A new video tutorial has just been released that shows you exactly how to gain priority access to unlisted lofts and condos, as well as pocket listings and other private listings that are not on the internet and not available to most buyers, brokers or real estate agents.

This video will teach you how to find the perfect unlisted loft or condo in Downtown Los Angeles. As a potential new homeowner in Downtown, you want to find off market opportunities that are a perfect match for your needs because as many as 45% of the most amazing lofts, the best deals in Downtown over the past 3 years were off market, not listed, not on the internet, not available to other buyers.  You also want access to the largest number of pocket listings, private listings that are not available to other agents or brokers.  If you have a pretty good idea of what you want in a Downtown loft or condo, but it’s not listed. This will give you the opportunity to find identical matches to what what criteria is and make those properties become available on to the marketplace for you and not for other buyers. A perfect match could mean location, area, characteristics, or all the above.

So the first step is to go to a website called LAsecretLofts.com, enter your desired price range, minimum bedroom for a loft is any because most lofts are open with no bedrooms.  If you must have a bedroom with doors already made, then click 1 or 2.  If you have a family so you need more than 2 bedrooms, then a traditional condo or house is probably the best fit for your family.  Enter any other criteria that you need, such as if you need a pool, or pet friendly for large dogs, covered parking or security concierge.  For Downtown lofts, you can leave all of the property options checked.  Put in your first name, last name, email and phone so that you can get priority access to the privileged information, broker level access and priority information, and exclusive pocket listings available only from the #1 authority for Downtown residential real estate, the LA Loft Blog.

And you are on your way to beating out other buyers getting yourself the perfect unlisted loft or condo in Downtown Los Angeles.

The video is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6T85QWk3lE and the website is at http://www.lasecretlofts.com

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