HOA Homeowners Association Directory Downtown Los Angeles #hoa #dtla

HOAdtla.com  –  For those who need to reach a particular condo building, here is an alphabetical list of Downtown L.A. condominium building managers, HOA management offices, front desk concierge, security guard phone number and management websites. This directory also includes the websites for sales and leasing information. For rentals, click Sales.  #dtla

Ten50 1050 S Grand Ave, 90015  213-741-2129
1100 Wilshire Bl 90017 213-977-8880  Sales: 1100Lofts.com
655 Hope St 90017 310-694-0600 655hopestreethoa.com  Sales: 655HopeLofts.com
Alta 200 San Fernando Rd 90031  310-981-9901  Sales: AltaLoft.com
Barker Block 510 S Hewitt 213-473-0079 barkerblockhoa.com  Sales: BarkerLofts.com
Bartlett Building – 215 W 7th St, 90014 213-891-0127     Sales: BarlettLoft.com
Barn Lofts – 940 E 2nd St, 90012 213-880-9910    Sales: BarnLoftsLA.com
Beacon Lofts – 825 E 4th St, 90013 888-882-0588 Sales: BeaconLoft.com
Biscuit Company – 1850 Industrial St, 90021 310-981-9910 Sales: BiscuitLoftLA.com
Bunker Hill Tower – 800 W 1st St, 90012 213-624-2832  Sales: BunkerHillTowerLA.com
Concerto 901 Flower 90015 213-926-2411 ConcertoLoftsLA.com  ConcertoLoft.com
Cornell 746 S Los Angeles 213-243-0798 SanteeVillageLA.com Sales:CornellBuilding.com
Douglas 257 S Spring St 90012 213-627-2965 x164 DouglasLofts.net  DouglasLofts.com
Eastern Columbia 849 S Broadway 213-627-9346 easterncolumbiahoa.com   SALES
Eckardt 738 S Los Angeles 800-400-2284 SanteeVillageLA.com  Sales: EckardtLoft.com
El Dorado 416 S Spring St, 90015 213-627-2965 x164  Sales: ElDoradoLoft.com
Elleven 1111 S Grand Ave, 90015 213-749-1389 ellevenhoa.com  Sales: EllevenLoft.com
Evo 1155 S Grand Av 213-741-2700 EvoHOA.com  Sales EvoLoftsLA.com
Flower Street 1130 S Flower St 626-529-3918 FlowerStreetLofts.com     SALES
Glen Donald 2121 James M Wood Bl 310-915-9595 x35 GlenDonald.com    SALES
Gallery Lofts 120 & 130 S Hewitt St 213-880-9910  Sales: GalleryLoftLA.com
Grand Avenue – 1100 S Grand Ave & 330 W 11th St 800-400-2284     SALES
Higgins Building – 108 E 2nd St 213-627-2965     Sales: HigginsLA.com
Library Court – 630 W 6th St 213-627-2965 X112  Sales: LibraryCourtLoft.com
Little Tokyo Lofts 420 S San Pedro St 213-840-5077 HOA     SALES
Luma 1100 S Hope St 800-400-2284 LumaHOA.com  Sales: LumaLoft.com
Market Lofts 645 W 9th St 213-327-0562  Sales: MarketLoftLA.com
Metropolis Los Angeles – 8th Street and Francisco NEW    LosAngelesMetropolis.com
Molino Lofts 500 & 530 Molino St 800-706-7838 theprimeas.com     SALES
Mura Condominiums 629 Traction Ave 800-232-7517  Sales: MuraLosAngeles.com
Oceanwide Plaza – 1100 S Figueroa St, 90015 NEW     OceanwideDTLA.com
Ostrich Farm Lofts – 1010 Sycamore Ave, 91030     OstrichFarmLoft.com
Perla on Broadway – 400 S Broadway, 90013    PerlaDTLA.com
Pan American Building – 253 S Broadway, 90012     PanAmericanLoft.com
Perla on Broadway – 400 S Broadway, 90013    PerlaDTLA.com
Promenade Condos 121 S Hope St PromenadeLA.com 213-617-8121  SALES
Promenade West – 880 W. 1st St 213-617-0262  Sales: PromenadeW.com
Puerta Del Sol 360 W Avenue 26 Ave26.org 800-400-2284  Sales: PuertaDelSolLA.com
Ritz Carlton Residences 710 W Olympic Blvd, 90015   RitzyLofts.com
River House – 2974 Ripple Place 818-875-9550  Sales: LARiverHouse.com
Rowan Lofts 460 S. Spring St 800-232-7517 Sales: RowanLoft.com
Santee Village – (See EckardtCornell and Textile)
Savoy Condominiums – 100 S Alameda SavoyHOA.com  Sales: SavoyLosAngeles.com
SB Grand Shybary or Shy Barry 312 W 5th St 213-761-2635 LALoftRental.com  SALES
Skyline Condominiums 600 W 9th St 213-627-7450  Sales: SkylineCondoLA.com
Sky Lofts 801 S Grand Ave 213-627-7450  Sales: SkyLoftsLosAngeles.com
SL70 2220 Duane Street 323-388-8782  Sales: SL70.info
Teramachi Homes Senior Condos 267 S San Pedro St 213-613-9124 TeramachiHome.com
Terrace, The 1015-1035 Figueroa Ter, 90012 213-713-2378 FigueroaTerrace.com
Textile Building 315 E 8th St    Sales: TextileLoftLA.com
Tokyo Villa Condominiums 222 S Central Ave 213-617-8534  Sales: LittleTokyoVilla.com
Toy Factory 1855 Industrial St 213-627-2965 x164  Sales: ToyFactoryLoft.net
Toy Warehouse – 215 S Santa Fe Ave, 90012   ToyWarehouseLoft.com
Vero – 1234 Wilshire, Los Angeles CA    VeroLoft.com

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ENTAR® Real Estate and Investment Technologies

Corey Chambers, REALTOR®
(213) 880-9910

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Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Broker, DRE#01889449  Not associated with the homeowner’s association, seller or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.  #buildings

*seller and Corey must agree on price and time of possession – details and conditions visit coreychambers.com

3 Replies to “HOA Homeowners Association Directory Downtown Los Angeles #hoa #dtla”

  1. Thank you for your request for information about downtown LA homeowners association fees. The average HOA dues in Downtown Los Angeles today are over $500 per month. They range from around $250 per month to more than $2,000. You can find more information about Downtown Los Angeles Homeowners Associations at http://www.HOADTLA.com

  2. Thank You! This is a great list to start with! I was wondering if you had a list of HOA’s that are composed of houses . I’m looking to work for those that have clubhouses/community centers.

    1. Thank you for your request. We haven’t seen a list of HOAs for single family home houses. We’ve only been focusing on Downtown Los Angeles condo buildings. Perhaps talking to someone who works in your desired industry could be of help: Nicole Lucio, Recreation Manager nicole@wva.org 949/786-1800, ext. 116

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