Because Downtown Los Angeles is a bastion of new beginnings, progress, renaissance and turning old into new, it is the natural destination for those who are recently divorced.


Downtown’s vibrant, energetic new community is filled with lots of singles, fresh faces and friends of all kinds with plenty of positive energy and optimism for a bright future. Downtown is possibly the world’s most powerful destination for renewal.


Divorce is rarely easy and often means a lot of difficult decisions. One of the most important decisions is what to do about the house. In the midst of the heavy emotional and financial turmoil, what you need most is some non-emotional, straightforward, specific information and answers. Once you know how a divorce affects your home, your home loan and taxes, critical decisions are easier. Neutral, third party information can help you make logical, rather than emotional, decisions.

ad-cp-divorce-hl-rsiProbably the first decision is whether you want to continue living in the house. Will the familiar surroundings bring you comfort and emotional security, or unpleasant memories? Do you want to minimize change by staying where you are, or sell your home and move to a new place that offers a new start?

Only you can answer those questions, but there will almost certainly be some financial repercussions to your decision process. What can you afford? Can you manage the old house on your new budget? Is refinancing possible? Or is it better to sell and buy? How much house can you buy on your new budget?

To get the free report, fill out the online form:

DIVORCE Before you list your home, order Free Special Report that reveals what happens to your matrimonial home before, during, and after a divorce. Free recorded message 1-800-791-4541 ID# 1009

Copyright © 2015 This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not necessarily associated with the home owner’s association, seller or developer. For more information, contact (213) 478-0499 or visit LAcondoInfo.com  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker.

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