Dangers of Unhealthy, Unhygienic Wall-to-wall Carpeting

Dangers of Unhealthy, Unhygienic Wall-to-wall Carpeting

Dangers of Unhealthy Carpet
Dangers of Unhealthy Carpet

Did you know that carpeting is the #1 cause of indoor air pollution in suburban homes? Carpet has the largest surface area of anything in the home.  Taking up a huge amount of space, the materials used in the carpet, padding and installation make for a huge, ominous threat to the health of the inhabitants.

Like many other household products and furnishings, new carpet can be a source of chemical emissions. Carpet emits volatile organic compounds, as do products that accompany carpet installation such as adhesives and padding. Some people report symptoms such as eye, nose and throat irritation; headaches; skin irritations; shortness of breath or cough; and fatigue, which they may associate with new carpet installation. Carpet can also act as a “sink” for chemical and biological pollutants including pesticides, dust mites, and fungi.

Dirty Carpet
Dirty Carpet

Carpets may trap pollutants like dust mites, pet dander, cockroach allergens , particle pollution, lead, mold spores, pesticides, dirt and dust. Toxic gases in the air can adhere to small particles that settle into carpets. These pollutants may become airborne when disturbed by renovations, vacuuming or even daily activities like walking across the carpet. In the home, children are more likely to be exposed to pollution in carpets. They spend time playing on the floor and place their hands in their mouths. If a large area is covered in carpet, it may be very difficult to remove indoor air pollutants and allergens.

Chemicals used in some new carpets, carpet pads and the adhesives used to install them can harm your health. Some of these chemicals and glues are made with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which emit odors and pollutants. New carpet installation also has been associated with wheezing and coughing in babies in their first year of life.

Polished Concrete Floor Loft
Loft with Polished Concrete Floor

Educated urbanites know that, in order to attain a truly healthy home, wall-to-wall carpeting should be avoided. There are wonderful alternatives to wall-to-wall carpeting.  Natural fiber area rugs provide soft comfort and fashion when strategically added atop a wood, cork, linoleum, tile, or the mainstay of live-work lofts, the almighty polished concrete floor.  Downtown loft dwellers prefer clean, modern flooring that is durable, allows for unfettered movement and unlimited possibilities.  Request information on downtown homes with no carpet.


Corey Chambers
(213) 478-0499
L.A. Loft Blog, 200 N. San Fernando Rd., #119, Los Angeles, CA 90031

Copyright © This free information provided courtesy L.A. Loft Blog and LAcondoInfo.com with information provided by Corey Chambers, Realty Source Inc, BRE#01889449 We are not associated with the homeowner’s association or developer. For more information, contact (213) 880-9910 or visit LAcondoInfo.com  Licensed in California. All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Properties subject to prior sale or rental. This is not a solicitation if buyer or seller is already under contract with another broker. 

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Time to sell a Downtown Loft
Time to sell a Downtown Property

For those considering selling a loft or condo in Downtown, knowing what lofts and condos have sold for recently in the Downtown L.A. area, and how active listings are priced, is very important information when the time comes to put a home on the market.  This information will give sellers a good idea of what the home might sell for if it was put up for sale in today’s market.

This is critical information that sellers must have weeks before putting a loft, condo or house up for sale. 

Homeowners can receive a detailed listing of all recent home sales and all active listings in the Downtown Los Angeles area on the free L.A. Condo Information website:
