Avoid 6 Costly Errors When Moving to a Larger Home and Save Thousands
Downtown Los Angeles – A new report has just been released which identifies the 6 most common and costly mistakes that homebuyers make when moving to a larger condo.

Unlike the experience of buying a first home, when you’re looking to move-up, and already own a home, there are certain factors that can complicate the situation. It’s very important for you to understand these issues before you list your home for sale.
Not only is there the issue of financing to consider, but you also have to sell your present home at exactly the right time in order to avoid either the financial burden of owning two homes or, just as bad, the dilemma of having no place to live during the gap between closings.
In answer to this issue, Industry Insiders have prepared a FREE special report entitled “6 Mistakes to Avoid When Trading Up to a Larger Home.”
These six strategies will help you make informed choices before you put your loft on the market in anticipation of moving to a larger property.
To order a FREE Special Report, visit MoveUpLA.com or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free 1-800-791-4541 and enter 1007. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Get your FREE special report NOW to find out what you need to know to make your move-up to a larger home worry-free and without complication. Fill out my online form: