FRAUD SQUAD – Special Update: DTLA Criminal At Large; Also Loft Litigation

Lawsuits and Litigation: First, some Downtown L.A. loft litigation news to report. We are told by a resident of SB Grand that they are suing Barry Shy and the SB Grand HOA Homeowner’s Association for damage done to their loft by faulty construction and expansion of a penthouse above. They say the the added weight was not properly supported, and is causing cracks and rain water leakage into their loft unit. So far, the LA Loft Blog has been unable to obtain any confirmation from other residents, and we’ve seen no written documentation on this report.

PREDATOR$ — An update on a dangerous criminal on the prowl: Professional con man fraudster Drew Christian Donovan AKA Christian Andrews AKA Jimmy Wayne Jackson has reportedly been released from jail. While the San Diego police did a perfect job of quickly arresting the culprit and sending him to the correct jurisdiction for prosecution, it looks like the Santa Barbara prosecutor was not too successful at putting him away for long. The main reason could be that LAPD has been sadly unable or unwilling to contribute. The last we heard from the LAPD is that they refuse to receive any of our MOUNTAIN of evidence against the fraudster because the “matter is under investigation.” It’s profoundly ironic and destabilizing when the Los Angeles Police Department is using the weakest of canned responses because they are too busy to investigate all of the evidence of what could be the #1 most prolific con artist in the Greater Los Angeles Area, with hundreds of victims and millions in damages. Perhaps the cops should admit the facts that they don’t have the budget to investigate major fraud because they blew the funds on misappropriations such as a mind-boggling fleet of electric BMWs — and, besides, LAPD leadership has more important things to do than fight crime, such as driving one of the electric BMWs to the nail salon. #dtla #realestate #fraud
Enough ranting about the trying to get the LAPD to lift a finger to help stop one bad real estate fraudster. It comes down to the fact that prevention really the most important part of fighting crime.
Fraud Protection Tip:
- Make sure that a friend who’s offering to gift a house, condo or loft is actually a real close friend and not just a con artist.
- Buyers and sellers need make sure that earnest money deposits are real, and triple check that real earnest money deposits are sent to the real escrow accounts.
- Renters: do not give personal information or money to any landlord, agent or manager who is out of town.
Following these tips will prevent about 90% of real estate fraud that we commonly see in Downtown LA.
Speaking of real estate law — Litigation and lawsuits remain one of Downtown’s biggest issues for lofts and condos. More that 25% of Downtown LA homes listed for sale have currently or recently had a lawsuit or litigation in the building. Get free information on Downtown loft litigation and lawsuits. Fill out the online form:
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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.