New Live/Work Ordinance Adopted by L.A. City Council

Construction of Lofts Los Angeles
Historic and Industrial Live/Work Lofts

On February 10, 2016, the Los Angeles City Council adopted the “HI” Hybrid Industrial Live/Work Zone Ordinance. The new rule creates a new zone classification in the City of Los Angeles called the Hybrid Industrial (HI) Zone, along with accompanying land use and development standards. The new law comes online March 30, 2016. The main purpose of this new zone classification is to allow the development of residential live-work units, hotels and other specified commercial uses on property within an existing industrial zone and designated as Hybrid Industrial in the General Plan.

The newly approved HI Zone is the first industrial zone of its kind in Los Angeles. In addition to adding an assortment of residential and commercial uses on industrial land, projects sited on land zoned as HI must provide public benefits and other development requirements, such as below-ground parking. The new rules provide development incentives in exchange for affordable housing, additional non-residential floor area, public art and public open space.

The new ordinance is not likely to create a huge impact because it requires builders to construct very expensive underground parking below historic buildings, partially defeating the purpose of re-purposing.

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Historic and Industrial Lofts
Historic and Industrial Live-Work Lofts

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