle, loving creatures. Almost always.

For those who want to avoid the story of a pit bull attack, skip to the Pet Friendly Lofts section. Some will really hate this blog post because it sounds like an angry rant. Maybe it is — because my life has been strongly impacted by a serious injury from another mishandled pit bull down the street. Even so, this is not about bad dogs. It is about enjoying loft living by preventing injury and death caused by dangerous dogs with dangerous owners. #petfriendly
While anyone with children and small pets will likely understand what I’m saying, some readers will get defensive and aggressive like an angry wolf. I saw how Alta residents reacted when I recently discussed this topic on the Alta Lofts Community Yahoo Group. First, the lady who dropped her pit bull’s leash, letting the dog loose at Alta (because she had other more important matters to attend to) apologized to me in person (after she was caught on video breaking the HOA rules). Later, she would sadly show her true colors. #lofts #dtla

After I mentioned online that Alta homeowners should think twice about tacitly approving of guard dogs, large aggressive dogs and fighting breeds, the mishandling pit bull owner saw the post urging safety HOA rules enforcement. She began attacking me personally, blaming me, even absurdly accusing me of attacking a pit bull. The truth is that my puppy and I were attacked by a pit bull that ran up to us as we were simply walking 15 feet away, bit me and mauled my chihuahua.
After the pit bull horrifyingly ran up and began biting us, the “gentle” beast attempted a classic pit bull lock grip on my small dog. The enormous mouth of the leaping pit bull bit down on my puppy causing him to scream in agony. I knew I had to use all of my might to push back in order to save my pup. It worked, I was able to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Without my extreme force to destabilize the pit bull at that point, the horror scene would have ended with my puppy’s slow, painful death in the jaws of the pit bull. It’s painful to imagine. Loving lap dogs are killed like this all the time.
Because I persisted for several days discussing Alta’s unusual acceptance of aggressive dogs on Alta Lofts Community Yahoo Groups, the mishandler’s friend joined in to attack me personally, even trying to attack my real estate career. Then another Alta Yahoo Groups reader, a former client, complained that I was ranting, and demanded that I stop discussing it on the Alta lofts community forum. Thank God I have my own blog where I can rant as much as I want because these are life-or-death topics. Thanks for reading and caring. Please tell us what you think and leave a comment.
While I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE large dogs, and have usually owned large dogs, my thoughts are with the owners of small pets. They have the most to lose from mishandled big dogs. The irresponsible pet-owners are the primary danger.
Wikipedia agrees with me as the dog fatality page linked below has a huge amount of research. It clearly shows that large, fighting breeds and guard dog breeds require special handling and the right environment that they don’t always get.
The ultimate problem is the dog handlers. When pit bull owners carelessly put down the leash, their “gentle” giants sometimes attack, injure and kill neighbors, small women, children and especially small pets like my puppy-baby Zzyzx the Wuppy. The dog handler (and often property owner such as the HOA) is liable for allowing their property to lead to any injury or damages.

Now, back to getting serious. Forget about offering sympathy or not for my worsening injury. That is not the point of this “rant.” The point is about safety, and preventing attacks that result from ill-equipped dog handlers and human error. Putting down the pit bull leash is a warning sign that the pit bull is not being handled correctly, and possibly has not been trained correctly. That mishandled pit bull is more likely to be one of the few that will attack and cause serious injury or death of a small loved one.
Pit Bulls and Mastiffs lead the way with the largest number of deaths. Even though pit bulls cause a disproportionate number of deaths, they should not be singled out unfairly. HOAs should be concerned with ALL dogs capable of killing a neighbor or pet. This includes large guard dogs, large-aggressive, dogs and large fighting breeds. The focus also needs to be on the dog owners and handlers. Homeowners associations such as Alta Lofts that allow the fighting breeds should think twice, and should check with their HOA insurance carrier to see what the insurance company says about dogs on the property.
Find 823 references to fatal dog attacks at:
Dogs and lofts can live happily ever after.

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About the Author: In addition to being the publisher of the L.A. Loft Blog, Corey Chambers is a life-long animal lover. While always placing people first, Corey has helped to train and handle award-winning show dogs, including large, aggressive dogs for more than 45 years. Tell Corey what you think.
Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker. | COMMENT
I live in the a loft building and watched the whole thing go down. Really, I wouldnt believe it if you said you had any followers but anybody reading this shit, it’s all a lie. Hes painted a picture of just absolute bullshit ha. This woman he’s talking about was nothing but overly respectful and I couldn’t even believe she apologized, but obviously was the bigger person in all this and just wanted it to end. She has a SERVICE DOG for seizures for god sakes! I’m sure if the dog can help her with seizures it can stand by her side without a leash and not kill small woman, children, or animals (cmon dude seriously?) on top on the fact that you’re just a pathetic sad man, your emails were like a window into how much you must just hate your life and everybody
You act like you have any kind of power or say
You’re living within you’re right and so was she and than apologiZed and fixed her mistake when she realized she broke a rule. On top of that do you know how ridiculous and just downright pathetic you sound? You’re just hooked on “guard dog” “large dog” aggressive dog” fuck if I was a dog I’d probably wanna nip you too, it suits that you have a chihuahua, you both never shut the fuck up. You’re the laughing stock of the building man, you were right to complain about the noise but the girl? She apologized as soon as you said something, was more than respectful to you in her emails, way more than you deserved, and yet you’re still bashing her? For what? For your own insecurities and hatred of your own life?
Oh she attacked me and did it personally. I’ve seen the new girl and her out, she’s a CHILD . 22 at most, and you’re what is supposed to be a “grown man” but you may as well be put in a child category too.
You obviously just hate pit bulls and are such a pussy and so scared of them you hide behind your computer screen typing fake facts to try and get the dogs away from you without just seeming like a scared little girl cause you’re too afraid to do anything about it
But I guess it’s all good as long as you keep ranting on your private blog with your pretend audience and your pretend crowd to make you feel better and as long as you shut the fuck up on the buildings for him more power to you
Hahahhahahaha but Turn just a word of advice from your neighbor, if you keep living your life this way I can already see that you lonely and sad, it’s only gonna get worse and then by the time you’re dying you’re going to be completely and I really alone because you would’ve pushed everyone away by living in your own son little world where everybody is your enemy
Peace bro fix your life
Congratulations to Alias on what is truly the most purely emotional rant that we’ve seen on the L.A. Loft Blog. Too bad it speaks so negatively about the writer’s own mind. As I predicted: angry like an aggressive wolf. It’s no coincidence that such an aggressive and vicious flamer supports roaming pit bulls while attacking people and small dogs so strongly. This post is about safety for people and pets; it’s not about attacking people. I wish Alias could have written a comment worthy of putting a real name — and maybe some facts so the comment might have some meaning and legitimacy. The raw emotion is of value, but visceral personal attacks sort of take away from what little logical sense that Alias is attempting to offer. Without trying, the nameless, faceless Alias did point out something really valuable and important, the fact that there is A LOT of interest and emotion surrounding pets, service animals around residential areas. I wish Alias was capable of being as sympathetic to pit bull victims as Alias tries to be to the partially disabled person who let a pit bull loose at a residential loft building. Altogether, Alias has demonstrated hatred. This is about safety for people and pets; it’s not about attacking pets or people.
Most loft lovers know that hate is the real enemy. Nobody here has said that all pit bulls are always killers. Most of them are gentle, and remain gentle if they are trained and handled correctly in the right environment. When a pit bull is matched up with a hater or careless handler, the pit bull is at that point absolutely, positively a true danger. The haters are in their own anti-human reality that does not match the real world, where most people and pets are nice most of the time, yet where pit bulls and other large aggressive breeds sometimes injure smaller dogs and their owners
Service dogs are service animals when the dogs and owners comply with the ADA requirements, such as training the dog and controlling the dog, not letting the pit bull roam around a residential location where extremely vulnerable smaller pets and children are also walking by.
It’s very telling and ironic that Alias chose to attack small dogs. That underscores what I’ve been trying to say: It is the mentality of the handler that makes the dog dangerous or not. It is true that scary Chihuahua bites (BIG bluster and tiny nips) are not real bites. If fact, they are usually a laughing matter Tiny dogs are a threat to rodents, not people. If you are a mouse, and you see a chihuahua, you had better run!
Large, aggressive dogs breeds are different. Fighting breeds, especially the bulls, often fail to give a warning before fatally striking. See the video links below and notice the pit bulls appear to be particularly relaxed, enjoying themselves as they attack. Take a look at the Wikipedia Dog Fatality list below and see which breeds are killing people. A breed that was specifically created by to fight, pit bulls kill large numbers of humans and pets because their bites exert 265 lbs of force that sometimes locks onto the person, such as a small child or pet until they are dead. Pit bull bites are not a laughing matter. For fighting breeds, the apparent carelessness of the handler (such as inattention or dropping the leash) may be the ONLY warning before an attack.
The fact is that most apartments and condominium HOA homeowners associations do not allow pit bulls at all, insurance companies generally don’t allow them. I’ve learned that the hatred of humans and small pets, such as the hatred that Alias demonstrates, leads directly to thousands dog attacks on humans and tens of thousands of small pet deaths. Loving pit bulls is wonderful. Saving abandoned pit bulls is wonderful when they are placed somewhere they are safe and happy. Placing pit bulls above humans and other dogs is a very dangerous problem. I’ve witnessed several injuries caused by large, aggressive dogs to children. My dog and I have been injured by a pit bull. Most Los Angeles community buildings have already banned pit bulls, as has the country that invented them for blood sport, England. Many other countries, states, municipalities and communities have also banned pit bulls and other breeds. Many condominium buildings limit the size of acceptable dogs so as to minimize potential damages. The average 100 lb beast of muscle and jaws will do more serious chomping than a 12 lb toy with little biting force. So, based on the real experience with large, aggressive dogs, I suggested that Alta Lofts homeowners take a close look at whether or not they want to be known for having potentially the most dangerous dogs and most dangerous dog owners of any loft building in Los Angles, and to take the risk and liability that goes with that.
Fighting breeds:
Pit bull guide dog attacks:
Pitt bull kills three pets and goes free:
Fatal dog attacks in the United States:
PS I hope that the bad karma of Alias does not lead to an ironic death of Alias by Mutant Spider Dog
You aren’t allowed to criticize pit bulls. Have you been living under a rock?
That’s right. Pit bills are now a protected class, and soon we will be required to hire pit bulls to teach pre-school, even if the pit bull has killed children in the past.
It looks like a pitt bull just attacked, injured or killed an adorable small dog in the Alta lofts elevator today. This is why pitt bulls (and often large dogs in general) are not allowed at most condominium buildings. If you check the insurance, Alta lofts HOA likely does not have insurance that covers pitt bull attacks. And of course is no way to replace a lost loved one. When a pitt bull injures or kills a small child at Alta lofts, it will be a big mistake, an expensive problem and a preventable tragedy. Safety must be the number one priority at any residential building. This is a violation of Alta rules, and a failure of the board to adequately enforce the most important rules. The three oldest HOA board members have been aware of this issue for some time, and have failed to take appropriate action, placing all homeowners and their loved ones at risk of lawsuits, injury and death.