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New Lofts Coming to Downtown Soon
Which Loft Rental Building is Most Likely to Go Condo Next? Take the GOING CONDO Quiz.

More than half of Downtown loft buyers prefer to purchase a new development of a genuine historic loft. These newly renovated lofts are often considered to be the most modern, chic and impressive homes of today. Out are the small, dark compartmented rooms with wall-t0-wall carpet – yuk!! In are huge windows, bright natural light with views, open floorpans with just the right bed area separation, polished floors and stainless steel appliances. The L.A. Loft Blog has recently heard from several sources about one impressive loft building in particular that may be going on sale very soon. Be among the first to find out. Take the Loft Blog “Going Condo” Quiz to test your Downtown loft knowledge. You will immediately get the correct answer, and you will be notified by email of upcoming loft condos for sale.
Test your Downtown loft knowledge. Which Downtown loft rental building is most likely to go condo next? Take the Quiz and find out now! Fill out my online form: