New Downtown Los Angeles Reality TV Show LOFT WARS – Now Casting #loftwars #dtla

Loft Wars — the new modern urban real estate reality TV series starring amazing industrial live/work lofts and luxury condominiums in the most exciting place on Earth, Downtown Los Angeles.


loft-wars-altaThe series will co-star real estate agents and brokers, along with real-life buyers, sellers, luxury renters and landlords, with actors for added twists, drama and comic relief.

Seeking real estate professionals, actors and video professionals.

Call Corey Chambers (213) 880-9910 or


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One Reply to “New Downtown Los Angeles Reality TV Show LOFT WARS – Now Casting #loftwars #dtla”

  1. I can’t recommend this location enough. Let me begin by saying that trying to make any kind of movie, tv show or project in this town can be incredibly difficult often due to site managers. This is not the case with the loft wars. He is some of the most accommodating people that I have ever met. He did everything he could to make a challenging shoot go smoothly. I could probably talk for paragraphs about how interesting and informative these person happen to be. The loft is incredibly spacious, great location and really nice people! The location is very clean. The owners have ingeniously constructed pull out walls to either limit or expand the space depending on your needs. The rules are simple: be courteous and respectful to the owners and the space and they will bend over backwards to help you. He was simply the best. He literally saved my day. He understood that I needed a last minute location for an ambitious shoot and worked with me to get me out of a mess. We need more people like him in this industry. Forever grateful. This is by far the best loft I have shot in downtown LA. It comes already set dressed and extremely well designed. He will do anything to make sure your shoot goes well and you capture what you need. Would recommend everyone to scout this location and shoot here. You will not find a better loft.

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