I’ll Sell Your Loft Faster, For More Money Guaranteed or I’ll Buy It!*
— Corey Chambers, REALTOR
Sellers get more money faster because our team provides:
Pocket Listing with Downtown’s #1 Pocket Listing Specialist Team increases chance of quick sale
Access to the largest list of VIP buyers in Downtown Los Angeles, more than 600 buyers
Notifications to all recent Sky Lofts Agents and all Top Downtown Specialist agents
Email blasts to more than 600 prospective Downtown loft buyers

Access to loft specialist lenders that have already approved of Sky lofts building
Multiple write-ups in Downtown’s #1 residential real estate authority media, the L.A. Loft Blog
Exclusive websites SkyLoftLA.com and SkyLoftsLosAngeles.com
Your property’s own dedicated website yourloftaddress.com – listing, property details, photos, buyer tools
Your property will be shown by a successful, licensed closing specialist agent, not an assistant or lockbox
Multiple daily postings to top online real estate websites
Print ads in Downtown News, Los Angeles Times newspaper and Los Angeles Magazine
Just Listed postcards to nearby residents
Professional photography with 24-36 photos or more
Easy tips from professional interior designer
Video Walkthrough
Multiple Open Houses
Sunday Tour of Homes
Buyers from LAcondoInfo.com, RealtyStore.com,
Buyers from other Sky Lofts listings
MLS Listing
Trulia Premium
Zillow Premium
Realtor.com Premium
Homes.com Premium
and more than 500 other websites
A note about our service: When selling, you do not want strangers alone in your home, so I never rely on a lockbox to show a property without me. I will do all showings myself (or my partner) so that you always have a top closing agent caring for your property, and procuring best offers from buyers.

Visit http://www.LAloftEval.com
*Guaranteed Sale Details:
Guarantee is based on mutually agreed sale price, when the buyer and seller move up to one of my listings. See Guarantee Certificate for all terms and conditions of guaranteed sale.
(213) 478-0499