You have probably heard that phrase before. As you know it’s often associated with ‘Positive Thinking’ or lack of it. Is it possible to walk through this life with a positive attitude? Even when things are not going well? You probably know people who do. Would others say that YOU are one of those people? #coreychambers
Make no mistake about it, there is deep concern on behalf of everyone at our real estate company for the pain, difficulty and struggle many experience as they walk through life. Our belief is that in order to be a positive force for others, Positive Thinking is required. Please allow me to share some of that ‘core value’ with you in this season’s issue of the SoCal Quarterly Newsletter. #realestate #newsletter
In Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s classic book, The Power of Positive Thinking, he teaches the cultivation of ‘peace of mind’, not as an escape from the realities of life, but as a ‘power center’ out of which comes driving energy for constructive personal and social living.
It seems every time I cut the news on or look at social media, there seems to be a barrage of negativity. I have to look hard to find the ‘good news’. But as I walk around and live my life in practical terms, I see a great deal of love and positive energy from and among people. I’m not sure of the disconnect, it could be just me and my perceptions. Nonetheless I am reminded of the importance of staying positive as it relates to just about anything. Even in the midst of great tragedy, there is a different way to think.
Positive thinking is really just faith in action. When things are not going well, it is easy to develop a negative attitude. But in my experience, the fastest way to lift myself up when feeling down is to go help someone else who is feeling down. That is really tough to do without positive thinking. We all know how comforting it is when life has dealt us a bad blow a friend or someone we love brings us their positive energy. How else can we be lifted up in times of tragedy or sorrow? Positive Thinking is contagious.
With the practical techniques you will find in Dr. Peale’s book, it is not just possible but very likely to energize one’s life. Another way to describe Positive Thinking is it gives you the initiative needed to attain your ambitions and hopes.
Take a look at people you would say have ‘determination’. Determined people are Positive Thinkers. So we can say that Negative Thinkers lack determination. I’m not sure it is possible to be determined to succeed and not entirely possess Positive Thinking. I’ve never seen successful people who are negative. They are the opposite, they attract – the very definition of Positive.
With positive thinking you will learn how to:
o Expect the best and get it.
o Believe in yourself and in everything you do.
o Develop the power to reach your goals.
o Break the worry habit and achieve a relaxed life.
o Improve your personal and professional relationships.
o Assume control over your circumstances.
o Be kind to yourself.
It teaches positive thinking not as a means to fame, riches or power, but as the practical application of faith to overcome defeat and accomplish worthwhile creative endeavors in life. It teaches a hard, disciplinary way of life, but one which offers great joy to the person who achieves victory over themselves and the difficult circumstances of the world.
Even the words we speak have a direct and definite affect upon our thoughts. The way we think creates the words we use, and words are the vehicles of ideas. But words also affect our thoughts and help to condition if not to create attitudes. In fact, what often passes for thinking starts with talk.
The man who assumes success tends to already have success.
My hope is that YOU will expect the best and get it.
William James, the famous psychologist said “Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that insures the successful outcome of the venture”.
One thing that rises above most is our eagerness to get our children involved and hanging out with others who are good, noble, caring, ‘do the right things’ kind of kids. Most parents have an instinct to realize when their kids are hanging out with the wrong crowd. There is little they would not do to get their child of that environment. It is a universal truth that you will become who you hang out with. What amazes me are the adults that won’t apply this same rule to themselves. They engage in damaging behavior in WHO they watch, follow, and hang out with.
My belief is that we were put here to accomplish great things. We are capable of far more than we can imagine. Success starts between our ears: WHAT you think about and HOW you think about things. Oh and my glass? It’s not just half full, it’s running over!
Be Positive! Live Positive!
P.S. If you or someone you know want more on the subject of positive thinking, consider picking up a copy of Dr. Peale’s classic “The Power of Positive Thinking” or “The Power of Positive Thinking for Young People”
Corey Chambers’ Quarterly Featured Properties
Negotiating the highest sale prices for sellers, and the lowest for buyers!

The current narrative is that home prices have risen so much that it’s no longer a smart idea to buy a home. Your family and friends might suggest that buying a home right now makes absolutely no sense from an affordability standpoint. They are wrong!
Homes are more affordable right now than at almost any time in our country’s history except for the foreclosure years (2009-2015) when homes sold at major discounts. As an example, below is a graph from the latest Black Knight Mortgage Monitor showing the percentage of median income needed to buy a medium-priced home today compared to before the housing bubble and bust. As you can see, the percentage is less now than in the previous time periods. The Mortgage Monitor also explains that home affordability is better today than it was in the late 1990s in 47 of 50 states.
Your friends and family have your best interests at heart, but, when it comes to buying your first home or selling your current house to buy the home of your dreams, let’s get together to discuss what your best move is, now.
We are on a mission to raise $25,000 for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Kids under the care of Children’s Hospital are more likely to survive serious diseases and cancer. BUT, Children’s survives on sponsorships and donations. So, we make it a point to donate a portion of our income from selling homes to the great work that they do.
Whom do you know who’s considering buying or selling a home? When you refer them to my real estate sales team, not only will they benefit from our award-winning service, but we donate a substantial portion of our income on every home sale to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. It’s easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move. Go to www.ReferralsHelpKids.com and enter their contact info online or forward the link to those whom you know are considering a move OR you can always call me direct at 888-240-2500.
I can find you a home you will enjoy, but together we can give these kids a lifetime to enjoy!

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 Not associated with the homeowner’s association, seller or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.
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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.