Art Walk Downtown Los Angeles Every Month

Art Walk Downtown Los Angeles

artwalk-downtown-los-angelesTake a stroll when Downtown’s finest restaurants stay open late and throw a food and fashion filled block party! Festivities take place in heart of the Fashion District – just a few blocks south of Gallery Row. Enjoy a snack, then walk up to your favorite galleries. Presented by the L.A. Loft Blog.

Details and Photos  |  VIDEO

Art Walk Downtown Los Angeles
Art Walk Downtown Los Angeles
Stop Paying Rent
Stop Paying Rent


Be Your OWN Landlord. FREE list of great starter homes available in Downtown Los Angeles. To also receive a special report on how to stop renting.

Get the FREE REPORT at

If you’re like most renters, you feel trapped within the walls of a house or apartment that doesn’t feel like yours.  You’re always thinking about how you can get out of this rut and leap the hurdle into home ownership.

A new insider industry report entitled, “How to Stop Paying Rent and Own Your Own Home” explains how you can get out of the rental rut and own your own home.  You can request this free special report by simply leaving your mailing address after the tone.

Get the FREE REPORT at

One Reply to “Art Walk Downtown Los Angeles Every Month”

  1. We are sorry we missed this event had planned on being there but had a change of plans. I looked at the report on how to stop renting and it is very informative with information that is worth the time it takes to read it.

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