Prolific Con-Man Christian Andrews AKA Drew Christian Donovan AKA Jimmy Wayne Jackson Has Been Caught #dtla #realestate #fraud
REAL ESTATE NEWS (September 11, 2017) Los Angeles, CA — Thanks to the smart readers of the L.A. Loft Blog, and due to the quick work of the San Diego Police Department, swindler Drew Donovan has been captured before he can destroy the finances of any more innocent victims. After wreaking havoc on the financial welfare of anyone whom he could get ahold of, including local families with children, disabled persons, even inflicting malevolent damage to sophisticated real estate industry professionals and homeowners in Los Angeles, the bad guy is finally off the street.
The L.A. Loft Blog first covered in May of 2017 the story about the fake philanthropist then going by the name Christian Andrews, taking several Los Angeles area locals by offering to pay off all of their bills, give them new cars, even million-dollar homes such as Downtown lofts and Solaire luxury high-rise condos in Koreatown. His foray into real estate fraud is what brought him down, as he tangled with the wrong group of savvy people. With powerful communication and hard work, the LA Loft Blog and its readers have toppled LA’s dangerous money menace.
The LA Loft Blog first became aware of the charlatan when he contacted our office requesting assistance with a Downtown loft purchase. After receiving fake proof of funds, fake earnest money deposit initiation receipts and other phony financial instruments, the L.A. Loft Blog learned that the trickster has defrauded more than 100 individuals, families, mothers, children, elderly, disabled out of more than $1,000,000 in the Greater L.A. Area (see the original story).
Arrested — Going by the fake name Christian Andrews, and carrying a California driver license that says Drew Christian Donovan, the supremely skilled deceiver has this week been outwitted by the caring community of L.A. Loft Blog readers and writers. When the scammer tried to lure them into one of his “free real estate” traps, real estate agent Norma Fernandez and her quick-witted client Joshua Alvarez checked the L.A. Loft Blog, which confirmed their suspicions. They wasted no time calling police. San Diego Police Department responded quickly, checked diligently, and then took cheater Donovan into custody on existing felony warrants for violating his probation and writing big, bad checks.
To help keep this menace locked away for a long time, those with any information may share it with police and with the L.A. Loft Blog at or call (213) 880-9910.
See the San Diego Sheriff Who’s In Jail website is (Search Drew Donovan). Learn more at the original LA Loft Blog article, and the Catch Drew Donovan blog website created by some of his victims at
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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit Licensed in California. Some details have been changed to protect the investigation. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.
Glad to find so many lately who are willing to fight fraud in Downtown real estate. It can be a challenging and never-ending battle against tricky, aggressive liars. When mentioning names of alleged fraudsters, we need to make sure that we have substantial evidence of the fraud. Please send any real estate fraud evidence to
He’s back on the loose most recently in the Salinas/Monterey area. He was staying at the Seaside Embassy Suites in early April 2018 and defrauded at least one person.
He is in custody in South SF. Scammed my husband and I. Luckily we contacted the police and they arrested him. He was using the name Andrew Shapiro. Same cancer story, trust etc. but he added a jilted lover angle. We lost some cash and paid his hotel stay.